Victory - Vinyl, CD

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LP The Jacksons: Victory Gatefold Without Dove Vinyl

od 150 Kč Skladem
LP The Jacksons: Victory
LP The Jacksons: Victory
LP The Jacksons: Victory
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Gatefold Without Dove Vinyl

Epic 1984 Evropa

The Jacksons: Victory verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Epic roku 1984. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Synth-pop, Soul a Disco. Gatefold Without Dove Vinyl.

Album Stereo
ID: 240429 Discogs ID: 20961388
A1 Torture 4:51 min
Arranged By [Horns] Jackie Jackson, Jerry Hey | Arranged By [Music] Jackie Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Drums Jeff Porcaro | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Keyboards Michael Boddicker, Randy Jackson | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Lead Vocals Jermaine Jackson, Michael Jackson | Percussion Randy Jackson | Producer Jackie Jackson | Programmed By Michael Boddicker | Programmed By [Additional] David Ervin | Soloist, Guitar Jack Wargo | Synthesizer Michael Boddicker, Randy Jackson | Trumpet Jerry Hey | Written-By Jackie Jackson, Kathy Wakefield
A2 Wait 5:24 min
Arranged By David Paich, Jackie Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Drums Jeff Porcaro | Engineer Tom Knox | Engineer [Assistant] Niko Bolas, Shep Lonsdale, Stuart Furusho, Terry Stewart | Guitar Steve Lukather | Keyboards David Paich, Steve Porcaro | Lead Vocals Jackie Jackson | Mixed By Greg Ladanyi, Niko Bolas | Percussion Lenny Castro | Producer David Paich, Jackie Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Synthesizer David Paich, Steve Porcaro | Written-By David Paich, Jackie Jackson
A3 One More Chance 5:02 min
Arranged By Randy Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Drum Programming Randy Jackson | Lead Vocals Randy Jackson | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Randy Jackson | Written-By Randy Jackson
A4 Be Not Always 5:35 min
Acoustic Guitar Greg Poree | Arranged By Michael Jackson | Arranged By [Strings] Jerry Hey | Concertmaster Murray Adler | Engineer [Assistant] John Van Nest, Mike Hatcher | Engineer, Mixed By Bruce Swedien | Harp Gayle Levant | Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Michael Jackson | Lyrics By [Additional] Marlon Jackson | Producer Michael Jackson | Technician [Technical Director] Matt Forger | Viola Robin Ross (2) | Written-By Michael Jackson
B1 State Of Shock 4:30 min
Arranged By Michael Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Johnny Ray Nelson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson | Drum Programming [Linn], Handclaps Michael Jackson | Engineer [16 Track] Brent Averill | Engineer [Assistant] Matt Forger, Ollie Cotton | Engineer, Mixed By Bruce Swedien | Guitar, Bass David Williams (4) | Lead Vocals Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Michael Jackson | Technician [Technical Director] Matt Forger | Written-By Michael Jackson, Randy Hansen
B2 We Can Change The World 4:44 min
Arranged By Tito Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Bass Louis Johnson, Nathan East | Engineer Bill Bottrell, Tito Jackson | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Guitar David Williams (4), Tito Jackson | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Drum Programming Tito Jackson | Lead Vocals Tito Jackson | Lyrics By [Additional] Wayne Arnold | Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Percussion Lenny Castro | Producer Tito Jackson | Programmed By [Synthesizer] Derek Nakamoto, Tito Jackson | Written-By Tito Jackson
B3 The Hurt 5:20 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Engineer Bill Bottrell, Tom Knox | Engineer [Assistant] Ann Calnan, Bino Espinoza, Brian Malouf, Paul Ericksen, Shep Lonsdale | Keyboards David Paich, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Lead Vocals Randy Jackson | Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Producer David Paich, Steve Porcaro, The Jacksons | Synthesizer David Paich, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Written-By, Arranged By David Paich, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro
B4 Body 5:05 min
Arranged By John Barnes, Marlon Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Electronic Drums [Simmons] Jonathan Moffett | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Guitar David Williams (4) | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Drum Programming [Linn] Marlon Jackson | Lead Vocals Marlon Jackson | Producer Marlon Jackson | Soloist, Guitar Greg Wright | Synthesizer [Additional] David Ervin, John Barnes | Written-By Marlon Jackson
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LP The Jacksons: Victory Gatefold Alternate Cover Vinyl

100 Kč Skladem
LP The Jacksons: Victory
LP The Jacksons: Victory
LP The Jacksons: Victory
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Gatefold Alternate Cover Vinyl

Epic Evropa

The Jacksons: Victory verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Epic. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Synth-pop, Soul a Disco. Gatefold Alternate Cover Vinyl.

Album Reissue
ID: 669175 EAN: 5099745045013 Discogs ID: 2162811
A1 Torture 4:51 min
Arranged By [Horns] Jackie Jackson, Jerry Hey | Arranged By [Music] Jackie Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Drums Jeff Porcaro | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Guitar [Solo] Jack Wargo | Keyboards Michael Boddicker, Randy Jackson | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Lead Vocals Jermaine Jackson, Michael Jackson | Percussion Randy Jackson | Producer Jackie Jackson | Programmed By Michael Boddicker | Programmed By [Additional] David Ervin | Synthesizer Michael Boddicker, Randy Jackson | Trumpet Jerry Hey | Written-By Jackie Jackson, Kathy Wakefield
A2 Wait 5:24 min
Arranged By David Paich, Jackie Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Drums Jeff Porcaro | Engineer Tom Knox | Engineer [Assistant] Niko Bolas, Shep Lonsdale, Stuart Furusho, Terry Stewart | Guitar Steve Lukather | Keyboards David Paich, Steve Porcaro | Lead Vocals Jackie Jackson | Mixed By Greg Ladanyi, Niko Bolas | Percussion Lenny Castro | Producer David Paich, Jackie Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Synthesizer David Paich, Steve Porcaro | Written-By David Paich, Jackie Jackson
A3 One More Chance 5:02 min
Arranged By Randy Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Drum Programming Randy Jackson | Lead Vocals Randy Jackson | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Randy Jackson | Written-By Randy Jackson
A4 Be Not Always 5:35 min
Acoustic Guitar Greg Poree | Arranged By Michael Jackson | Arranged By [Strings] Jerry Hey | Concertmaster Murray Adler | Engineer [Assistant] John Van Nest, Mike Hatcher | Engineer, Mixed By Bruce Swedien | Harp Gayle Levant | Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Michael Jackson | Lyrics By [Additional] Marlon Jackson | Producer Michael Jackson | Technician [Technical Director] Matt Forger | Viola Robin Ross (2) | Written-By Michael Jackson
B1 State Of Shock 4:30 min
Arranged By Michael Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Johnny Ray Nelson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson | Drum Programming [Linn], Handclaps Michael Jackson | Engineer [16 Track] Brent Averill | Engineer [Assistant] Matt Forger, Ollie Cotton | Engineer, Mixed By Bruce Swedien | Guitar, Bass David Williams (4) | Lead Vocals Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa | Producer Michael Jackson | Technician [Technical Director] Matt Forger | Written-By Michael Jackson, Randy Hansen
B2 We Can Change The World 4:44 min
Arranged By Tito Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Bass Louis Johnson, Nathan East | Engineer Bill Bottrell, Tito Jackson | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Guitar David Williams (4), Tito Jackson | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Drum Programming Tito Jackson | Lead Vocals Tito Jackson | Lyrics By [Additional] Wayne Arnold | Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Percussion Lenny Castro | Producer Tito Jackson | Programmed By [Synthesizer] Derek Nakamoto, Tito Jackson | Written-By Tito Jackson
B3 The Hurt 5:20 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Engineer Bill Bottrell, Tom Knox | Engineer [Assistant] Ann Calnan, Bino Espinoza, Brian Malouf, Paul Ericksen, Shep Lonsdale | Keyboards David Paich, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Lead Vocals Randy Jackson | Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Producer David Paich, Steve Porcaro, The Jacksons | Synthesizer David Paich, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Written-By, Arranged By David Paich, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro
B4 Body 5:05 min
Arranged By John Barnes, Marlon Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Electronic Drums [Simmons] Jonathan Moffett | Engineer [Assistant] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Guitar David Williams (4) | Guitar [Solo] Greg Wright | Keyboards [Fairlight] John Barnes | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Drum Programming [Linn] Marlon Jackson | Lead Vocals Marlon Jackson | Producer Marlon Jackson | Synthesizer [Additional] David Ervin, John Barnes | Written-By Marlon Jackson
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CD The Jacksons: Victory 2018

349 Kč Na objednávku
CD The Jacksons: Victory
CD The Jacksons: Victory
CD The Jacksons: Victory
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Epic 18. června 2018 Evropa

The Jacksons: Victory verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Epic dne 18. června 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Synth-pop, Soul a Disco.

Album Reissue
ID: 483053 EAN: 5099745045020 Discogs ID: 1897265
1 Torture 4:54 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Nelson Hayes | Drums Jeff Porcaro | Engineer [Assisted] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Horn [Arrangements] Jackie Jackson, Jerry Hey | Keyboards [Fairlight Computerized] John Barnes | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Horns [Synth], Programmed By [Synth] Michael Boddicker | Keyboards, Synthesizer, Percussion Randy Jackson | Lead Vocals Jackie Jackson, Michael Jackson | Lyrics By Jackie Jackson, Kathy Wakefield | Music By, Composed By, Arranged By, Producer, Other [Ad Libs] Jackie Jackson | Programmed By [Synth Additional] David Ervin | Soloist, Guitar Jack Wargo | Trumpet Jerry Hey
2 Wait 5:26 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Ivy Skoff, Nelson Hayes | Drums Jeff Porcaro | Engineer Tom Knox | Engineer [Assisted] Niko Bolas, Shep Lonsdale, Stuart Furusho, Terry Stewart | Guitar Steve Lukather | Keyboards, Synthesizer David Paich, Steve Porcaro | Lead Vocals Jackie Jackson | Mixed By Greg Ladanyi, Niko Bolas | Music By, Composed By, Arranged By, Lyrics By David Paich, Jackie Jackson | Percussion Lenny Castro | Producer David Paich, Jackie Jackson, Steve Porcaro
3 One More Chance 5:06 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Nelson Hayes | Engineer [Assisted] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Keyboards [Fairlight Computerized] John Barnes | Music By, Composed By, Arranged By, Lyrics By, Producer, Lead Vocals, Keyboards, Synthesizer, Programmed By [Drum] Randy Jackson | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa
4 Be Not Always 5:37 min
Acoustic Guitar Greg Poree | Arranged By [Strings] Jerry Hey | Concertmaster Murray Adler | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Nelson Hayes | Engineer [Assisted] John Van Nest, Mike Hatcher | Engineer, Mixed By Bruce Swedien | Harp Gayle Levant | Lyrics By [Additional] Marlon Jackson | Music By, Composed By, Arranged By, Lyrics By, Composed By [Strings], Producer, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Michael Jackson | Other [Technical Director] Matt Forger | Viola Robin Ross (2)
5 State Of Shock 4:31 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Johnny Ray Nelson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Nelson Hayes, Shari Dub | Engineer [Assisted] Matt Forger, Ollie Cotton | Engineer, Mixed By Bruce Swedien | Guitar, Bass David Williams (4) | Lead Vocals Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger | Lyrics By Michael Jackson, Randy Hansen | Music By, Composed By, Arranged By, Producer, Handclaps, Programmed By [Linn] Michael Jackson | Other [Technical Director] Matt Forger | Percussion Paulinho Da Costa
6 We Can Change The World 4:45 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Bass Louis Johnson, Nathan East | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Nelson Hayes | Engineer Bill Bottrell, Tito Jackson | Engineer [Assisted] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Guitar David Williams (4) | Keyboards [Fairlight Computerized] John Barnes | Lyrics By [Additional] Wayne Arnold | Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Music By, Composed By, Arranged By, Lyrics By, Producer, Lead Vocals, Keyboards, Synthesizer, Programmed By [Drum], Guitar Tito Jackson | Percussion Lenny Castro | Programmed By [Synth Additional] Derek Nakamoto
7 The Hurt 5:27 min
Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Ivy Skoff, Nelson Hayes | Engineer Bill Bottrell, Tom Knox | Engineer [Assisted] Ann Calnan, Bino Espinoza, Brian Malouf, Paul Ericksen, Shep Lonsdale | Keyboards, Synthesizer David Paich, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Lead Vocals Randy Jackson | Lyrics By Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson | Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Music By, Composed By, Arranged By David Paich, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Steve Porcaro | Producer David Paich, Steve Porcaro, The Jacksons
8 Body 5:06 min
Arranged By [Music] John Barnes, Marlon Jackson | Backing Vocals Jackie Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson | Coordinator [Project Coordinator] Nelson Hayes | Drums [Simmons] Jonathan Moffett | Engineer [Assisted] Bino Espinoza, Mitch Gibson, Paul Ericksen | Engineer, Mixed By Bill Bottrell | Guitar David Williams (4) | Guitar [Solo] Greg Wright | Keyboards [Fairlight Computerized] John Barnes | Music By, Composed By, Lyrics By, Producer, Lead Vocals, Keyboards, Synthesizer, Programmed By [Linn] Marlon Jackson | Synthesizer [Additional] David Ervin, John Barnes
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CD The Jacksons: Victory 2020

399 Kč 2 týdny

The Jacksons

The Jacksons
The Jacksons , původně známá jako The Jackson 5, je kultovní americká rodinná hudební skupina pocházející z Gary ve státě Indiana. Skupina vznikla v roce 1964 a původně ji tvořili bratři Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon a Michael Jacksonovi. Poprvé se proslavili na celostátní úrovni...

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