Hearts And Knives - CD

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CD Visage: Hearts And Knives 2013

379 Kč Na objednávku
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
CD Visage: Hearts And Knives
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Blitz Club Records 20. května 2013 Evropa a UK

Visage: Hearts And Knives verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství Blitz Club Records dne 20. května 2013. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, New Wave a Synth-pop.

ID: 372950 EAN: 5055373513287 Discogs ID: 4586623
1 Never Enough 4:02 min
Written-By John Bryan, Rich Mowatt, Robin Simon, Sare Havlicek, Steve Strange
2 Shameless Fashion 4:24 min
Written-By Ben Woods, John Bryan, Nigel Summers, Rich Mowatt, Robin Simon, Steve Strange
3 She's Electric (Coming Around) 3:45 min
Written-By John Bryan, Josh Legg, Kyle Petersen, Michael MacNeil, Steve Strange
4 Hidden Sign 5:30 min
Written-By John Bryan, Julie Scott, Rich Mowatt, Sare Havlicek, Steve Barnacle, Steve Strange
5 On We Go 4:23 min
Written-By Guy Hatfield, John Bryan, John Graham, Robin Simon, Steve Strange
6 Dreamer I Know 3:41 min
Written-By Arno Carstens, John Bryan, Martin Glover, Michael MacNeil, Steve Strange
7 Lost In Static 5:07 min
Written-By Christian Kennerney, Greg Benns, John Bryan, Marco di Carlo, Robin Simon, Steve Strange
8 I Am Watching 4:09 min
Written-By John Bryan, John Graham, Robin Simon, Sare Havlicek, Steve Strange
9 Diaries Of A Madman 2:55 min
Written-By Dave Formula, Ross Tregenza, Steve Strange
10 Breathe Life 3:01 min
Written-By Steve Barnacle, Steve Strange
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Visage byla britská novovlnná skupina, kterou v roce 1978 založili Steve Strange a Rusty Egan spolu s Midge Urem, Billym Curriem, Davem Formulaem, Johnem McGeochem a Barrym Adamsonem. Kapela se stala synonymem vznikajícího hnutí New Romantic, které vzešlo z londýnské klubové scény...

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