Red - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 3 vydáních. Taylor Swift Album Red, které vyšlo v říjnu 2012, zaznamenalo obrovský úspěch. Album debutovalo na prvním místě žebříčku Billboard 200 a během prvního týdne se ho prodalo 1,21 milionu kopií, což z něj udělalo největší albový debut všech dob pro ženskou interpretku. Od té doby získalo album Red čtyřnásobnou platinovou desku od RIAA. Hlavní singl alba, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", se stal obrovským hitem, tři týdny vedl žebříček Billboard Hot 100 a stal se největším singlem kariéry Swiftové. Druhý singl, "I Knew You Were Trouble", byl rovněž obrovským hitem a dostal se na druhé místo v žebříčku Hot 100. Album Red obsahuje směs country, popu a rocku a Swift je autorkou nebo spoluautorkou všech písní na albu. Kritici album chválili za jeho textovou hloubku a za skladatelské schopnosti Swift. Red bylo nominováno na album roku na 56. ročníku cen Grammy a Swift získala cenu za nejlepší country album. Album bylo také nominováno na nejlepší popové vokální album na nadcházejícím 57. ročníku cen Grammy. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock, Country a Country Rock.

Dostupné ve 3 vydáních


2LP Taylor Swift: Red 2016

717 Kč Skladem
2LP Taylor Swift: Red
2LP Taylor Swift: Red
Obrázky pochází z

Big Machine Records 18. listopadu 2016 Evropa

Taylor Swift: Red verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Big Machine Records dne 18. listopadu 2016.

Taylor Swift je s 22 miliony prodaných CD a více než 50 miliony stažených písní jednou z nejúspěšnějších hudebnic všech dob. Svými rekordy se zařadila mezi velikány: Beatles, Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones. Je například jedinou ženskou popovou hvězdou, která stejně jako tyto tři legendy vydala tři alba na prvním místě v řadě a každého z nich prodala více než 5 milionů kusů. Na svém kontě má také 6 cen Grammy a je nejmladší vítězkou kategorie "Album roku" v historii udílení cen Grammy. Časopis Time ji zařadil mezi 100 nejvlivnějších žen světa, Billboard jí udělil titul "Žena roku". Její čtvrté album "Red" slibuje špičkové skladby v tempu a absolutní popové hity, jako je singl "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", s nímž Taylor vytvořila v USA nový rekord: píseň byla stažena více než 623 000krát, obsadila první místo v americké hitparádě Billboard a v digitálních žebříčcích ve více než 30 zemích! Taylor Swift také prozradila, že pro album "Red" nahrála několik zajímavých duetů (mimo jiné s Edem Sheeranem). Informace o produktu Album s názvem Red vyjde u Big Machine Records a bude obsahovat 16 skladeb. Poté, co své poslední album (Speak Now) napsala zcela sama, spolupracovala Taylor na této desce s několika umělci, producenty a autory, s nimiž vždy chtěla spolupracovat. "Poslední dva roky jsem pracoval na albu s názvem Red," říká Taylor. "Knihu jsem nazvala Červená kvůli bouřlivým, bláznivým dobrodružstvím v lásce a ztrátě, která popisuje. Podle mě, když zažijete lásku, která je rychlá a nekontrolovatelná a mísí se v ní zamilovanost, žárlivost, frustrace, nedorozumění a všechny ty krásné emoce... při zpětném pohledu to všechno vypadá červeně." ( Taylor Swift je s 22 miliony prodaných CD a více než 50 miliony stažených písní jednou z nejúspěšnějších hudebnic všech dob. Svými rekordy se zařadila mezi velikány: Beatles, Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones. Je například jedinou ženskou popovou hvězdou, která stejně jako tyto tři legendy vydala tři alba na prvním místě v řadě a každého z nich prodala více než 5 milionů kusů. Na svém kontě má také 6 cen Grammy a je nejmladší vítězkou kategorie "Album roku" v historii udílení cen Grammy. Časopis Time ji zařadil mezi 100 nejvlivnějších žen světa, Billboard jí udělil titul "Žena roku". Její čtvrté album "Red" slibuje špičkové skladby v tempu a absolutní popové hity, jako je singl "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", s nímž Taylor vytvořila v USA nový rekord: píseň byla stažena více než 623 000krát, obsadila první místo v americké hitparádě Billboard a v digitálních žebříčcích ve více než 30 zemích! Taylor Swift také prozradila, že pro album "Red" nahrála několik zajímavých duetů (mimo jiné s Edem Sheeranem). Informace o produktu Album s názvem Red vyjde u Big Machine Records a bude obsahovat 16 skladeb. Poté, co své poslední album (Speak Now) napsala zcela sama, spolupracovala Taylor na této desce s několika umělci, producenty a autory, s nimiž vždy chtěla spolupracovat. "Poslední dva roky jsem pracoval na albu s názvem Red," říká Taylor. "Knihu jsem nazvala Červená kvůli bouřlivým a bláznivým milostným dobrodružstvím a ztrátám, které popisuje. Podle mě, když zažijete lásku, která je rychlá a nekontrolovatelná a mísí se v ní zamilovanost, žárlivost, frustrace, nepochopení a všechny ty krásné emoce... při zpětném pohledu to všechno vypadá červeně." (taylorswift. com)

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock, Country a Country Rock.

ID: 29829 EAN: 0843930007103 Discogs ID: 9359939
A1 State Of Grace 4:56 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Nick Buda | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Brian David Willis, Matt Rausch | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Percussion Eric Darken | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Chad Carlson | Recorded By [Assisted] Leland Elliott | Written-By Taylor Swift
A2 Red 3:41 min
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion Nathan Chapman | Banjo [Ganjo] Ilya Toshinsky, Nathan Chapman | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Bouzouki Dann Huff | Cello, Fiddle Jonathan Yudkin | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Aaron Sterling | Edited By [Digital Editing] Dann Huff | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Tom Bukovac | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Steve Marcantonio | Recorded By [Assisted] Seth Morton | Steel Guitar Paul Franklin | Upright Piano, Synth, Organ [B-3] Charles Judge | Written-By Taylor Swift
A3 Treacherous 4:01 min
Acoustic Guitar Taylor Swift | Backing Vocals Dan Wilson, Taylor Swift | Drums Aaron Sterling | Electric Guitar, Bass, Piano Dan Wilson | Electric Piano, Synthesizer [Synth Strings], Guitar Andy Thompson (2) | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Dan Wilson | Recorded By Andy Thompson (2), Eric Robinson (6), John Rausch | Written-By Dan Wilson, Taylor Swift
A4 I Knew You Were Trouble 3:38 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Shellback (2) | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix Assisted] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Keyboards Max Martin | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assisted] Eric Eylands | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
B1 All Too Well 5:28 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Backing Vocals, Keyboards, Drums Nathan Chapman | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Brian David Willis | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Liz Rose, Taylor Swift
B2 22 3:51 min
Acoustic Guitar Shellback (2), Taylor Swift | Electric Guitar, Bass, Programmed By Shellback (2) | Engineer John Hanes | Keyboards Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Mixed By [Assisted] Tim Roberts | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assisted] Eric Eylands | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
B3 I Almost Do 4:03 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Taylor Swift
B4 We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3:11 min
Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix Assisted] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Shellback (2) | Keyboards Max Martin | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assisted] Eric Eylands, Greg Fuess | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
C1 Stay Stay Stay 3:25 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin, Bass, Keyboards Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Nick Buda | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Brian David Willis, Matt Rausch | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Percussion Eric Darken | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Chad Carlson | Recorded By [Assisted] Leland Elliott | Written-By Taylor Swift
C2 The Last Time 4:58 min
Cello John Krovoza, Peggy Baldwin, Richard Dodd (2) | Contrabass Jeff Takiguchi, Simeon Pillich | Contractor [Orchestra Fixer], Concertmaster Eric Gorfain | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Drums William Rieflin | Edited By Matt Bishop (3) | Featuring Gary Lightbody | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Jacknife Lee | Harp Marcia Dickstein | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted] Matty Green (2) | Orchestrated By, Conductor Owen Pallett | Piano Jamie Muhoberac | Producer Jacknife Lee | Recorded By Jacknife Lee, Matt Bishop (3), Sam Bell | Recorded By [Assisted] Chris Owens (2) | Viola Brett Banducci, Lauren Chipman, Rodney Wirtz | Violin Amy Wickman, Daphne Chen, Eric Gorfain, Gina Kronstadt, Marisa Kuney, Neli Nikolaeva, Radu Pieptea, Wes Precourt | Written-By Gary Lightbody, Jacknife Lee, Taylor Swift
C3 Holy Ground 3:22 min
Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker, Tyler Johnson | Bass, Keyboards, Piano, Programmed By Jeff Bhasker | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix Assisted] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Guitar Anders Mouridsen | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Jeff Bhasker | Recorded By Pawel Sek | Recorded By [Guitars] Tyler Johnson | Written-By Taylor Swift
C4 Sad Beautiful Tragic 4:44 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Keyboards, Percussion, Drums Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Taylor Swift
D1 The Lucky One 4:01 min
Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker | Bass, Keyboards, Piano, Programmed By Jeff Bhasker | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix Assisted] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Guitar Anders Mouridsen | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Jeff Bhasker | Recorded By Pawel Sek | Recorded By [Guitars] Tyler Johnson | Written-By Taylor Swift
D2 Everything Has Changed 4:04 min
Arranged By [Strings], Composed By [Strings] Patrick Warren | Backing Vocals Butch Walker, Gary Lightbody, Jake Sinclair | Bass Jake Sinclair | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Featuring Ed Sheeran | Guitar, Keyboards, Percussion, Drums Butch Walker | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Producer Butch Walker | Recorded By Jake Sinclair | Written-By Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift
D3 Starlight 3:38 min
Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums, Programmed By [Percussion] Jason Bonilla | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman | Electric Guitar [Solo, Conceived By] Nathan Chapman | Electric Guitar [Solo] Dann Huff | Engineer [Engineered For Mix Assisted] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Piano, Synth Nathan Chapman | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Joe Baldridge | Synth, Strings Charles Judge | Written-By Taylor Swift
D4 Begin Again 3:58 min
Acoustic Guitar Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman | Acoustic Guitar [High String] Dann Huff | Backing Vocals Caitlin Evanson | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Aaron Sterling | Edited By [Digital Editing] Dann Huff | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Tom Bukovac | Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted] Drew Bollman | Organ [B-3], Synth, Strings, Accordion, Piano Charles Judge | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Steve Marcantonio | Recorded By [Assisted] Seth Morton | Steel Guitar Paul Franklin | Violin Jonathan Yudkin | Written-By Taylor Swift
Zobrazit seznam skladeb

2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX Deluxe Edition

387 Kč Skladem
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
2CD Taylor Swift: Red DLX
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Deluxe Edition

Big Machine Records | Universal Music Group International 26. října 2012 Evropa

Taylor Swift: Red DLX verze na 2CD v deluxe edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Big Machine Records ve spolupráci s Universal Music Group International dne 26. října 2012.

Půvabná americká zpěvačka Taylor Swift právě vydává novou desku! Pilotním singlem se stala na první poslech líbivá a jednoznačně hitová skladba „We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”, kterou se zcela odklonila od americké country a naplno vplula do mainstreamového popu. Dost velkou zásluhu na hudebním vývoji této okaté krásky měl i producent Shellback, který za tímto hitem stojí a v minulosti produkoval hity pro Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Pink a stojí například i za nedávným obrovským hitem Maroon 5 a Christiny Aguilery „Moves Like Jagger”... Singl již ovládnul digitální hitparády a překonal rekord nejprodávanějšího singlu zpěvačky v jednom týdnu (přes 623,000)! Na albu je takových pecek ale více!

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock, Country a Country Rock. Deluxe Edition.

Album Deluxe Edition
ID: 29826 EAN: 0602537173143 Discogs ID: 4016505
1-1 State Of Grace 4:56 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Nick Buda | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Brian David Willis, Matt Rausch | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Percussion Eric Darken | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Chad Carlson | Recorded By [Assisted By] Leland Elliott | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-2 Red 3:41 min
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion Nathan Chapman | Banjo [Ganjo] Ilya Toshinsky, Nathan Chapman | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Bouzouki Dann Huff | Cello, Fiddle Jonathan Yudkin | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Aaron Sterling | Edited By [Digital Editing] David Lyndon Huff | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Tom Bukovac | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Steve Marcantonio | Recorded By [Assisted By] Seth Morton | Steel Guitar Paul Franklin | Upright Piano, Synth, Organ [B-3 Organ] Charles Judge | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-3 Treacherous 4:01 min
Acoustic Guitar Taylor Swift | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Dan Wilson, Taylor Swift | Drums Aaron Sterling | Electric Guitar, Bass, Piano Dan Wilson | Electric Piano, Synth [Synth Strings], Guitar Andy Thompson (2) | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Dan Wilson | Recorded By Andy Thompson (2), Eric Robinson (6), John Rausch | Written-By Dan Wilson, Taylor Swift
1-4 I Knew You Were Trouble. 3:38 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By [Programming] Shellback (2) | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix - Assisted By] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Keyboards Max Martin | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assisted By] Eric Eylands | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
1-5 All Too Well 5:28 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drums Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Nathan Chapman | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Brian David Willis | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Liz Rose, Taylor Swift
1-6 22 3:51 min
Acoustic Guitar Shellback (2), Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Electric Guitar, Bass, Programmed By [Programming] Shellback (2) | Engineer [Engineered For Mix - Assisted By] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Keyboards Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assisted By] Eric Eylands | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
1-7 I Almost Do 4:03 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-8 We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3:11 min
Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix - Assisted By] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By [Programming] Shellback (2) | Keyboards Max Martin | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assisted By] Eric Eylands, Greg Fuess | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
1-9 Stay Stay Stay 3:25 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin, Bass, Keyboards Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Nick Buda | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Brian David Willis, Matt Rausch | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Percussion Eric Darken | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Chad Carlson | Recorded By [Assisted By] Leland Elliott | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-10 The Last Time 4:58 min
Cello John Krovoza, Peggy Baldwin, Richard Dodd (2) | Contrabass Jeff Takiguchi, Simeon Pillich | Contractor [Orchestra Fixer] Eric Gorfain | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Drums William Rieflin | Edited By [Editing] Matt Bishop (3) | Featuring Gary Lightbody | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By [Programming] Jacknife Lee | Harp Marcia Dickstein | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Matty Green (2) | Orchestrated By [Orchestration], Conductor [Conducting] Owen Pallett | Piano Jamie Muhoberac | Producer Jacknife Lee | Recorded By Jacknife Lee, Matt Bishop (3), Sam Bell | Recorded By [Assisted By] Chris Owens (2) | Viola Brett Banducci, Lauren Chipman, Rodney Wirtz | Violin Amy Wickman, Daphne Chen, Gina Kronstadt, Marisa Kuney, Neli Nikolaeva, Radu Pieptea, Wes Precourt | Violin, Concertmaster Eric Gorfain | Written-By Gary Lightbody, Jacknife Lee, Taylor Swift
1-11 Holy Ground 3:22 min
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Jeff Bhasker, Tyler Johnson | Bass, Keyboards, Piano, Programmed By [Programming] Jeff Bhasker | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix - Assisted By] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Guitar Anders Mouridsen | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Jeff Bhasker | Recorded By Pawel Sek | Recorded By [Guitars] Tyler Johnson | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-12 Sad Beautiful Tragic 4:44 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Keyboards, Percussion, Drums Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-13 The Lucky One 4:01 min
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Jeff Bhasker | Bass, Keyboards, Piano, Programmed By [Programming] Jeff Bhasker | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Engineered For Mix - Assisted By] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Guitar Anders Mouridsen | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Jeff Bhasker | Recorded By Pawel Sek | Recorded By [Guitars] Tyler Johnson | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-14 Everything Has Changed 4:04 min
Arranged By [String Arrangement], Composed By [Composition - Strings] Patrick Warren | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Butch Walker, Gary Lightbody, Jake Sinclair | Bass Jake Sinclair | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] JoAnn Tominaga | Featuring Ed Sheeran | Guitar, Keyboards, Percussion, Drums Butch Walker | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Producer Butch Walker | Recorded By Jake Sinclair | Written-By Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift
1-15 Starlight 3:38 min
Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Concept By [Electric Guitar Solo - Conceived By] Nathan Chapman | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums, Drum Programming [Percussion Programming] Jason Bonilla | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman | Engineer [Engineered For Mix - Assisted By] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Engineered For Mix] John Hanes | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Performer [Electric Guitar Solo Conceived By] Nathan Chapman | Piano, Synth Nathan Chapman | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Joe Baldridge | Soloist, Electric Guitar Dann Huff | Synth, Strings Charles Judge | Written-By Taylor Swift
1-16 Begin Again 3:58 min
Acoustic Guitar Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman | Acoustic Guitar [High String Acoustic Guitar] Dann Huff | Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Caitlin Evanson | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Aaron Sterling | Edited By [Digital Editing] David Lyndon Huff | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Tom Bukovac | Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assisted By] Drew Bollman | Organ [B-3 Organ], Synth, Strings, Accordion, Piano Charles Judge | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Steve Marcantonio | Recorded By [Assisted By] Seth Morton | Steel Guitar Paul Franklin | Violin Jonathan Yudkin | Written-By Taylor Swift
Bonus Tracks:
2-1 The Moment I Knew 4:45 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums, Electric Guitar, Keyboards Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Liz Huett, Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Taylor Swift
2-2 Come Back... Be Here 3:42 min
Acoustic Guitar, Written-By Taylor Swift | Arranged By [Strings], Conductor David Campbell | Bass Dave Stone (2) | Bass [Synth Bass], Mellotron, Musical Box, Recorded By, Synthesizer Andy Thompson (2) | Bass, Electric Guitar, Piano, Producer, Written-By Dan Wilson | Cello George Kim Scholes, Rudy Stein, Steve Richards | Contractor Suzie Katayama | Drums Aaron Sterling | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Recorded By Eric Robinson (6), John Rausch | Recorded By [Strings] Steve Churchyard | Viola Roland Kato, Vicki Miskolczy | Violin Alyssa Park, Audrey Solomon, Charlie Bisharat, Gerardo Hilera, John Wittenberg, Kenneth Yerke, Mario DeLeon, Natalie Leggett, Songa Lee, Tamara Hatwan
2-3 Girl At Home 3:40 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Producer, Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals, Producer, Written-By Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman
2-4 Treacherous (Original Demo Recording) 3:59 min
Acoustic Guitar, Written-By Taylor Swift | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer, Written-By Dan Wilson | Recorded By John Rausch
2-5 Red (Original Demo Recording) 3:46 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Producer, Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals, Producer, Written-By Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman
2-6 State Of Grace (Acoustic Version) 5:22 min
Acoustic Guitar, Producer Nathan Chapman | Bass, Synth Tim Lauer | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Chad Cromwell | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By [Assistant] Leland Elliott | Mixed By, Recorded By Ray Kennedy (2) | Producer, Written-By Taylor Swift
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CD Taylor Swift: Red 2012

257 Kč Skladem
CD Taylor Swift: Red
CD Taylor Swift: Red
CD Taylor Swift: Red
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Big Machine Records | Universal Music Group International 26. října 2012 Evropa

Taylor Swift: Red verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Big Machine Records ve spolupráci s Universal Music Group International dne 26. října 2012.

Pilotním singlem se stala na první poslech líbivá a jednoznačně hitová skladba „We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”, kterou se zcela odklonila od americké country a naplno vplula do mainstreamového popu. Dost velkou zásluhu na hudebním vývoji této okaté krásky měl i producent Shellback, který za tímto hitem stojí a v minulosti produkoval hity pro Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Pink a stojí například i za nedávným obrovským hitem Maroon 5 a Christiny Aguilery „Moves Like Jagger”... Singl již ovládnul digitální hitparády a překonal rekord nejprodávanějšího singlu zpěvačky v jednom týdnu (přes 623,000)! Na albu je takových pecek ale více!

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock, Country a Country Rock.

ID: 29824 EAN: 0602537173051 Discogs ID: 4077395
1 State Of Grace 4:56 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Nick Buda | Engineer [Additional] Brian David Willis, Matt Rausch | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Percussion Eric Darken | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Chad Carlson | Recorded By [Assistant] Leland Elliott | Written-By Taylor Swift
2 Red 3:41 min
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion Nathan Chapman | Banjo [Ganjo] Ilya Toshinsky, Nathan Chapman | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Bouzouki Dann Huff | Cello, Fiddle Jonathan Yudkin | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Aaron Sterling | Edited By [Digital] Dann Huff | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Tom Bukovac | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Steve Marcantonio | Recorded By [Assistant] Seth Morton | Steel Guitar Paul Franklin | Upright Piano, Synth, Organ [B-3] Charles Judge | Written-By Taylor Swift
3 Treacherous 4:01 min
Acoustic Guitar Taylor Swift | Backing Vocals Dan Wilson, Taylor Swift | Drums Aaron Sterling | Electric Guitar, Bass, Piano Dan Wilson | Electric Piano, Synth [Strings], Guitar Andy Thompson (2) | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant] Chris Galland, Delbert Bowers | Producer Dan Wilson | Recorded By Andy Thompson (2), Eric Robinson (6), John Rausch | Written-By Dan Wilson, Taylor Swift
4 I Knew You Were Trouble. 3:38 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Programmed By Shellback (2) | Coordinator [Production] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Mix Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Keyboards Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assistant] Eric Eylands | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
5 All Too Well 5:28 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drums, Backing Vocals Nathan Chapman | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Engineer [Additional] Brian David Willis | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Liz Rose, Taylor Swift
6 22 3:51 min
Acoustic Guitar Shellback (2), Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production] JoAnn Tominaga | Electric Guitar, Bass, Programmed By Shellback (2) | Engineer [Mix Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Keyboards Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assistant] Eric Eylands | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
7 I Almost Do 4:03 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Taylor Swift
8 We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3:11 min
Coordinator [Production] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Mix Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Guitar, Bass, Programmed By Shellback (2) | Keyboards Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Max Martin, Shellback (2) | Recorded By Michael Ilbert, Sam Holland | Recorded By [Assistant] Eric Eylands, Greg Fuess | Written-By Max Martin, Shellback (2), Taylor Swift
9 Stay Stay Stay 3:25 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Mandolin, Bass, Keyboards Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Nick Buda | Engineer [Additional] Brian David Willis, Matt Rausch | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Percussion Eric Darken | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Chad Carlson | Recorded By [Assistant] Leland Elliott | Written-By Taylor Swift
10 The Last Time 4:58 min
Cello John Krovoza, Peggy Baldwin, Richard Dodd (2) | Contrabass Jeff Takiguchi, Simeon Pillich | Contractor [Orchestra Fixer], Concertmaster Eric Gorfain | Coordinator [Production] JoAnn Tominaga | Drums William Rieflin | Edited By Matt Bishop (3) | Featuring Gary Lightbody | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Jacknife Lee | Harp Marcia Dickstein | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Matty Green (2) | Orchestrated By, Conductor Owen Pallett | Piano Jamie Muhoberac | Producer Jacknife Lee | Recorded By Jacknife Lee, Matt Bishop (3), Sam Bell | Recorded By [Assistant] Chris Owens (2) | Viola Brett Banducci, Lauren Chipman, Rodney Wirtz | Violin Amy Wickman, Daphne Chen, Eric Gorfain, Gina Kronstadt, Marisa Kuney, Neli Nikolaeva, Radu Pieptea, Wes Precourt | Written-By Gary Lightbody, Jacknife Lee, Taylor Swift
11 Holy Ground 3:22 min
Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker, Tyler Johnson | Bass, Keyboards, Piano, Programmed By Jeff Bhasker | Coordinator [Production] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Mix Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Guitar Anders Mouridsen | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Jeff Bhasker | Recorded By Pawel Sek | Recorded By [Guitars] Tyler Johnson | Written-By Taylor Swift
12 Sad Beautiful Tragic 4:44 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Keyboards, Percussion, Drums Nathan Chapman | Backing Vocals Taylor Swift | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), LeAnn Bennett, Mike "Frog" Griffith | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Producer Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Nathan Chapman | Written-By Taylor Swift
13 The Lucky One 4:01 min
Bass, Keyboards, Piano, Programmed By, Backing Vocals Jeff Bhasker | Coordinator [Production] JoAnn Tominaga | Engineer [Mix Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Guitar Anders Mouridsen | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Producer Jeff Bhasker | Recorded By Pawel Sek | Recorded By [Guitars] Tyler Johnson | Written-By Taylor Swift
14 Everything Has Changed 4:04 min
Arranged By [Strings], Composed By [Strings] Patrick Warren | Backing Vocals Butch Walker, Gary Lightbody, Jake Sinclair | Bass Jake Sinclair | Coordinator [Production] JoAnn Tominaga | Featuring Ed Sheeran | Guitar, Keyboards, Percussion, Drums Butch Walker | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Producer Butch Walker | Recorded By Jake Sinclair | Written-By Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift
15 Starlight 3:38 min
Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums, Programmed By [Percussion] Jason Bonilla | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman | Electric Guitar [Solo] Dann Huff | Engineer [Mix Assistant] Tim Roberts | Engineer [Mix] John Hanes | Mastered By Tom Coyne | Mixed By Serban Ghenea | Piano, Synth Nathan Chapman | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Joe Baldridge | Synth, Strings Charles Judge | Written-By Taylor Swift | Written-By [Guitar Solo] Nathan Chapman
16 Begin Again 3:58 min
Acoustic Guitar Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman | Acoustic Guitar [High String] Dann Huff | Backing Vocals Caitlin Evanson | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Coordinator [Production] Jason Campbell (4), Mike "Frog" Griffith | Drums Aaron Sterling | Edited By [Digital] Dann Huff | Electric Guitar Dann Huff, Tom Bukovac | Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Mastered By Hank Williams (2) | Mixed By Justin Niebank | Mixed By [Assistant] Drew Bollman | Organ [B-3], Synth, Strings, Accordion, Piano Charles Judge | Producer Dann Huff, Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift | Recorded By Steve Marcantonio | Recorded By [Assistant] Seth Morton | Steel Guitar Paul Franklin | Violin Jonathan Yudkin | Written-By Taylor Swift
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Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift je americká zpěvačka a skladatelka, jejíž kariéra začala v polovině roku 2000. Zpočátku se proslavila svým vyprávěním, které se často soustředilo na její osobní život a bylo podáváno především prostřednictvím country hudby. Swiftová vydala v roce 2006 debutové album s ...

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