Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Vinyl

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) ve 2 vydáních. Soundtrack k filmu Scott Pilgrim vs. the World je skvělou kombinací starých a nových skladeb. Najdete v něm směs klasického a moderního rocku, ale i několik elektronických a hiphopových skladeb. Soundtrack je ideální pro každého, kdo má rád rockovou hudbu, a je to skvělý způsob, jak se rozpumpovat na boj. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Stage & Screen, Indie Rock a Soundtrack.

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


LP Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CLR Red Translucent Vinyl

999 Kč Skladem
LP Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CLR
LP Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CLR
LP Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CLR
LP Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CLR
LP Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CLR
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Red Translucent Vinyl

ABKCO | Universal | ILIAD 16. srpna 2010 USA

Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CLR verze na vinylu LP v kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství ABKCO ve spolupráci s Universal a ILIAD dne 16. srpna 2010.

Soundtrack k filmu Scott Pilgrim vs. the World je skvělou kombinací starých a nových skladeb. Najdete v něm směs klasického a moderního rocku, ale i několik elektronických a hiphopových skladeb. Soundtrack je ideální pro každého, kdo má rád rockovou hudbu, a je to skvělý způsob, jak se rozpumpovat na boj.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Stage & Screen, Indie Rock a Soundtrack.

Coloured Vinyl Compilation
ID: 538258 EAN: 0018771034315 Discogs ID: 2421969
A1 Sex Bob-Omb: We Are Sex Bob-Omb
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
A2 Plumtree: Scott Pilgrim
Written-By Amanda Bidnall, Carla Gillis, Catriona Sturton, Lynette Gillis
A3 Frank Black: I Heard Ramona Sing
Written-By Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson
A4 Beachwood Sparks: By Your Side
Written-By Andrew Hale, Paul S. Denman, Sade Adu, Stuart Matthewman
A5 The Black Lips: O Katrina!
Written-By Cole Alexander, Ian St Pe, Jared Swilley, Joe Bradley (2)
A6 Crash And The Boys: I'm So Sad, So Very, Very Sad
Performer Broken Social Scene, Erik Knudsen (2) | Written-By Brendan Canning, Charles Spearin, Kevin Drew, Ohad Benchetrit
A7 Crash And The Boys: We Hate You Please Die
Performer Broken Social Scene, Erik Knudsen (2) | Written-By Brendan Canning, Charles Spearin, Kevin Drew, Ohad Benchetrit
A8 Sex Bob-Omb: Garbage Truck
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
A9 T. Rex: Teenage Dream
Written-By Marc Bolan
A10 The Bluetones: Sleazy Bed Track
Written-By Adam Devlin, Ed Chesters, Mark Morriss, Scott Morriss
B1 Blood Red Shoes: It's Getting Boring By The Sea
Written-By Laura-Mary Carter, Steven Ansell
B2 Metric: Black Sheep
Written-By Emily Haines, James Shaw
B3 Brian Lebarton: Threshold
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
B4 Broken Social Scene: Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl
Written-By Brendan Canning, Charles Spearin, Emily Haines, James Shaw, Jessica Moss, John Crossingham, Justin Peroff, Kevin Drew
B5 The Rolling Stones: Under My Thumb
Written-By Keith Richards, Mick Jagger
B6 Beck: Ramona (Acoustic Version)
Written-By Beck Hansen
B7 Ramona
Performer Beck, Bram Inscore, Brian LeBarton, Jason Falkner, Joey Waronker | Written-By Beck Hansen
B8 Sex Bob-Omb: Summertime
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
B9 Threshold (8 Bit)
Written-By Beck Hansen
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Box Set

4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) PIC | LTD | DLX Reissue Picture Disc Seven Evil Exes Deluxe Limited Edition

5 499 Kč Skladem
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
4LP/Box Set Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   PIC | LTD | DLX
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Reissue Picture Disc Seven Evil Exes Deluxe Limited Edition

ABKCO | Universal | ILIAD 16. dubna 2021 Evropa, UK a USA

Various: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) PIC | LTD | DLX verze na vinylu 4LP/Box Set v Picture Disc limitované deluxe edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě, UK a USA ve vydavatelství ABKCO ve spolupráci s Universal a ILIAD dne 16. dubna 2021.

Letos uplyne 10 let od uvedení filmu Scott Pilgrim vs. the World v kinech a s ním i od vydání soundtrackového alba a hudby, které původně vyšly v roce 2010 u ABKCO Records. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) již získal řadu ocenění, mimo jiné od časopisu The Independent, který jej zařadil na 4. místo v žebříčku "40 nejlepších filmových soundtracků všech dob". Každou stranu LP zdobí obrázek jednoho ze "sedmi zlých ex" z filmu a na osmé straně je obrázek Scotta Pilgrima s Ramonou Flowers. Godrichova hudba se vůbec poprvé dočkala vinylového vydání a je k dispozici také samostatně na modrém vinylu ve formátu 2 LP. Společnost ABKCO pod dohledem Edgara Wrighta a Nigela Godricha navíc připravila rozšířenou 4LP PictureDisc edici soundtracku, která obsahuje další vystoupení Sex Bob-Omb a demosnímky Becka, stejně jako fanoušky oblíbenou skladbu "Black Sheep" od Metric, kterou nazpívala herečka Brie Larson.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Stage & Screen, Indie Rock a Soundtrack. Reissue Picture Disc Seven Evil Exes Deluxe Limited Edition.

Compilation Picture Disc Album Reissue Limited Edition Deluxe Edition
ID: 76422 EAN: 0018771876311 Discogs ID: 18323614
Original Soundtrack
A1 Beck, Nigel Godrich: We Are Sex Bob-Omb
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
A2 Plumtree: Scott Pilgrim
Written-By Amanda Bidnall, Carla Gillis, Catriona Sturton, Lynette Gillis
A3 Frank Black: I Heard Ramona Sing
Written-By Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson
A4 Beachwood Sparks: By Your Side
Written-By Andrew Hale, Paul S. Denman, Sade Adu, Stuart Matthewman
A5 The Black Lips: O Katrina!
Written-By Cole Alexander, Ian St Pe, Jared Swilley, Joe Bradley (2)
A6 Crash And The Boys: I'm So Sad, So Very, Very Sad
Performer Broken Social Scene, Erik Knudsen (2) | Written-By Brendan Canning, Charles Spearin, Kevin Drew, Ohad Benchetrit
A7 Crash And The Boys: We Hate You Please Die
Performer Broken Social Scene, Erik Knudsen (2) | Written-By Brendan Canning, Charles Spearin, Kevin Drew, Ohad Benchetrit
A8 Beck: Garbage Truck
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
B1 T. Rex: Teenage Dream
Written-By Marc Bolan
B2 The Bluetones: Sleazy Bed Track
Written-By Adam Devlin, Ed Chesters, Mark Morriss, Scott Morriss
B3 Blood Red Shoes: It's Getting Boring By The Sea
Written-By Laura-Mary Carter, Steven Ansell
B4 Metric: Black Sheep
Written-By Emily Haines, James Shaw
C1 Beck: Threshold
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
C2 Broken Social Scene: Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl
Written-By Brendan Canning, Charles Spearin, Emily Haines, James Shaw, Jessica Moss, John Crossingham, Justin Peroff, Kevin Drew
C3 The Rolling Stones: Under My Thumb
Written-By Keith Richards, Mick Jagger
C4 Osymyso: Ramona (Acoustic Version)
Written-By Beck Hansen
C5 Ramona
Performer Beck, Bram Inscore, Brian LeBarton, Jason Falkner, Joey Waronker | Written-By Beck Hansen
C6 Beck: Summertime
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian LeBarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
C7 Threshold (8 Bit)
Written-By Beck Hansen
D1 Black Sheep (Brie Larson Vocal Version)
Written-By Emily Haines, James Shaw
D2 Sex Bob-Omb: No Fun
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian Lebarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
D3 Garbage Truck
Written-By Beck Hansen
D4 Threshold
Written-By Beck Hansen
D5 Sex Bob-Omb: Indefatigable
Performer Allison Pill, Beck, Brian Lebarton, Mark Webber (4), Michael Cera | Written-By Beck Hansen
D6 Plumtree: Go!
Written-By Amanda Bidnall, Carla Gillis, Catriona Sturton, Lynette Gillis
Beck: Ramona
Written-By Beck Hansen
D11 Summertime
Written-By Beck Hansen
D12 Nigel Godrich: Enter Goddess
Written-By Koji Kondo
Original Score
E1 Nigel Godrich: Universal Theme
E2 Nigel Godrich: Hillcrest Park
E3 Nigel Godrich: Fight!
E4 Nigel Godrich: Slick (Patel's Song)
E5 Nigel Godrich: Love Me Some Walking
E6 Nigel Godrich: Talk To The Fist
E7 Nigel Godrich: Rumble
E8 Nigel Godrich: Feel The Wrath
E9 Nigel Godrich: The Grind
F1 Nigel Godrich: Hello Envy
F2 Nigel Godrich: Mystery Attacker
F3 Nigel Godrich: Second Grip
F4 Nigel Godrich: The Vegan
F5 Nigel Godrich, Jason Falkner, Justin Meldal-Johnsen: Bass Battle
F6 Nigel Godrich: Sorry I Guess
F7 Nigel Godrich: Roxy
G1 Nigel Godrich: The Ninth Circle
G2 Cornelius, Beck: Katanayagi Twins Vs Sex Bob-Omb
G3 Nigel Godrich: The Fight Is Over
G4 Nigel Godrich: Gideon Calling
G5 Nigel Godrich: Level 7
G6 Nigel Godrich: Welcome To Chaos Theme
G7 We Are Sex Bob-Omb (Fast)
G8 Nigel Godrich: Fast Entrance To Hell
G9 Nigel Godrich: Chau Down
G10 Nigel Godrich: Game Over
G11 Nigel Godrich: So Alone
G12 Nigel Godrich: Round 2
H1 Beck, Nigel Godrich: Death To All Hipsters
H2 Nigel Godrich: A Different Guy
H3 Nigel Godrich: Boss Battle
H4 Nigel Godrich: Blowing Up Right Now
H5 Nigel Godrich: Aftermath
H6 Nigel Godrich: Bye And Stuff
H7 Osymyso: Love
H8 Ramona
H9 Osymyso: Prepare
H10 Dan The Automator: Ninja Ninja Revolution
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