Strong Like That - CD

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CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That 2016

428 Kč Na objednávku
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
CD The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That
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MRi Entertainment 15. září 2016 USA

The Fabulous Thunderbirds: Strong Like That verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství MRi Entertainment dne 15. září 2016. Album zasahuje do žánrů Blues a Funk / Soul.

Album Stereo
ID: 550409 EAN: 0020286222910 Discogs ID: 9421820
1 (I Know) I'm Losing You 4:25 min
Guest [Special Guest], Featuring, Drums Wes Watkins | Guest [Special Guest], Featuring, Steel Guitar Roosevelt Collier | Written-By Cornelius Grant, Edward Holland, Jr., Norman Whitfield
2 Don't Burn Me 3:51 min
Guest [Special Guest], Featuring, Lead Guitar Anson Funderburgh | Written-By Paul Kelly (3)
3 You're Gonna Miss Me 4:17 min
Written-By Paul Kelly (3)
4 Drowning On Dry Land 3:44 min
Written-By Al Jackson Jr.
5 Smooth 4:09 min
Written-By Kim Wilson
6 Somebody's Getting It 3:33 min
Written-By Chico Jones, Clarence Coulter, Don Davis (2)
7 Meet Me On The Corner 3:53 min
Written-By Kim Wilson
8 Where's Your Love Been? 5:09 min
Written By Sandra Rhodes | Written-By Donna Rhodes
9 I've Never Found A Girl (To Love Me Like You Do) 3:49 min
Written-By Alvertis Isbell, Booker T. Jones, Eddie Floyd
10 Strong Like That 4:00 min
Written-By Steve Gomes
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The Fabulous Thunderbirds

The Fabulous Thunderbirds
The Fabulous Thunderbirds je americká bluesrocková skupina, která vznikla v roce 1974 v Austinu v Texasu. Zakládajícími členy skupiny byli frontman a hráč na foukací harmoniku Kim Wilson a kytarista Jimmie Vaughan, starší bratr bluesové kytarové legendy Stevieho Raye Vaughana. Sku...

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