Dutch label.
Label Code: LC 2373 / LC 02373
Killroy was a label operated by Dutch record company Telstar Records. It was formed in the early 1970s by Telstar owner Johnny Hoes to cater for the growing pop and rock markets, which he felt could not be targeted by the Telstar label itself which was specialised in Dutch schlager music. Killroy was also used for English language releases. Its name and logo were based on t
... VíceDutch label.
Label Code: LC 2373 / LC 02373
Killroy was a label operated by Dutch record company Telstar Records. It was formed in the early 1970s by Telstar owner Johnny Hoes to cater for the growing pop and rock markets, which he felt could not be targeted by the Telstar label itself which was specialised in Dutch schlager music. Killroy was also used for English language releases. Its name and logo were based on the famous 'Kilroy was here' slogan, although Telstar (intentionally?) used two L's in its name rather than one.
From 1970 to 1982 Killroy enjoyed some success in the Dutch charts with homegrown talent such as The Classics, The Walkers, Normaal, Toontje Lager, the Frank Boeijen Groep and most notably Doe Maar, whose first two LPs sold over 500,000 copies on Killroy. From 1980 the label also put out several disco and rap releases, often licensed from foreign record companies. Falco's first hit Der Kommisar was released on Killroy, as was Pino d'Angio's Ma Quale Idea (later sampled in Madison Avenue's Dont Call Me Baby).
Killroy folded in 1983 and was replaced by a new Telstar label, Sky. All artists on Killroy moved to Sky, which itself folded in the late 1980s.
Killroy was een label van Telstar en ontstond begin jaren '70. Eigenaar Johnny Hoes vond het van belang dat er naast Telstar een apart label kwam waar de wat meer pop en rock gerichte muziek op terecht kwam in plaats van op het in 'volkse' muziek gespecialiseerde Telstar. Ook vond het Engelstalige materiaal een plek op Killroy. Rond 1980 werden ook enkele disco- en rapplaten op Killroy uitgebracht. De naam van het label en het logo waren ontleend aan de leus 'Kilroy was here', hoewel de schrijfwijze van het label al dan niet opzettelijk fout was: Killroy met twee l'en in plaats van met één.
Tussen 1970 en 1983 was Killroy behoorlijk succesvol met Nederlandse pop- en rockbands als als The Classics, Frank Boeijen Groep, Pino d'Angio', Doe Maar, Falco, Normaal, Toontje Lager en The Walkers.
In 1983 werd Killroy - net als alle andere sublabels van Telstar - opgeheven en vervangen door het Sky-label.