Barefoot And Pregnant - Vinyl

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2LP The Serenes: Barefoot And Pregnant CLR Remastered Coloured Cool Blue Vinyl

769 Kč Na objednávku
2LP The Serenes: Barefoot And Pregnant CLR
2LP The Serenes: Barefoot And Pregnant CLR
2LP The Serenes: Barefoot And Pregnant CLR
2LP The Serenes: Barefoot And Pregnant CLR
2LP The Serenes: Barefoot And Pregnant CLR
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Remastered Coloured Cool Blue Vinyl

Re 24. července 2020 Nizozemsko

The Serenes: Barefoot And Pregnant CLR verze na vinylu 2LP v remasterované kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Nizozemsku ve vydavatelství Re dne 24. července 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Indie Rock. Remastered Coloured Cool Blue Vinyl.

Album Reissue Remastered Coloured Vinyl
ID: 61142 EAN: 8714374570022 Discogs ID: 15668896
Barefoot And Pregnant
A1 Voodoo Economics
A2 Beneath The Canopy
A3 Abiding Place
A4 Wayland Smithy
A5 Follow The Rural Coast
Cello Derk Stegeman | Saxophone K. Romers
A6 The World Is A Woman's Breast
B1 Rebecca (You're Gonna Be Allright)
Cello Derk Stegeman
B2 Mermaid Mystery
Cello Derk Stegeman
B3 Good Missionary
Cello Derk Stegeman | Lead Guitar J. Scheffer
B4 Trip Down Memorystreet
The Blurred, Concealed And Declined Songs Of The Serenes
C1 Good Missionary
Cello Derk Stegeman | Lead Guitar J. Scheffer
C2 Homeland
C3 Lotusgirl
C4 Dreamdominion
C5 Chemistry Of Love
C6 We Won't Change
D1 Trembling Vicinity
D2 Transience
D3 Ruby Legend
D4 Green Blades Risin'
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The Serenes

The Serenes
Fríská skupina existovala v letech 1988-1995. Založili ji v roce 1988 Theo de Jong a Paul Dokter , oba dříve působili v kapele The Toylets. K nim se připojují Ale Bosma na baskytaru a Joan Hooghiemstra na bicí. Debutové album Barefoot And Pregnant vychází v roce 1990. V době vydání...

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