Big Apple Bluegrass - CD

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CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass 2003

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CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
CD The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass
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Vanguard Records 28. července 2003 Evropa

The Greenbriar Boys: Big Apple Bluegrass verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Vanguard Records dne 28. července 2003. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Bluegrass.

ID: 194877 EAN: 0090204922406 Discogs ID: 11692625
1 Love Bug 1:40 min
2 Darby Ram 2:36 min
3 Methodist Pie 2:26 min
4 Mississippi Sawyer 1:48 min
5 Danville Girl 3:11 min
6 Coot From Tennessee 1:57 min
7 The Great Assembly 1:51 min
8 Take A Whiff On Me 2:14 min
9 Cabin In Gloryland 2:16 min
10 Honky Tonk Girl 2:34 min
11 Gotta Travel On 1:56 min
12 Way Down In The Country 2:07 min
13 Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down 3:19 min
14 Rambling Round 2:57 min
15 Stay All Night 1:51 min
16 Shine On Me 2:14 min
17 Roll On John 3:59 min
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The Greenbriar Boys

The Greenbriar Boys
The Greenbriar Boys byla severská bluegrassová hudební skupina, která se poprvé dala dohromady na jam sessions v newyorském Washington Square Parku. Kytarista/zpěvák John Herald založil The Greenbriar Boys , spolu s Bobem Yellinem a Ericem Weissbergem . Vznikla: 1959

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