Good Stuff - CD

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CD The B-52's: Good Stuff Arc Pressing

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CD The B-52's: Good Stuff
CD The B-52's: Good Stuff
CD The B-52's: Good Stuff
CD The B-52's: Good Stuff
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Arc Pressing

Reprise Records 11. září 2012 USA

The B-52's: Good Stuff verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Reprise Records dne 11. září 2012. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Pop Rock.

ID: 14467 EAN: 0075992699525 Discogs ID: 1268776
1 Tell It Like It T-I-Is 5:14 min
Backing Vocals Brenda White King, Curtis King, Fonzi Thornton, Michelle Cobbs, Tawatha | Piano Richard Hilton
2 Hot Pants Explosion 4:55 min
Baritone Saxophone Stephen Kupka | Bass James Hutchinson | Electric Organ [Hammond Organ], Piano Pat Irwin | Saxophone David McMurray | Trumpet Lee Thornburg
3 Good Stuff 5:58 min
Bass Sara Lee | Drums Zachary Alford | Saxophone David McMurray
4 Revolution Earth 5:48 min
Lyrics By Robert Waldrop | Music By Kate Pierson, Keith Strickland
5 Dreamland 7:35 min
Performer [Krshna Musicians] Bedarayana Das, Ben McLeod, Bhakta Erick, Brad Weinberg, Caesar Johnston, Jane Ivchekno, Kathleen Blihar, Monique François-Eduoxie, Rukmini Weinberg, Subal Das, Urugaya Das
6 Is That You Mo-Dean? 5:31 min
Baritone Saxophone Stephen Kupka | Bass Sara Lee | Choir [Mo-dean Intergalactic Choir] Alan Tessler, Alpana Bawa, Angel Zimick, Artie Smith, Beatrice Desault, Berns Frye, Booty Man (3), Brent Richardson, Bruno Sandbichler, Carlos Rivera (13), Carol Perkins, Chase Myth, Chris Isles, Connie Empress, Courtney Weaver, Dean Riddle, Denise Walch, Diane Derkowski, Don Reuter, Don Was, Doug Redler, Dr. John "Weed" Werber, E. Wildgirl Peterson, Ellery MacDonald, Gregory Purnhagen, Holly Wormworth, Jed Root, Jeff Loshinsky, John Coté, John Fischer (3), Jonathan McVey, Julia Goodman, Kachin, Kevyn Aucoin, Mercedes Wallner, Michelle Gutenstein, Monica Flowers, Nabe (4), Neil Meltzer, Nelson Savinon, Pat Irwin, Penn Jillette, Phillip Gunnels, Ricks Lee, Robert Lachow, Ron DiCesare, Russ Titelman, Scott Totten, Susan Kroll, Terri Gloyd, Thomas Sandbichler, Tim Rollins (2), Todd Oldham, Tracy Wormworth, Zachary Alford | Drums Zachary Alford | Harp Amy Shulman | Written-By [Sample Of "Harmony Of The World"] Johannes Kepler
7 The World's Green Laughter 4:04 min
Drum Programming Keith Strickland | Programmed By [Synclavier Programming] Richard Hilton | Recorded By [Thunderstorm] Tom Durack | Written-By Keith Strickland
8 Vision Of A Kiss 5:57 min
Guitar Nile Rodgers
9 Breezin' 5:21 min
Bass Nicky Brown (3) | Flute David McMurray
10 Bad Influence 5:41 min
Bass James Hutchinson | Guitar Don Was, Pat Irwin
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The B-52's

The B-52's
The B-52's je americká new wave skupina, která vznikla v roce 1976 v Athens ve státě Georgia. Skupina, kterou tvoří zpěváci Fred Schneider, Kate Pierson a Cindy Wilson, kytarista Ricky Wilson a bubeník Keith Strickland, je známá svým osobitým stylem, který kombinuje rock, punk a t...

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