Winds Of Time (The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal 1979-1985) - CD

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Box Set

3CD/Box Set Various: Winds Of Time (The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal 1979-1985) 2021

959 Kč 2 týdny
3CD/Box Set Various: Winds Of Time (The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal 1979-1985)
3CD/Box Set Various: Winds Of Time (The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal 1979-1985)
3CD/Box Set Various: Winds Of Time (The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal 1979-1985)
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HNE Recordings Ltd 8. ledna 2021 Evropa

Various: Winds Of Time (The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal 1979-1985) verze na 3CD/Box Set v remasterované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství HNE Recordings Ltd dne 8. ledna 2021. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Heavy Metal.

Compilation Remastered
ID: 259343 EAN: 5013929920507 Discogs ID: 12362590
1-1 Diamond Head: The Prince
Written-By Brian Tatler, Sean Harris
1-2 Fist: Brain Damage
Written-By Dave Irwin, Keith Satchfield
1-3 Angel Witch: Loser
Written-By Kevin Heybourne
1-4 Samson: Vice Versa
Written-By Bruce Dickinson, Chris Aylmer, Paul Samson, Thunderstick
1-5 Raven: Tyrant Of The Airways
Written-By John Gallagher (3), Mark Gallagher (2), Rob Hunter
1-6 Elixir: Winds Of Time
Written-By Paul Taylor (12), Phil Denton
1-7 Satan: Pull The Trigger
Written-By Satan
1-8 Demon Pact: Escape
Written-By Richard Dickerson
1-9 Dark Star: Kaptain America
Written-By Dark Star (10)
1-10 Persian Risk: Too Different
Written-By Persian Risk
1-11 Savage: We Got The Edge
Written-By Andy Dawson (2), Chris Bradley (4)
1-12 Heritage: Strange Place To Be
Written-By Steve Johnson (18)
1-13 Girlschool: Take It All Away
Written-By Kim McAuliffe
1-14 Chevy: Turn On The Light
Written-By Andy Chaplin, Bob Poole, Martin Cure, Paul Shanahan, Steve Walwyn
1-15 Colossus: Holding Back Your Love
Written-By Drew Scobbie, Fran Docherty, Mike McIntosh (2), Pete Caithness, Ronnie Boyd
1-16 Saxon: Stallions Of The Highway (Live)
Written-By Biff Byford, Graham Oliver, Paul Quinn (2), Pete Gill, Steve Dawson (2)
2-1 Lautrec: Mean Gasoline
Written-By Lautrec (6)
2-2 Hellanbach: All The Way
Written-By Hellanbach
2-3 Race Against Time: Bedtime
Written-By Al Short, Dave G. Halliday, Geoff Green (5)
2-4 Storm Queen: Come Silent The World
Written-By Boofy (2), Dave Morse, Neil Baker, Paul Barnett
2-5 Aragorn: Black Ice
Written-By Aragorn (2)
2-6 Tygers Of Pan Tang: Burning Up
Written-By Brian Dick, Jess Cox, Richard Laws (2), Robb Weir
2-7 Axis: Lady
Written-By Dave Little (4), John Cuningham, Marty Day, Mick Tucker (3), Neil Grafton, Paul McGuire (2)
2-8 Witchfynde: Tetelestai
Written-By Witchfynde
2-9 Vardis: If I Were King
Written-By Steve Zodiac
2-10 White Spirit: Midnight Chaser
Written-By Bruce Ruff, Graeme Crallan, Janick Gers, Malcolm Pearson
2-11 Jaguar: War Machine
Written-By Garry Pepperd
2-12 Brooklyn: Two Wheels
Written-By Danny Willson, Gordon Taylor (2)
2-13 Rock Goddess: The Love Lingers Still
Written-By Julie Turner
2-14 Atomkraft: Pour The Metal In
Written-By Ged Cook, Rob Redhead, Tony Dolan
2-15 Black Rose: Nightmare
Written-By Black Rose (5)
2-16 Girl: Heartbreak America
Written-By Phil Lewis
2-17 Tokyo Blade: If Heaven Is Hell
Written-By Alan Marsh, Andy Boulton
3-1 Venom: Witching Hour (Live)
Written-By Anthony Bray, Conrad Lant, Jeffrey Dunn
3-2 Warfare: Metal Anarchy
Written-By Falken, Gunner, Paul Evans (9)
3-3 Shiva: The Gallery (Demo)
Written-By Shiva (21)
3-4 Gaskin: Burning Alive
Written-By Gaskin
3-5 Mournblade: Anthem Of Chaos
Written-By Dunken Mullet, Richard Jones (37)
3-6 Ace Lane: Emotion
Written-By Mick Clarke (6)
3-7 Warrior: Prisoner
Written-By Warrior (8)
3-8 Turbo: Running
Written By Sagar | Written-By Cris Day
3-9 Blitzkrieg: A Time Of Changes
Written-By Brian Ross (3), Jim Sirotto
3-10 Silverwing: Rock And Roll Are Four Letter Words
Written-By Silverwing
3-11 Saracen: Jeckyll & Hyde
Written-By Robert Bendelow
3-12 Stormtrooper: Bounty Hunter (Demo)
Written-By Bob Starling, Colin Bond, Nigel Lloyd
3-13 Badge: Silver Woman
Written-By Graham Waudby, Tony Dixon (4)
3-14 Tysondog: Shoot To Kill
Written-By Paul Burdis
3-15 Avenger: Enforcer
Written-By Ian Swift, Mick Moore
3-16 Bitches Sin: Sign Of The Times
Written-By Pete Toomey
3-17 Soldier: Insanity (Demo)
Written-By Ian Dick, Steve Barlow
3-18 Satan's Empire: Soldiers Of War
Written-By Sandy McRitchie
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