In The Mix (The Sound Of The 17th Season) - CD

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2CD Sven Väth: In The Mix (The Sound Of The 17th Season) 2016

461 Kč Skladem
2CD Sven Väth: In The Mix (The Sound Of The 17th Season)
2CD Sven Väth: In The Mix (The Sound Of The 17th Season)
2CD Sven Väth: In The Mix (The Sound Of The 17th Season)
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Cocoon Recordings 25. listopadu 2016 Německo

Sven Väth: In The Mix (The Sound Of The 17th Season) verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství Cocoon Recordings dne 25. listopadu 2016. Album zasahuje do žánrů Elektronická hudba, House, Techno, Tech House a Minimal.

Compilation Mixed
ID: 398409 EAN: 4260038313497 Discogs ID: 9415963
1-1 Harald Bjork: Sabor Latino (Mix Of Life Version) 11:54 min
Written-By, Producer Harald Björk
1-2 Ripperton: Ordine Gigante 4:39 min
Written-By, Producer Ripperton
1-3 Paul St. Hilaire, Rhauder: Molekule 4:48 min
Written-By, Producer Paul St. Hilaire, Rhauder
1-4 Love Over Entropy: Sea 5:19 min
Written-By, Producer Love Over Entropy
1-5 Kamran Sadeghi: Flow Me 6:52 min
Written-By, Producer Kamran Sadeghi
1-6 Alex & Digby: Angolan Rumble 4:39 min
Written-By, Producer Alex Smith (30), Digby Smith
1-7 Traumer: Ijah 7:43 min
Written-By, Producer Romain Poncet
1-8 Omar-S, John F.M.: Heard'Chew Single 6:59 min
Featuring John F.M. | Written-By, Producer Omar-S
1-9 Eddie Fowlkes: Oriane 5:41 min
Written-By, Producer Eddie Fowlkes
1-10 Christopher Rau: Sheeos Unn Note 6:24 min
Written-By, Producer Christopher Rau
1-11 Sven Väth, OFF!: Electrica Salsa (Roman Flügel Remix) 4:33 min
Featuring Sven Väth | Remix Roman Flügel | Written-By, Producer Luca Anzilotti, Michael Münzing, Sven Väth
1-12 Pantha Du Prince: Dream Yourself Awake 9:36 min
Written-By, Producer Hendrik Weber
2-1 Levon Vincent: A1 4:04 min
Written-By, Producer Levon Vincent
2-2 Redshape: Tel Aviv 4:55 min
Written-By, Producer Redshape
2-3 Hot City Orchestra: The Nine (André Galluzzi Remix) 4:23 min
Remix André Galluzzi | Written-By, Producer Arno Völker, Simon Birkenfeld
2-4 Adam Port: Sonnenfinsternis 4:17 min
Written-By, Producer Adam Port
2-5 Damian Lazarus: Trouble At The Seance (Kölsch Remix) 6:04 min
Remix Kölsch | Written-By, Producer Damian Lazarus, James Ford
2-6 Margot: Er Suonone 4:45 min
Written-By, Producer Daniel Valanti, Stefano Serafini
2-7 Danny Daze: Swin 5:30 min
Written-By, Producer Danny Daze
2-8 Sven Väth: Robot (Kölsch Remix) 6:37 min
Remix Kölsch | Written-By, Producer Ralf Hildenbeutel, Sven Väth
2-9 Slam, Mr. V: Take You There 6:36 min
Featuring Mr. V (4) | Written-By, Producer Christopher Allan (2), Louie Vega, Orde Meikle, Stuart McMillan
2-10 Floorplan: Spin 5:03 min
Written-By, Producer Robert Hood
2-11 Bart Skils: Fifth Gear 5:00 min
Written-By, Producer Bart Schils
2-12 Johannes Heil: By Night Part One 5:38 min
Written-By, Producer Johannes Heil
2-13 Emmanuel: Entrotera 4:31 min
Written-By, Producer Emmanuel Ashoka Beddewela
2-14 Konstantin Sibold: Mutter 9:23 min
Written-By, Producer Konstantin Sibold
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Sven Väth

Sven Väth
Sven Väth je uznávaný německý DJ, producent a trojnásobný držitel DJ Awards, který od počátku 80. let významně ovlivnil elektronickou hudební scénu. Väth, kterého fanoušci často nazývají "Papa Sven", je známý pro svůj přínos techno hudbě a jako průkopník v tomto odvětví. Založil n...

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