Founded as state label Hungarian record company Magyar Hanglemezgyártó Vállalat (M.H.V.) in 1951.
Label Code: LC 1181 / LC 01181
The records were originally released under the label Qualiton up to the mid-sixties when the new brand name Hungaroton was created. Qualiton then furtherly existed as sublabel for folk music only, while Hungaroton became the template for pop, literature and mainly classical releases.
... VíceFounded as state label Hungarian record company Magyar Hanglemezgyártó Vállalat (M.H.V.) in 1951.
Label Code: LC 1181 / LC 01181
The records were originally released under the label Qualiton up to the mid-sixties when the new brand name Hungaroton was created. Qualiton then furtherly existed as sublabel for folk music only, while Hungaroton became the template for pop, literature and mainly classical releases.
Fotexnet bought the record company but keep the label live with huge and success Hungarian pop & classical catalog.
Disc Mastering Engineers: : MG / M.G. - Gábor Mocsáry, SI / S.I. - Imre Selmeczi, HP / H.P. - Horváth Péter, AT / A.T. - Arányi Tibor, BE / B.E. - Battha Endre, EO / E.O. - Ernőffy Olivér, HA / H.A. - Hegyaljai Anna, SR / S.R. - Spangel Rudolf, KK / K.K. - Keppinger Károly, PJ / P.J. - Petrás József
Hungaroton Magyar Hanglemezgyártó Vállalat or just MHV. Early name in socialism era only as Magyar Hanglemezgyártó Vállalat, Magyar Hanglemezgyártó Vállalat (M.H.V.)