Waiting For Miracles - CD

Album dostupné na CD ve 2 vydáních. The Flower Kings je švédská progresivní rocková skupina, která vznikla v roce 1994. Vydali osmnáct studiových alb, z nichž poslední Waiting For Miracles vyšlo v roce 2019. Jedná se o koncepční album, které vypráví příběh muže, jenž čeká na zázrak. Hudba je melodická a texty poetické a album si musí poslechnout všichni fanoušci progresivního rocku. Album zasahuje do žánrů Progresivní rock a Symphonic Prog.

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI Digipack Limited Edition 2CD

397 Kč Skladem
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI
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Digipack Limited Edition 2CD

Inside Out Music | Sony Music 5. března 2021 Evropa

The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles LTD | DIGI verze na 2CD v limitované digipack edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Inside Out Music ve spolupráci s Sony Music dne 5. března 2021.

Po zpětně chváleném albu "Manifesto of an Alchemist" z roku 2018 vedly úspěšné koncerty Flower Kings Revisited k tomu, že Roine Stolt (Transatlantic, The Sea Within, Anderson/Stolt) převedl tuto koncertní sestavu do The Flower Kings a nyní představuje nové dvojalbum "Waiting For Miracles", které bylo nahráno v této sestavě: Roine Stolt (zpěv, kytara), Hasse Fröberg (zpěv), Zach Kamins (klávesy, kytara), Jonas Reingold (baskytara) a Mirko DeMaio (bicí, perkuse). Nahrávalo se ve stockholmském studiu RMV a podle Stolta můžete očekávat "čistě progresivní album s obrovským množstvím vintage kláves, komplexních rytmů, dlouhých kytarových sól a prvků popu, progresivní, rockové, symfonické a filmové hudby". Na "Waiting For Miracles", doplněném velkolepou malbou amerického umělce Kevina Sloana, oslavují The Flower Kings svůj barevný, hravý, melodický a experimentální zvuk, kterým jsou známí a milovaní už od devadesátých let.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Progresivní rock a Symphonic Prog. Digipack Limited Edition 2CD.

Album Limited Edition Digipack
ID: 39344 EAN: 0190759852729 Discogs ID: 14408681
1-1 House Of Cards 1:58 min
Bass Michael Stolt | Electric Guitar Roine Stolt | Grand Piano [Fazioli Grand Piano], Synth [Synths], Mellotron Zach Kamins | Written-By Zach Kamins
1-2 Black Flag 7:39 min
Bass, Vocals, Synth [Moog Bass] Michael Stolt | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Roine Stolt | Grand Piano [Fazioli Grand Piano], Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Electric Organ [Hammond B3] Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
1-3 Miracles For America 9:57 min
Backing Vocals Michael Stolt | Drums, Timpani, Vibraphone Mirko DeMaio | Electric Bass Jonas Reingold | Electric Guitar, Vocals [Vocal] Roine Stolt | Electric Organ [Hammond B3], Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Synthesizer [Minimoog] Zach Kamins | Vocals [Vocal] Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
1-4 Vertigo 9:59 min
Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, Sequencer [Sequencers], Vocals Roine Stolt | Fretless Bass Jonas Reingold | Synth [Synths], Electric Piano [Rhodes], Mellotron, Synthesizer [Minimoog] Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
1-5 The Bridge 5:32 min
Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Bass, Acoustic Bass Jonas Reingold | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar [Nylon String Acoustic Guitars], Vocals Roine Stolt | Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Electric Organ [Hammond B3], Piano Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
1-6 Ascending To The Stars 5:41 min
Drums, Percussion [Orchestral Percussion], Timpani Mirko DeMaio | Electric Bass Jonas Reingold | Electric Guitar Roine Stolt | Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Guitar, Electric Organ [Hammond B3], Orchestrated By [Orchestration], Synthesizer [Minimoog] Zach Kamins | Viola John Zach Dellinger | Violin Paul Cartwright | Written-By Zach Kamins
1-7 Wicked Old Symphony 5:47 min
Bass, Vocals, Synthesizer [Moogbass] Michael Stolt | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Roine Stolt | Electric Piano [Wurlitzer Piano], Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Electric Organ [Hammond B3], Grand Piano Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
1-8 The Rebel Circus 5:50 min
Bass, Bass [Fuzzbass] Jonas Reingold | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, Percussion, Pedalboard [Taurus Bass] Roine Stolt | Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Electric Organ [Hammond B3], Electric Piano [Rhodes], Synthesizer [Yamaha GX1] Zach Kamins | Written-By Mirko DeMaio, Roine Stolt
1-9 Sleep With The Enemy 6:02 min
Bass Jonas Reingold | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Organ [Pipe Organ], Strings, Percussion, Vocals Roine Stolt | Synth, Mellotron, Grand Piano, Electric Piano [Rhodes Piano] Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
1-10 The Crowning Of Greed 4:50 min
Bass [FuzzWha-Bass] Jonas Reingold | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Mellotron, Vocals Roine Stolt | Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Electric Piano [Rhodes], Synthesizer [Minimoog], Marimba, Glockenspiel Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
2-1 House Of Cards Reprise 1:21 min
Bass Jonas Reingold | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar Roine Stolt | Piano, Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Synthesizer [Minimoog] Zach Kamins | Written-By Zach Kamins
2-2 Spirals 5:06 min
Bass [FuzzWha-Bass] Jonas Reingold | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Mellotron, Vocals Roine Stolt | Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Electric Piano [Rhodes], Synthesizer [Minimoog], Marimba, Glockenspiel Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Jonas Reingold, Mirko DeMaio, Roine Stolt, Zach Kamins
2-3 Steampunk 6:31 min
Bass Jonas Reingold | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar, 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Vocals Roine Stolt | Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Synthesizer [Minimoog], Electric Piano [Rhodes] Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
2-4 We Were Always Here 7:35 min
Bass Jonas Reingold | Drums Mirko DeMaio | Electric Guitar [Electric Guitars], Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic Guitars], Synth, Vocals Roine Stolt | Grand Piano [Fazioli Grand], Synth [Synths], Mellotron, Electric Organ [Hammond B3] Zach Kamins | Vocals Hasse Fröberg | Written-By Roine Stolt
2-5 Busking At Brobank 0:52 min
Acoustic Guitar Roine Stolt | Bass [Upright Bass] Jonas Reingold | Harmonium, Mellotron, Theremin Zach Kamins | Instruments [Table & Plate] Mirko DeMaio | Written-By Roine Stolt
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2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles BsCD2

217 Kč 2 týdny
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles
2CD The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com


Sony Records Int'l 22. července 2022 Japonsko

The Flower Kings: Waiting For Miracles verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Japonsku ve vydavatelství Sony Records Int'l dne 22. července 2022.

The Flower Kings je švédská progresivní rocková skupina, která vznikla v roce 1994. Vydali osmnáct studiových alb, z nichž poslední Waiting For Miracles vyšlo v roce 2019. Jedná se o koncepční album, které vypráví příběh muže, jenž čeká na zázrak. Hudba je melodická a texty poetické a album si musí poslechnout všichni fanoušci progresivního rocku.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Progresivní rock a Symphonic Prog.

ID: 399978 EAN: 0194397363029 Discogs ID: 14533842
1-1 House Of Cards 1:55 min
Written-By Zach Kamins
1-2 Black Flag 7:39 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
1-3 Miracles For America 10:03 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
1-4 Vertigo 9:59 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
1-5 The Bridge 5:30 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
1-6 Ascending To The Stars 5:40 min
Written-By Zach Kamins
1-7 Wicked Old Symphony 5:46 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
1-8 The Rebel Circus 5:49 min
Written-By Mirko DeMaio, Roine Stolt
1-9 Sleep With The Enemy 6:01 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
1-10 The Crowning Of Greed 4:48 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
2-1 House Of Cards Reprise 1:21 min
Written-By Zach Kamins
2-2 Spirals 5:06 min
Written-By Jonas Reingold, Mirko DeMaio, Roine Stolt, Zach Kamins
2-3 Steampunk 6:30 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
2-4 We Were Always Here 7:35 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
2-5 Busking At Brobank 0:51 min
Written-By Roine Stolt
2-6 Miracles For America (Instrumental Version) 10:03 min
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The Flower Kings

The Flower Kings
The Flower Kings je švédská progresivní rocková skupina, kterou na počátku 90. let založil kytarista a zpěvák a skladatel Roine Stolt. Skupina je známá svým komplexním, symfonickým stylem rockové hudby, který často zahrnuje prvky jazzu a klasické hudby. Jejich zvuk se vyznačuje ro...

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