The Twenty Seven Points - Vinyl

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2LP The Fall: The Twenty Seven Points CLR Clear Vinyl

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2LP The Fall: The Twenty Seven Points CLR
2LP The Fall: The Twenty Seven Points CLR
2LP The Fall: The Twenty Seven Points CLR
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Clear Vinyl

Demon Records 16. dubna 2021 Velká Británie

The Fall: The Twenty Seven Points CLR verze na vinylu 2LP v kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Demon Records dne 16. dubna 2021. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Alternativní rock, Punk a Experimentální hudba. Clear Vinyl.

Album Coloured Vinyl
ID: 301275 EAN: 5014797903388 Discogs ID: 18106474
A1 Mollusc In Tyrol 1:01 min
Written-By Craig Leon
A2 Return 3:49 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith, Stephen Hanley
A3 Ladybird (Green Grass) 4:08 min
Written-By Craig Scanlon, Mark E. Smith
A4 Idiot-Walk-Out 0:52 min
Written-By Craig Scanlon, Mark E. Smith, Stephen Hanley
A5 Ten Points 1:56 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith
A6 Idiot Joy Showland 4:16 min
Written-By Craig Scanlon, Mark E. Smith, Stephen Hanley
A7 Big New Prinz 6:02 min
Keyboards Dave Bush | Written-By Mark E. Smith
B1 Intro - Roadhouse 1:30 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith
B2 The Joke 3:37 min
Written-By Brix Smith, Mark E. Smith
B3 M.H.'s Jokes/British People In Hot Weather 3:46 min
Written-By Craig Scanlon, Mark E. Smith, Simon Wolstencroft, Stephen Hanley
B4 Free Range 3:49 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith
B5 Hi-Tension Line 4:16 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith, Stephen Hanley
B6 The League Of Bald-Headed Men 4:29 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith
C1 95: Glam Racket / Star 3:29 min
Written-By Craig Scanlon, Mark E. Smith, Stephen Hanley
C2 Lost In Music 4:24 min
Written-By Bernard Edwards, Nile Rodgers
C3 Prague '91 / Mr. Pharmacist 3:10 min
Fiddle Kenny Brady | Written-By Jeff Nowlen, Mark E. Smith
C4 Cloud Of Black 4:22 min
Bass, Keyboards Robert Gordon | Written-By Mark E. Smith
C5 Paranoia Man In Cheap Sh..t Room 4:15 min
Keyboards Dave Bush | Written-By Craig Scanlon, Mark E. Smith
C6 Bounces - Leeds 1:57 min
Keyboards Dave Bush
C7 Outro 2:49 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith
D1 Passable (A Past Gone Mad) 4:30 min
Written-By Dave Bush, Mark E. Smith
D2 Glasgow Advice 1:14 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith
D3 Middle Class Revolt - Simon, Dave & John 4:34 min
D4 Bill Is Dead 5:14 min
Performer [Machines] Simon Rogers | Written-By Craig Scanlon, Mark E. Smith
D5 Strychnine 2:49 min
Written-By [Uncredited] Gerry Roslie
D6 War! 3:26 min
Written-By Anthony Moore, Peter Blegvad
D7 Noel's Chemical Effluence 6:29 min
Written-By Mark E. Smith
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The Fall

The Fall
The Fall byla anglická postpunková skupina založená v roce 1976 v Prestwichu ve Velkém Manchesteru. Skupinu založil její lídr a jediný stálý člen Mark E. Smith. The Fall Hudba skupiny se vyznačovala abrazivním zvukem, opakujícími se kytarovými melodiemi a Smithovým charakteristick...

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