Dur Et Doux is a French collective of musicians who mutualize their means of communication, administration and production.
They act as a label and production company.
Dur et Doux is a family born out of a series of unexpected love affairs. There are parents, offspring, foetuses, adoptions… In short, Dur et Doux is a racing club whose frequent mating rituals produce brand-new bands, the kind whose imagination does no
... VíceDur Et Doux is a French collective of musicians who mutualize their means of communication, administration and production.
They act as a label and production company.
Dur et Doux is a family born out of a series of unexpected love affairs. There are parents, offspring, foetuses, adoptions… In short, Dur et Doux is a racing club whose frequent mating rituals produce brand-new bands, the kind whose imagination does not fall through the cracks of commercial logic; rather, Dur et Doux is (en)lightened by loooooooove. The system is simple: infatuation = births = a society high on endorphins. Simply put, Dur et Doux is an emancipated music collective, its members sharing their skillsets and mutualising everything related to advertising, administration and production. Dur et Doux represents a family of musicians hailing from Lyon’s underground music scene; musicians who transgress the frontiers of rock and jazz