Multinational label
Label Code: LC 4281 / LC 04281
Only use this entity for releases which display the "WEA International" logo or which credit "WEA International" with no "Inc." or similar suffix.
Releases with a WEA logo without the word International beneath it must not be listed here. Also do not use this entity for releases which credit the specific company WEA International Inc. or WEA International Ltd., which
... VíceMultinational label
Label Code: LC 4281 / LC 04281
Only use this entity for releases which display the "WEA International" logo or which credit "WEA International" with no "Inc." or similar suffix.
Releases with a WEA logo without the word International beneath it must not be listed here. Also do not use this entity for releases which credit the specific company WEA International Inc. or WEA International Ltd., which are copyright holder for many labels within the Warner Music Group.