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CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas Wmo Pressing

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CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
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Wmo Pressing

Reprise Records 18. října 2018 USA

Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Reprise Records dne 18. října 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Folk, World, & Country, Jazz, Funk / Soul, Vokál, Folk, Mluvené slovo, Poslechově nenáročná hudba, Gospel, Dialogue, Speech a Vánoční klasika.

ID: 314064 EAN: 0093624739128 Discogs ID: 7181655
1 We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Carol Of The Bells 2:21 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell | Lead Vocals Alvin Chea, David Thomas (11) | Producer, Arranged By Cedric Dent | Written-By Traditional
2 Whalum's Weather Report (Interlude) 0:13 min
Engineer Mark Kibble | Producer Mark Kibble | Speech, Voice, Dialog [Spoken] Kevin Whalum | Written-By Kevin Whalum
3 Let It Snow 4:20 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Producer, Arranged By Mark Kibble | Soprano Saxophone [Soprano Sax] Kirk Whalum | Vocals, Sampler [Vocal Sample] Kevin Whalum | Written-By Jule Styne, Sammy Cahn
4 Go Tell It On The Mountain 4:56 min
Edited By [Vocal Editing] John Lawry | Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Guest, Vocals [Vocalist] Beverly Dent, Karima Kibble, Sherrie Kibble | Producer, Arranged By Kevin Whalum | Written-By Traditional
5 The Christmas Song 3:55 min
Arranged By Brian McKnight | Engineer Chris Wood (5), Marcelo Pennell | Instruments Brian McKnight | Keyboards Cedric Dent | Keyboards [Keyboard], Soloist [Solo] Cedric Dent | Lead Vocals Claude McKnight | Producer Claude McKnight | Written-By Mel Tormé, Robert Wells (2)
6 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 3:27 min
Arranged By [Vocal Arrangements] Cedric Dent, Claude McKnight | Engineer Marcelo Pennell | Lead Vocals [Lead Vocal] Joey Kibble | Producer Claude McKnight | Written-By Hugh Martin, Ralph Blane
7 What Child Is This 4:40 min
Drums Jim Blair | Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Guitar Paul Jackson Jr. | Producer, Arranged By Alvin Chea, David Thomas (11) | Written-By Traditional
8 Silver Bells 4:52 min
Engineer Les Pierce, Marcelo Pennell | Engineer [Assisted] David Thomas (11) | Engineer [Second] Alan Litten | Producer, Arranged By David Thomas (11) | Written-By Livingston & Evans
9 Winter Wonderland 2:38 min
Arranged By Cedric Dent, Mark Kibble | Engineer Danny Duncan, Joey Kibble, Mark Kibble | Producer Mark Kibble | Written-By Dick Smith (3), Felix Bernard
10 Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem 2:50 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Producer, Arranged By Alvin Chea, Joey Kibble | Written-By Lewis Redner, Phillips Brooks, Traditional
11 Joy To The World 1:43 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell | Lead Vocals [Lead Vocal] Claude McKnight | Producer, Arranged By Cedric Dent | Written-By Traditional
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CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas Wmo Pressing

589 Kč 2 týdny
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
CD Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
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Wmo Pressing

Atlantic | Reprise Records 12. prosince 2020 USA

Take 6: We Wish You A Merry Christmas verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Atlantic ve spolupráci s Reprise Records dne 12. prosince 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Folk, World, & Country, Jazz, Funk / Soul, Vokál, Folk, Mluvené slovo, Poslechově nenáročná hudba, Gospel, Dialogue, Speech a Vánoční klasika.

ID: 670984 EAN: 0075678324321 Discogs ID: 13920176
1 We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Carol Of The Bells 2:21 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell | Lead Vocals Alvin Chea, David Thomas (11) | Producer, Arranged By Cedric Dent | Written-By Traditional
2 Whalum's Weather Report (Interlude) 0:13 min
Engineer Mark Kibble | Producer Mark Kibble | Speech, Voice, Dialog [Spoken] Kevin Whalum | Written-By Kevin Whalum
3 Let It Snow 4:20 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Producer, Arranged By Mark Kibble | Soprano Saxophone [Soprano Sax] Kirk Whalum | Vocals, Sampler [Vocal Sample] Kevin Whalum | Written-By Jule Styne, Sammy Cahn
4 Go Tell It On The Mountain 4:56 min
Edited By [Vocal Editing] John Lawry | Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Guest, Vocals [Vocalist] Beverly Dent, Karima Kibble, Sherrie Kibble | Producer, Arranged By Mark Kibble | Written-By Traditional
5 The Christmas Song 3:55 min
Arranged By Brian McKnight | Engineer Chris Wood (5), Marcelo Pennell | Instruments Brian McKnight | Keyboards Cedric Dent | Keyboards [Keyboard], Soloist [Solo] Cedric Dent | Lead Vocals Claude McKnight | Producer Claude McKnight | Written-By Mel Tormé, Robert Wells (2)
6 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 3:27 min
Arranged By [Vocal Arrangements] Cedric Dent, Claude McKnight | Engineer Marcelo Pennell | Lead Vocals [Lead Vocal] Joey Kibble | Producer Claude McKnight | Written-By Hugh Martin, Ralph Blane
7 What Child Is This 4:40 min
Drums Jim Blair | Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Guitar Paul Jackson Jr. | Producer, Arranged By Alvin Chea, David Thomas (11) | Written-By Traditional
8 Silver Bells 4:52 min
Engineer Les Pierce, Marcelo Pennell | Engineer [Assisted] David Thomas (11) | Engineer [Second] Alan Litten | Producer, Arranged By David Thomas (11) | Written-By Livingston & Evans
9 Winter Wonderland 2:38 min
Arranged By Cedric Dent, Mark Kibble | Engineer Danny Duncan, Joey Kibble, Mark Kibble | Producer Mark Kibble | Written-By Dick Smith (3), Felix Bernard
10 Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem 2:50 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell, Rick Ellis | Producer, Arranged By Alvin Chea, Joey Kibble | Written-By Lewis Redner, Phillips Brooks, Traditional
11 Joy To The World 1:43 min
Engineer Marcelo Pennell | Lead Vocals [Lead Vocal] Claude McKnight | Producer, Arranged By Cedric Dent | Written-By Traditional
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Take 6

Take 6
Take 6 je americký a cappella gospelový sextet, který vznikl v roce 1980 na půdě Oakwood College v Huntsville v Alabamě. Skupina spojuje jazz s duchovními a inspirativními texty. Take 6 je známá svými bohatými harmoniemi, složitými aranžemi a hladkou směsí gospelu, jazzu, R&B a po...

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