Clash Of The Primitives - Vinyl, CD

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LP/CD The Grave Brothers: Clash Of The Primitives LTD LP + CD Split Album

659 Kč Na objednávku
LP/CD The Grave Brothers: Clash Of The Primitives LTD
LP/CD The Grave Brothers: Clash Of The Primitives LTD
LP/CD The Grave Brothers: Clash Of The Primitives LTD
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LP + CD Split Album

Drunkabilly Records 20. ledna 2014 Evropa

The Grave Brothers: Clash Of The Primitives LTD verze na vinylu LP/CD v limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Drunkabilly Records dne 20. ledna 2014. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Punk, Folk Rock, Country Rock a Psychobilly.

Album Limited Edition
ID: 128759 EAN: 4024572615536 Discogs ID: 5084618
A1 The Grave Brothers: Goat Skin Clogs
A2 The Grave Brothers: Way Up High/Down Below
A3 The Grave Brothers: Are You Drinking With Me Jesus
Written-By Jello Biafra
A4 The Grave Brothers: Black Sunday Shuffle
A5 The Grave Brothers: Rum Drinkers & Hell Raisers
A6 The Grave Brothers: Now Go!!
B1 Adios Pantalones: Time Is No Friend
B2 Adios Pantalones: Terror Street
B3 Adios Pantalones: Hairy Tits
B4 Adios Pantalones: Creature Of Nightmares
B5 Adios Pantalones: Come On Freddy
B6 Adios Pantalones: Psycho Killer
CD-1 Goat Skin Clogs
CD-2 Way Up High/Down Below
CD-3 Are You Drinking With Me Jesus
Written-By Jello Biafra
CD-4 Black Sunday Shuffle
CD-5 Rum Drinkers & Hell Raisers
CD-6 Now Go!!
CD-7 Time Is No Friend
CD-8 Terror Street
CD-9 Hairy Tits
CD-10 Creature Of Nightmares
CD-11 Come On Freddy
CD-12 Psycho Killer
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CD The Grave Brothers: Clash Of The Primitives 2014

469 Kč Na objednávku

Drunkabilly Records 20. ledna 2014 Evropa

The Grave Brothers: Clash Of The Primitives verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Drunkabilly Records dne 20. ledna 2014. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Punk, Folk Rock, Country Rock a Psychobilly.

ID: 266077 EAN: 4024572615543 Discogs ID: 10751367
1 - The Grave Brothers: Goat Skin Clogs
2 - The Grave Brothers: Way Up High/Down Below
3 - The Grave Brothers: Are You Drinking With Me Jesus
4 - The Grave Brothers: Black Sunday Shuffle
5 - The Grave Brothers: Rum Drinkers & Hell Raisers
6 - The Grave Brothers: Now Go!!
7 - Adios Pantalones: Time Is No Friend
8 - Adios Pantalones: Terror Street
9 - Adios Pantalones: Hairy Tits
10 - Adios Pantalones: Creature Of Nightmares
11 - Adios Pantalones: Come On Freddy
12 - Adios Pantalones: Psycho Killer
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The Grave Brothers

The Grave Brothers
Country/Psychobilly/Punk kapela z Belgie.

Adios Pantalones

Adios Pantalones
Oldschoolová psychobilly kapela ze Zevenekenu ve východním Flandersku v Belgii.

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