The Virgin Years 1974-1978 - CD

Album dostupné na CD v 1 vydání. Toto album je kompilací hudby elektronické skupiny Tangerine Dream , která vyšla v roce 2011. Obsahuje hudbu z prvních čtyř alb skupiny vydaných u Virgin Records v letech 1974 až 1978. Hudba na albu byla remasterována a některé skladby byly rozšířeny nebo znovu nahrány. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Ambient a Berlin-School.

Dostupné v jednom vydání


3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978 2011

307 Kč Skladem
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
3CD Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978
Obrázky pochází z

Virgin 21. ledna 2011 Evropa a UK

Tangerine Dream: The Virgin Years 1974-1978 verze na 3CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství Virgin dne 21. ledna 2011.

Tento 3CD-Set obsahuje všech pět LP, které vydala německá elektronicko-rocková formace TANGERINE DREAM v letech 1974 až 1978 u Virgin Records: "Phaedra" (1974), das internationale Breakthrough-Album, das Platz 15 in den britischen Album-Charts erreichte; "Rubycon" (1975), das geradezu euphorisch aufgenommene Zweitwerk; "Ricochet", mit Aufnahmen der 75er-Europa-Tour aufwartendes Live-Album; "Stratosfear" (1976), das mit seiner Kombination aus Elektronik und akustischen Instrumenten neue Klangspektren eröffnete; schließlich "Cyclone" von 1978, auf dem erstmals Gesangsstimmen Verwendung fanden. Zusätzlich zu hören sind hier einige seltene Singles und Edits sowie zwei rare Radiospots. Tento komplet shromažďuje pět LP, které Tangerine Dream nahráli pro Virgin Records v letech 1974-1978. Obsahuje alba: 1) Phaedra (1974) - mezinárodně průlomové album (dosáhlo 15. místa v britské hitparádě). 2) Rubycon (1975) - jejich skvěle přijaté druhé album, na kterém využili tehdy revoluční technologie, jako jsou elektronické varhany, syntezátory Moog a klávesy Mellotron a další nástroje. 3) Ricochet (1975) - obsahuje koncertní záznamy z jejich evropského turné v roce 1975, kde často improvizovali. 4) Stratosfear (1976) - kombinací akustických nástrojů s jejich tradiční baterií elektroniky vytvořilo trio melodičtější zvuk. 5) Cyclone (1978) - výrazná změna směru oproti předchozím instrumentálním nahrávkám, kdy se skupina vydala progresivnějším směrem, což znamenalo nejen odchod Petera Baumanna, ale i přidání vokalisty Steva Jolliffa a bicích Klause Kriegera. Těchto pět velmi vlivných alb je doplněno raritními singlovými nahrávkami a 7'' edicemi, stejně jako dvěma zřídka slýchanými dobovými rozhlasovými reklamami. Rezensionen ,,Nunt Virgin die ersten fünf Alben dieser Zusammenarbeit als 3-CD-Set heraus. Bonus-Material gibt es nur wenig (u. a. Single-Edits und Radio-Werbespots), doch die hier in guter Klangqualität präsentierten Werke zählen zu den absoluten Meisterwerken der elektronischen Musik." (Good Times, 04 / 05.2011)

Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, Ambient a Berlin-School.

ID: 38996 EAN: 5099990863721 Discogs ID: 2675590
1-1 Phaedra 17:37 min
Engineer Phil Becque | Mellotron, Bass Guitar [Guitar-bass], Synth [VCS3], Organ Edgar Froese | Organ, Electric Piano [E-Piano], Synth [VCS3], Flute Peter Baumann | Producer Edgar Froese | Synthesizer [Moog], Keyboards, Synth [VCS3 sA] Christopher Franke | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
1-2 Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of Nightmares 9:44 min
Engineer Phil Becque | Mellotron, Bass Guitar [Guitar-bass], Synth [VCS3], Organ Edgar Froese | Organ, Electric Piano [E-Piano], Synth [VCS3], Flute Peter Baumann | Producer Edgar Froese | Synthesizer [Moog], Keyboards, Synth [VCS3 sA] Christopher Franke | Written-By Edgar Froese
1-3 Movements Of A Visionary 7:58 min
Engineer Phil Becque | Mellotron, Bass Guitar [Guitar-bass], Synth [VCS3], Organ Edgar Froese | Organ, Electric Piano [E-Piano], Synth [VCS3], Flute Peter Baumann | Producer Edgar Froese | Synthesizer [Moog], Keyboards, Synth [VCS3 sA] Christopher Franke | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
1-4 Sequent C' 2:19 min
Engineer Phil Becque | Mellotron, Bass Guitar [Guitar-bass], Synth [VCS3], Organ Edgar Froese | Organ, Electric Piano [E-Piano], Synth [VCS3], Flute Peter Baumann | Producer Edgar Froese | Synthesizer [Moog], Keyboards, Synth [VCS3 sA] Christopher Franke | Written-By Peter Baumann
1-5 Rubycon Part One 17:18 min
Composed By, Performer [Played By] Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann | Engineer Mick Glossop | Mellotron, Guitar, Synth [VCS 3 Synthi] Edgar Froese | Organ, Synth [Synthi A], Electric Piano [E-Piano], Piano [Prepared Piano] Peter Baumann | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Double Moog Synthesizer], Synth [Synthi A], Organ, Organ [Modified Elka Organ], Organ [Prepared Organ] Christopher Franke | Technician [Technical Assistant] Roland Paulick | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
1-6 Rubycon Part Two 17:35 min
Composed By, Performer [Played By] Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann | Electric Piano [E-Piano], Organ, Synth [Synthi A voice], Synth [ARP 2600] Peter Baumann | Engineer Mick Glossop | Organ, Mellotron, Guitar, Gong, Synth [VCS 3 Synthi] Edgar Froese | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Double Moog Synthesizer], Gong, Synth [Synthi A], Organ Christopher Franke | Technician [Technical Assistant] Roland Paulick | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
Rubycon (Bonus Tracks)
2-1 Rubycon Part Two (excerpt) 10:02 min
Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
2-2 Rubycon (7" Side One) 3:10 min
Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
2-3 Rubycon (7" Side Two) 3:13 min
Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
2-4 Ricochet (Part One) 17:01 min
Mixed By Mick Glossop | Performer Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann | Producer Tangerine Dream | Recorded By Chris Blake | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
2-5 Ricochet (Part Two) 21:05 min
Mixed By Mick Glossop | Performer Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann | Producer Tangerine Dream | Recorded By Chris Blake | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
Stratosfear (Side One)
2-6 Stratosfear 10:36 min
Engineer [Recording Engineer] Ottmar Bergler | Mellotron, Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Twelve-String Guitar, Guitar [Six String], Grand Piano, Bass Guitar, Harmonica [Mouth Organ] Edgar Froese | Mixed By Tangerine Dream | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Computer [Project Electronic Rhythm Computer], Electric Piano [Fender E Piano], Mellotron Peter Baumann | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Organ, Percussion, Mellotron [Loop], Harpsichord Christopher Franke | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
2-7 The Big Sleep In Search Of Hades 4:27 min
Engineer [Recording Engineer] Ottmar Bergler | Mellotron, Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Twelve-String Guitar, Guitar [Six String], Grand Piano, Bass Guitar, Harmonica [Mouth Organ] Edgar Froese | Mixed By Tangerine Dream | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Computer [Project Electronic Rhythm Computer], Electric Piano [Fender E Piano], Mellotron Peter Baumann | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Organ, Percussion, Mellotron [Loop], Harpsichord Christopher Franke | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
Stratosfear (Side Two)
3-1 3 am At The Border Of The Marsh From Okefenokee 8:50 min
Engineer [Recording Engineer] Ottmar Bergler | Mellotron, Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Twelve-String Guitar, Guitar [Six String], Grand Piano, Bass Guitar, Harmonica [Mouth Organ] Edgar Froese | Mixed By Tangerine Dream | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Computer [Project Electronic Rhythm Computer], Electric Piano [Fender E Piano], Mellotron Peter Baumann | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Organ, Percussion, Mellotron [Loop], Harpsichord Christopher Franke | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
3-2 Invisible Limits 11:28 min
Engineer [Recording Engineer] Ottmar Bergler | Mellotron, Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Twelve-String Guitar, Guitar [Six String], Grand Piano, Bass Guitar, Harmonica [Mouth Organ] Edgar Froese | Mixed By Tangerine Dream | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Computer [Project Electronic Rhythm Computer], Electric Piano [Fender E Piano], Mellotron Peter Baumann | Synthesizer [Moog Synthesizer], Organ, Percussion, Mellotron [Loop], Harpsichord Christopher Franke | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
Stratosfear (Bonus Tracks)
3-3 Stratosfear (7" Single Edit) 4:18 min
Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
3-4 The Big Sleep In Search Of Hades (7" Single Edit) 3:24 min
Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann
3-5 Bent Cold Sidewalk 13:09 min
Electronic Drums [Polyester Custom Built Drums With Multi Trigger Unit], Percussion [Electronic], Cymbal [Paiste Cymbals], Other [Bubims], Gong [Burma Gong Set] Klaus Krüger | Engineer [Recording Engineer] Ottmar Bergler | Mixed By Tangerine Dream | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Moog Modular Synthesizer], Sequencer [Project Electronic Sequenzer], Sequencer [Computer Studio Digital Sequensizer], Synthesizer [Elka String Synthesizer], Percussion [Electronic], Synthesizer [Oberheim Eight Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer], Synthesizer [Oby One] Christopher Franke | Synthesizer [Oberheim Eight Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer], Mellotron [Twin Keyboard Mellotron Mark V], Synthesizer [ARP Omni String Synthesizer], Synthesizer [ARP Soloist Synthesizer], Synthesizer [Moog Modular Synthesizer], Computer [Project Electronic Time Control System], Guitar [Gibson Les Paul Custom Guitars], Synthesizer [Korg PS 3100 Polyphonic Synthesizer], Guitar Synthesizer [Roland GS 500 Guitar And GR 500 Controller], Synth [Solina String Ensemble], Acoustic Guitar [Ovation] Edgar Froese | Vocals, Bass Flute, Alto Flute, Flute [C-Flute], Piccolo Flute [Piccolo], Cor Anglais, Bass Clarinet, Clavinet [Hohner], Synthesizer [Elka String Synthesizer], Grand Piano, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Synthesizer [Roland System 100 Synthesizer], Horns [Tenor And Soprano Horns], Lyricon [Lyricon By Computone] Steve Jolliffe | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Steve Jolliffe
3-6 Rising Runner Missed By Endless Sender 5:02 min
Electronic Drums [Polyester Custom Built Drums With Multi Trigger Unit], Percussion [Electronic], Cymbal [Paiste Cymbals], Other [Bubims], Gong [Burma Gong Set] Klaus Krüger | Engineer [Recording Engineer] Ottmar Bergler | Mixed By Tangerine Dream | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Moog Modular Synthesizer], Sequencer [Project Electronic Sequenzer], Sequencer [Computer Studio Digital Sequensizer], Synthesizer [Elka String Synthesizer], Percussion [Electronic], Synthesizer [Oberheim Eight Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer], Synthesizer [Oby One] Christopher Franke | Synthesizer [Oberheim Eight Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer], Mellotron [Twin Keyboard Mellotron Mark V], Synthesizer [ARP Omni String Synthesizer], Synthesizer [ARP Soloist Synthesizer], Synthesizer [Moog Modular Synthesizer], Computer [Project Electronic Time Control System], Guitar [Gibson Les Paul Custom Guitars], Synthesizer [Korg PS 3100 Polyphonic Synthesizer], Guitar Synthesizer [Roland GS 500 Guitar And GR 500 Controller], Synth [Solina String Ensemble], Acoustic Guitar [Ovation] Edgar Froese | Vocals, Bass Flute, Alto Flute, Flute [C-Flute], Piccolo Flute [Piccolo], Cor Anglais, Bass Clarinet, Clavinet [Hohner], Synthesizer [Elka String Synthesizer], Grand Piano, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Synthesizer [Roland System 100 Synthesizer], Horns [Tenor And Soprano Horns], Lyricon [Lyricon By Computone] Steve Jolliffe | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Steve Jolliffe
3-7 Madrigal Meridian 20:32 min
Electronic Drums [Polyester Custom Built Drums With Multi Trigger Unit], Percussion [Electronic], Cymbal [Paiste Cymbals], Other [Bubims], Gong [Burma Gong Set] Klaus Krüger | Engineer [Recording Engineer] Ottmar Bergler | Mixed By Tangerine Dream | Producer Tangerine Dream | Synthesizer [Moog Modular Synthesizer], Sequencer [Project Electronic Sequenzer], Sequencer [Computer Studio Digital Sequensizer], Synthesizer [Elka String Synthesizer], Percussion [Electronic], Synthesizer [Oberheim Eight Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer], Synthesizer [Oby One] Christopher Franke | Synthesizer [Oberheim Eight Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer], Mellotron [Twin Keyboard Mellotron Mark V], Synthesizer [ARP Omni String Synthesizer], Synthesizer [ARP Soloist Synthesizer], Synthesizer [Moog Modular Synthesizer], Computer [Project Electronic Time Control System], Guitar [Gibson Les Paul Custom Guitars], Synthesizer [Korg PS 3100 Polyphonic Synthesizer], Guitar Synthesizer [Roland GS 500 Guitar And GR 500 Controller], Synth [Solina String Ensemble], Acoustic Guitar [Ovation] Edgar Froese | Vocals, Bass Flute, Alto Flute, Flute [C-Flute], Piccolo Flute [Piccolo], Cor Anglais, Bass Clarinet, Clavinet [Hohner], Synthesizer [Elka String Synthesizer], Grand Piano, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Synthesizer [Roland System 100 Synthesizer], Horns [Tenor And Soprano Horns], Lyricon [Lyricon By Computone] Steve Jolliffe | Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Steve Jolliffe
Cyclone (Bonus Track)
3-8 Madrigal Meridian (excerpt) 11:10 min
Written-By Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese, Steve Jolliffe
Bonus Tracks: Radio Adverts
3-9 Phaedra Radio Advert 0:32 min
3-10 Rubycon Radio Advert 0:33 min
Zobrazit seznam skladeb

Tangerine Dream

Tangerine Dream
Tangerine Dream je německá elektronická hudební skupina, kterou v roce 1967 založil Edgar Froese. Skupina prošla v průběhu let mnoha personálními změnami, přičemž Froese byl jediným stálým členem až do své smrti v roce 2015. Tangerine Dream je známá svou průkopnickou prací v oblas...

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