The Imperial Sessions - CD

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2CD The Spiders: The Imperial Sessions 2000

855 Kč Týden
2CD The Spiders: The Imperial Sessions
2CD The Spiders: The Imperial Sessions
2CD The Spiders: The Imperial Sessions
2CD The Spiders: The Imperial Sessions
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Bear Family Records 2000 Německo

The Spiders: The Imperial Sessions verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství Bear Family Records roku 2000. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Blues, Rhythm & Blues a Doo Wop.

ID: 607743 EAN: 4000127156730 Discogs ID: 6391611
1-1 I Didn't Want To Do It
1-2 You're The One
1-3 For A Thrill
1-4 Mellow Mama
1-5 Lost And Bewildered (Slowly Losing My Mind)
1-6 Tears Begin To Flow (Sneaky Pete)
1-7 Why Do I Love You
1-8 Love's All I'm Puttin' Down
1-9 I'll Stop Crying
1-10 Mmm Mmm Baby (Hey Baby)
1-11 I'm Slipping In
1-12 Mmm Mmm Baby
1-13 Walking Around In Circles
1-14 I'm Searchin'
1-15 The Real Thing
1-16 She Keeps Me Wondering
1-17 21 (3 x 7 = 21)
1-18 That's Enough
1-19 Sukey, Sukey, Sukey
1-20 Bells In My Heart
1-21 Am I The One
1-22 Don't Knock
1-23 John The Revelator
1-24 Bye And Bye
2-1 (True) You Don't Love Me
2-2 Witchcraft
2-3 You Played The Part
2-4 Is It True (A Little Bird Told Me)
2-5 How I Feel
2-6 That's The Way To Win My Heart
2-7 Goodbye
2-8 I'll Be Free
2-9 Don't Pity Me
2-10 Dear Mary
2-11 A-1 In My Heart
2-12 Without Love
2-13 Someday Bye And Bye
2-14 That's My Desire
2-15 Better Be On My Way
2-16 Honey Bee
2-17 I'm Glad For Your Sake
2-18 Poor Boy
2-19 The Bells Are Ringing
2-20 I Miss You
2-21 Times
2-22 You're The One
2-23 Tennessee Slim
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