Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations - CD

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3CD Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations 2011

489 Kč Na objednávku
3CD Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations
3CD Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations
3CD Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations
3CD Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations
3CD Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations
3CD Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations
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ZYX Music 23. září 2011 Německo

Various: Star Trek; Meeting Of The Generations verze na 3CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství ZYX Music dne 23. září 2011. Album zasahuje do žánrů Stage & Screen, Partitura a Soundtrack.

ID: 534970 EAN: 0090204643936 Discogs ID: 29359627
1-1 Star Trek Generations - Overture
1-2 Star Trek Generations - Main Title
1-3 Star Trek Generations - The Enterprise B / Kirk Saves The Day
1-4 Star Trek Generations - Deck 15
1-5 Star Trek Generations - Time Is Running Out
1-6 Star Trek Generations - Prisoner Exchange
1-7 Star Trek Generations - Outgunned
1-8 Star Trek Generations - Out Of Control / The Crash
1-9 Star Trek Generations - Coming To Rest
1-10 Star Trek Generations - The Nexus / A Christmas Hug
1-11 Star Trek Generations - Jumping The Ravine
1-12 Star Trek Generations - Two Captains
1-13 Star Trek Generations - The Final Fight
1-14 Star Trek Generations - Kirk's Death
1-15 Star Trek Generations - To Live Forever
1-16 Star Trek Generations - Sound Effects
2-1 Star Trek Sound Effects - Enterprise Bridge Sequence
2-2 Star Trek Sound Effects - Enterprise Doors Open Into Corridor
2-3 Star Trek Sound Effects - Enterprise Doors Open Into Transporter Room
2-4 Star Trek Sound Effects - Transporter Energize
2-5 Star Trek Sound Effects - Dematerialization
2-6 Star Trek Sound Effects - Materialization
2-7 Star Trek Sound Effects - Alien Planet Surface
2-8 Star Trek Sound Effects - Communicator Beeps
2-9 Star Trek Sound Effects - Dematerialization #2
2-10 Star Trek Sound Effects - Materialization In Trouble
2-11 Star Trek Sound Effects - Transporter Background #2
2-12 Star Trek Sound Effects - Enterprise Doors Open Into Bridge
2-13 Star Trek Sound Effects - Red Alert Klaxon
2-14 Star Trek Sound Effects - Warp Drive
2-15 Star Trek Sound Effects - Spock's Viewer On The Bridge
2-16 Star Trek Sound Effects - Buttons On Bridge
2-17 Star Trek Sound Effects - Main Viewing Screen
2-18 Star Trek Sound Effects - Viewing Screen Magnification
2-19 Star Trek Sound Effects - Phaser Firing Switch
2-20 Star Trek Sound Effects - Enterprise Phasers Firing (3 Blasts)
2-21 Star Trek Sound Effects - Phasers Striking Hull
2-22 Star Trek Sound Effects - Photon Torpedo (3 Blasts)
2-23 Star Trek Sound Effects - Phasers Striking Deflector Shields
2-24 Star Trek Sound Effects - Stratos Torture Ray Bombardment
2-25 Star Trek Sound Effects - Food And Drink Synthesizer
2-26 Star Trek Sound Effects - Sickbay Scanner
2-27 Star Trek Sound Effects - Sickbay Scanner #2 (Heartbeats)
2-28 Star Trek Sound Effects - Heartbeats
2-29 Star Trek Sound Effects - Spectro-Analysis Viewer
2-30 Star Trek Sound Effects - Main Viewing Screen
2-31 Star Trek Sound Effects - Many Tribbles
2-32 Star Trek Sound Effects - Tribble Coos
2-33 Star Trek Sound Effects - Tribble Predator
2-34 Star Trek Sound Effects - Tribble Violent Reaction
2-35 Star Trek Sound Effects - Atavacron
2-36 Star Trek Sound Effects - Boatswain Whistle
2-37 Alien Planet Atmosphere #2
2-38 Astrogator On Bridge
2-39 Garbled Radio Message
2-40 Romulan Ship Interior
2-41 Garbled Communicator Static
2-42 Bridge Scanner
2-43 M-5 Computer
2-44 Lab Scanner
2-45 Garbled Radio Signal #2
2-46 Disrupter Hits On Hull
2-47 Subterranean Elevator (Long)
2-48 Subterranean Elevator (Short)
2-49 Garbled Radio Signal #3
2-50 Engineering Room Interior
2-51 Comedy Background FX
2-52 Library Computer On Bridge
2-53 Eminar 7 Battle Computer
2-54 Red Alert Klaxon #1
2-55 Red Alert Klaxon #2
2-56 Red Alert Klaxon #3
2-57 Warp Drive Malfunctioning
2-58 Warp Drive Acceleration #2
2-59 Warp Drive Acceleration & Deceleration
2-60 Transporter Dematerialization
2-61 Transporter Materialization
2-62 Hand Held Medical Scanner
2-63 Red Alert Klaxons #4
2-64 Bridge Sequence #2
2-65 Bridge Buttons #2
2-66 Enterprise Doors
2-67 Hand Phaser
2-68 Phaser Bank
2-69 Shuttlecraft Interior
3-1 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Main Title
3-2 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Surprise Attack
3-3 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Spock
3-4 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Kirk's Explosive Reply
3-5 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Khan's Pets
3-6 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Enterprise Clears Moorings
3-7 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Battle In The Mutara Nebula
3-8 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Genesis Countdown
3-9 Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan - Epilogue / End Title
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