Vaudeville Villain - Vinyl, CD

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2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR Silver Coloured Vinyl

1 149 Kč Skladem
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR
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Silver Coloured Vinyl

Rhymesayers Entertainment 29. března 2024 USA

Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain CLR verze na vinylu 2LP v kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Rhymesayers Entertainment dne 29. března 2024.

V roce 2003, během neuvěřitelného období růstu a přerodu legendárního umělce MF DOOM, nám představil jedno ze svých mnoha alter eg: Viktor Vaughn.

Viktor Vaughn byl interdimenzionální MC cestující časem z alternativní říše, kde byl hip-hop zakázán. Prozkoumával čas a prostor a hledal nové dimenze, aby zlepšil své MC dovednosti, což ho nakonec zavedlo do New Yorku v 90. letech, kde uvízl kvůli mechanické poruše svého stroje času.
Začal vystupovat na otevřených mikrofonech a v malých sálech, bojovat s ostatními MCs a vzal si několik vedlejších zaměstnání, aby získal dostatek peněz na opravu svého stroje času a vrátil se na své cesty. Vaudeville Villain je koncepční album jako žádné jiné, MF DOOM se na něm znovu objevuje jako mladší, hladovější a odvážnější člověk, aby prozkoumal nová i stará témata z jiného úhlu.

Poté, co si vytvořil druhé já v technologicky vyspělejším vesmíru, chtěl přirozeně zaujmout nový přístup k produkci. Viktor Vaughn přiměřeně rapuje nad next-schoolovými beaty, které se volně pohybují v prostoru mezi elektronikou a hip hopem, a to vše díky producentům Sound Ink King Honey, Heat Sensor a Max Bill, s výjimkou jedné skladby produkované RJD2. Díky původním textům DOOMa a několika pozoruhodným hostům, jako jsou M. Sayyid (Anti-Pop Consortium), Lord Sear, Apani B Fly MC, Louis Logic a další, je "Vaudeville Villain" jedním z nejkreativnějších příspěvků ve vesmíru MF DOOM.

Album lze řadit do žánru Hip Hop. Silver Coloured Vinyl.

Coloured Vinyl Album Reissue
ID: 466589 EAN: 0826257037015 Discogs ID: 27999702
A1 Overture
A2 Vaudeville Villain
Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
A3 Lickupon
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. Schmitz, Nathaniel Gosman
A4 The Drop
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
A5 Lactose And Lecithin
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
B1 A Dead Mouse
Percussion [Additional] Nathaniel Gosman | Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
B2 Raedawn
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. Schmitz, Nathaniel Gosman
B3 Let Me Watch
Featuring Apani B. Fly | Mixed By Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
B4 Open Mic Night Part 1
Featuring Brother Sambuca, Lord Sear, Louis Logic, Rodan | Mixed By Max Lawrence (2), Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
C1 Saliva
Mixed By Nathaniel Gosman | Producer RJD2 | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Ramble Krohn
C2 Modern Day Mugging
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
C3 Open Mic Night Part 2
Featuring AJ Ready Wright, Creature (2), Lord Sear | Mixed By Max Lawrence (2), Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
C4 Never Dead
Bass Jude Webre | Featuring M. Sayyid | Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
D1 Popsnot
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
D2 Mr. Clean
Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
D3 G.M.C.
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
D4 Change The Beat
Mixed By Max Lawrence (2) | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
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2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD RSD Gatefold Limited Edition Vinyl

1 499 Kč 2 týdny
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
2LP Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD
Obrázky pochází z

RSD Gatefold Limited Edition Vinyl

Get On Down 10. března 2023 USA

Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain LTD verze na vinylu 2LP v limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Get On Down dne 10. března 2023. Album lze řadit do žánru Hip Hop. RSD Gatefold Limited Edition Vinyl.

Album Limited Edition Reissue
ID: 431573 EAN: 0664425605013 Discogs ID: 23500205
A1 Overture
A2 Vaudeville Villain
Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
A3 Lickupon
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. Schmitz, Nathaniel Gosman
A4 The Drop
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
A5 Lactose And Lecithin
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
B1 A Dead Mouse
Percussion [Additional] Nathaniel Gosman | Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
B2 Rae Dawn
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. Schmitz, Nathaniel Gosman
B3 Let Me Watch
Featuring Apani B. Fly | Mixed By Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
B4 Open Mic Night Part 1
Featuring Brother Sambuca, Lord Sear, Louis Logic, Rodan | Mixed By Max Lawrence (2), Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
C1 Saliva
Mixed By Nathaniel Gosman | Producer RJD2 | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Ramble Krohn
C2 Modern Day Mugging
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
C3 Open Mic Night Part 2
Featuring AJ Ready Wright, Creature (2), Lord Sear | Mixed By Max Lawrence (2), Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
C4 Never Dead
Bass Jude Webre | Featuring M. Sayyid | Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
D1 Pop Snot
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
D2 Mr. Clean
Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
D3 G.M.C.
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
D4 Change The Beat
Mixed By Max Lawrence (2) | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
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CD Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain 2024

459 Kč Na objednávku
CD Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain
CD Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain
Obrázky pochází z

Metal Face Records | Rhymesayers Entertainment 29. března 2024 USA

Viktor Vaughn: Vaudeville Villain verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Metal Face Records ve spolupráci s Rhymesayers Entertainment dne 29. března 2024. Album lze řadit do žánru Hip Hop.

Album Reissue
ID: 491272 EAN: 0826257037022 Discogs ID: 28003293
1 Overture 0:34 min
2 Vaudeville Villain 2:31 min
Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
3 Lickupon 2:44 min
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. Schmitz, Nathaniel Gosman
4 The Drop 3:25 min
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
5 Lactose And Lecithin 2:34 min
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
6 A Dead Mouse 3:55 min
Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
7 Raedawn 3:00 min
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. Schmitz, Nathaniel Gosman
8 Let Me Watch 4:27 min
Featuring Apani B. Fly | Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
9 Open Mic Nite, Pt. 1 4:09 min
Featuring Brother Sambuka, Dr. Moreau, Lord Sear, Louis Logic, Rodan | Mixed By Max Lawrence (2), Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
10 Saliva 2:28 min
Mixed By Nathaniel Gosman | Producer RJD2 | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Ramble Krohn
11 Modern Day Mugging 2:43 min
Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
12 Open Mic Nite, Pt. 2 3:13 min
Featuring AJ Ready Wright, Creature (2), Lord Sear | Mixed By Max Lawrence (2), Nathaniel Gosman | Producer King Honey, Mr Ten | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
13 Never Dead 3:27 min
Bass Jude Webre | Featuring Curtis Strifer, M. Sayyid | Producer, Mixed By Heat Sensor | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Nathaniel Gosman
14 Popsnot 4:39 min
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
15 Mr. Clean 2:13 min
Producer, Mixed By King Honey | Written-By Daniel Dumile, Max Lawrence (2)
16 G.M.C. 3:33 min
Producer, Mixed By Max Bill | Written-By Daniel Dumile, M. McDonald (2)
17 Change The Beat (12" Version) 3:16 min
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Viktor Vaughn

Viktor Vaughn
Viktor Vaughn je jedním z mnoha alter eg Daniela Dumilea, britsko-amerického rappera známého pod uměleckým jménem MF DOOM. Pod přezdívkou Viktor Vaughn vydal Dumile v roce 2003 album "Vaudeville Villain". Tato postava mu umožnila prozkoumat různé aspekty jeho lyrického a hudebního...

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