"The Fisherman And The Woodcutter": The Qin, Zither Of The Literati - CD

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CD Sou Si-tai: "The Fisherman And The Woodcutter": The Qin, Zither Of The Literati 2020

479 Kč Na objednávku

VDE | Archives Internationales de Musique Populaire 10. července 2020 Švýcarsko

Sou Si-tai: "The Fisherman And The Woodcutter": The Qin, Zither Of The Literati verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Švýcarsku ve vydavatelství VDE ve spolupráci s Archives Internationales de Musique Populaire dne 10. července 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Chinese Classical.

Album Reissue
ID: 236320 EAN: 7619918121429 Discogs ID: 15796302
1 Homeward Bound I Go
2 Elegy For Those Gone By
3 Thinking Of A Friend
4 Sadness On The Banks Of The Xiang River
5 The Incantation Of The Monk Pu'an
6 The Immortal By The Water
7 Three Variations About The Flowers Of The Plum Tree
8 Dialogue Of The Fisherman & The Woodcutter
9 Farewell To Yangguan
10 Song Of The Intoxicated Elder
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