In The End It Always Does - Vinyl, CD

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LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR Coloured Blue Opaque (cornflower) Vinyl

1 039 Kč Skladem
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
LP The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR
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Coloured Blue Opaque (cornflower) Vinyl

Dirty Hit 14. července 2023 USA a UK

The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does CLR verze na vinylu LP v kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA a UK ve vydavatelství Dirty Hit dne 14. července 2023. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop a Indie Pop. Coloured Blue Opaque (cornflower) Vinyl.

Coloured Vinyl Album Stereo
ID: 486044 EAN: 5060257963454 Discogs ID: 27541155
A1 Spot Dog
Written-By Amber Bain, George Daniel
A2 Touching Yourself
Written-By Amber Bain
A3 Sad To Breathe
Written-By Amber Bain
A4 Over There
Written-By Amber Bain, Justin Vernon, Phil Cook
A5 Morning Pages
Featuring Muna | Written-By Amber Bain, Katie Gavin
A6 Boyhood
Written-By Amber Bain, Chloe Kraemer, Jessica Miller (6)
B1 Indexical Reminder Of A Morning Well Spent
Written-By Amber Bain
B2 Friends
Written-By Amber Bain, Charlotte Aitchison
B3 Sunshine Baby
Written-By Amber Bain, Chloe Kraemer, George Daniel
B4 Baby Goes Again
Written-By Amber Bain
B5 You Always Get What You Want
Written-By Amber Bain
B6 One For Sorrow, Two For Joni Jones
Written-By Amber Bain, Chloe Kraemer, Katie Gavin
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CD The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does 2023

449 Kč 2 týdny

Dirty Hit 7. července 2023 Velká Británie

The Japanese House: In The End It Always Does verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Dirty Hit dne 7. července 2023. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop a Indie Pop.

ID: 492680 EAN: 5060257963539 Discogs ID: 27638802
1 Spot Dog
Written-By Amber Bain, George Daniel
2 Touching Yourself
Written-By Amber Bain
3 Sad To Breathe
Written-By Amber Bain
4 Over There
Written-By Amber Bain, Justin Vernon, Phil Cook
5 Morning Pages
Written-By Amber Bain, Katie Gavin
6 Boyhood
Written-By Amber Bain, Jessica Miller (6)
7 Indexical Reminder Of A Morning Well Spent
Written-By Amber Bain
8 Friends
Written-By Amber Bain, Charlotte Aitchison
9 Sunshine Baby
Written-By Amber Bain
10 Baby Goes Again
Written-By Amber Bain
11 You Always Get What You Want
Written-By Amber Bain
12 One For Sorrow, Two For Joni Jones
Written-By Amber Bain, Katie Gavin
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The Japanese House

The Japanese House
The Japanese House je sólový projekt anglické indie popové umělkyně Amber Bain. Přezdívku The Japanese House převzala podle nemovitosti v anglickém Cornwallu, na kterou má hezké vzpomínky z dětství a která kdysi patřila Kate Winslet. Hudba Bainové je známá svými éterickými, zasněn...

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