2LP The Orb: Abolition Of The Royal Familia CLR | LTD
180g Blue Coloured Vinyl Limited Edition
1 079 Kč
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180g Blue Coloured Vinyl Limited Edition
Cooking Vinyl
27. března 2020
Velká Británie
The Orb: Abolition Of The Royal Familia CLR | LTD verze na vinylu 2LP v kolorované limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Cooking Vinyl dne 27. března 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Ambient, House a Dub. 180g Blue Coloured Vinyl Limited Edition.
Bongos Nick Burton | Vocals Andy Caine | Written-By Alex Paterson, Andy Caine, Michael Rendall
House Of Narcotics (Opium Wars Mix)
6:10 min
Guitar Steve Hillage | Vocals Andy Caine | Written-By Alex Paterson, Andy Caine, Michael Rendall, Steve Hillage
Hawk Kings (Oseberg Buddhas Buttonhole)
4:56 min
Strings Violeta Barrena-Witschi | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Violeta Vicci
Honey Moonies (Brain Washed At Area 49 Mix)
5:26 min
Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall
Pervitin (Empire Culling & The Hemlock Stone Version)
4:13 min
Strings Violeta Barrena-Witschi | Synth Paul Conboy | Trumpet Ollie Cripps | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Violeta Vicci
Afros, Afghans And Angels (Helgö Treasure Chest)
7:10 min
Strings Violeta Barrena-Witschi | Synth Gaudi | Vocals Roney FM | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Violeta Vicci
Shape Shifters (In Two Parts, Coffee & Ghost Train Mix)
10:30 min
Bass Youth | Bass [Part One] Nick Burton | Drums Nick Burton | Effects [Dub Effects] Graham Sherman | Synth Gaudi | Trumpet [Part One] Roger Eno | Whistle [Whistles] Leighton Newell | Written-By [Part One] Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Nick Burton, Roger Eno | Written-By [Part Two] Alex Paterson, Gaudi, Martin Glover, Michael Rendall, Nick Burton
Say Cheese (Siberian Tiger Cookie Mix)
5:32 min
Bass Youth | Effects [Dub Effects] Graham Sherman | Harmonica, Vocals Roger Eno | Melodica David Harrow | Synth Gaudi | Trumpet Ollie Cripps | Written-By Alex Paterson, David Harrow, Gaudi, Martin Glover, Michael Rendall, Roger Eno
Ital Orb (Too Blessed To Be Stressed Mix)
7:26 min
Bass Youth | Melodica David Harrow | Synth Gaudi, Miquette Giraudy | Vocals [Howl] Ruby (75) | Written-By Alex Paterson, David Harrow, Gaudi, Martin Glover, Michael Rendall, Miquette Giraudy
The Queen Of Hearts (Princess Of Clubs Mix)
5:10 min
Synth Gaudi | Written-By Alex Paterson, Gaudi, Michael Rendall
The Weekend It Rained Forever ) (Oseberg Buddha Mix (The Ravens Have Left The Tower)
12:37 min
Guitar, Vocals Steve Hillage | Lamellophone [Tuning Fork] Kev Harris (2) | Piano Roger Eno | Synth Miquette Giraudy | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Miquette Giraudy, Roger Eno, Steve Hillage
Slave Till U Die, No Matter What U Buy (L'anse Aux Meadows Mix)
7:26 min
Voice [Spoken Word] Roney FM | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall
2LP The Orb: Abolition Of The Royal Familia LTD
180g Limited Edition Vinyl
597 Kč
Na objednávku
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com
180g Limited Edition Vinyl
Cooking Vinyl
27. března 2020
Velká Británie
The Orb: Abolition Of The Royal Familia LTD verze na vinylu 2LP v limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Cooking Vinyl dne 27. března 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Ambient, House a Dub. 180g Limited Edition Vinyl.
The Orb: Abolition Of The Royal Familia verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Cooking Vinyl dne 27. března 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Ambient, House a Dub.
Bongos Nick Burton | Vocals Andy Caine | Written-By Alex Paterson, Andy Caine, Michael Rendall
House Of Narcotics (Opium Wars Mix)
6:08 min
Guitar Steve Hillage | Vocals Andy Caine | Written-By Alex Paterson, Andy Caine, Michael Rendall, Steve Hillage
Hawk Kings (Oseberg Buddhas Buttonhole)
4:57 min
Strings Violeta Barrena-Witschi | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Violeta Vicci
Honey Moonies (Brain Washed At Area 49 Mix)
5:03 min
Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall
Pervitin (Empire Culling & The Hemlock Stone Version)
4:11 min
Strings Violeta Barrena-Witschi | Synth Paul Conboy | Trumpet Ollie Cripps | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Violeta Vicci
Afros, Afghans And Angels (Helgö Treasure Chest)
6:11 min
Strings Violeta Barrena-Witschi | Synth Gaudi | Vocals Roney FM | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Violeta Vicci
Shape Shifters (In Two Parts, Coffee & Ghost Train Mix)
10:52 min
Bass [Part One] Nick Burton | Bass [Part Two] Youth | Drums [Part Two] Nick Burton | Effects [Dub Effects; Part Two] Graham Sherman | Synth [Part Two] Gaudi | Trumpet [Part One] Roger Eno | Whistle [Part Two] Leighton Newell | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Nick Burton | Written-By [Part One] Roger Eno | Written-By [Part Two] Gaudi, Martin Glover
Say Cheese (Siberian Tiger Cookie Mix)
5:27 min
Bass Youth | Effects [Dub Effects] Graham Sherman | Harmonica, Vocals Roger Eno | Melodica David Harrow | Synth Gaudi | Trumpet Ollie Cripps | Written-By Alex Paterson, David Harrow, Gaudi, Martin Glover, Michael Rendall, Roger Eno
Ital Orb (Too Blessed To Be Stressed Mix)
7:17 min
Bass Youth | Melodica David Harrow | Synth Gaudi, Miquette Giraudy | Voice [Howl] Ruby (75) | Written-By Alex Paterson, David Harrow, Gaudi, Martin Glover, Michael Rendall, Miquette Giraudy
The Queen Of Hearts (Princess Of Clubs Mix)
5:06 min
Synth Gaudi | Written-By Alex Paterson, Gaudi, Michael Rendall
The Weekend It Rained Forever ) (Oseberg Buddha Mix (The Ravens Have Left The Tower)
12:31 min
Guitar, Vocals Steve Hillage | Lamellophone [Tuning Fork] Kev Harris (2) | Piano Roger Eno | Synth Miquette Giraudy | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall, Miquette Giraudy, Roger Eno, Steve Hillage
Slave Till U Die, No Matter What U Buy (L'anse Aux Meadows Mix)
7:16 min
Voice [Spoken Word] Roney FM | Written-By Alex Paterson, Michael Rendall
The Orb je vlivná britská elektronická hudební skupina známá jako průkopník žánru ambient house. Stránky The Orb založil v roce 1988 Alex Paterson a zpočátku se k nim připojil člen skupiny KLF Jimmy Cauty. Jejich raná vystoupení byla známá tím, že obsahovala eklektické samply a hr...
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