Mob Action Against The State - Collected Speeches From The Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair - CD

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2CD Various: Mob Action Against The State - Collected Speeches From The Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair 2003

239 Kč Na objednávku

AK Press | Alternative Tentacles Records 23. ledna 2003 USA

Various: Mob Action Against The State - Collected Speeches From The Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství AK Press ve spolupráci s Alternative Tentacles Records dne 23. ledna 2003. Album zasahuje do žánrů Non-Music, Mluvené slovo a Political.

ID: 231953 EAN: 0721616028522 Discogs ID: 6397358
1-1 Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Anarchism, Commodity Culture And Global Capitalism
1-2 Lawrence Ferlinghetti: The Greedy Blues
1-3 Christian Parenti: Capitalism, Crisis And Managing The Threat Of Poverty
1-4 Craig O'Hara: Punk, Politics, Policing, The Census & Handguns
1-5 Cindy Milstein: Freedom, Direct Democracy And The Good Society
1-6 Barry Pateman: Anarchist Tension #1
1-7 Barry Pateman: Anarchist Tension #2
1-8 Harry Britt: Culture, Freedom, Community & Possibility
1-9 Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz: Outlaw Woman
1-10 Paul Krassner: George W. Bush Passes The Test
2-1 Jello Biafra: We've Got A Bigger Problem Now: War, Terrorism & Beyond
2-2 Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Death To The State
2-3 Ruthie Gilmore: Prison Abolition & Grassroots Organizing
2-4 Elizabeth Martinez: Anarchist Chicana Women In History
2-5 Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz: Athiesm, Religion & Anarchism
2-6 Barry Pateman: Anarchist Tension #3
2-7 Barry Pateman: Anarchist Tension #4
2-8 Stephen Dunifer: Free Speech & Free Radio
2-9 Lorenzo Kom'Boa Ervin: Anarchism & The Black Revolution
2-10 Harry Britt: The Anarchist Revolution
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