An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland - CD

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CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland 2007

453 Kč Na objednávku
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
CD Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland
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Naxos 16. března 2007 Evropa

Sir Hamilton Harty: An Irish Symphony ● With The Wild Geese ● In Ireland verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Naxos dne 16. března 2007. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba a Modernismus.

ID: 578911 EAN: 0636943473221 Discogs ID: 13260383
1 With The Wild Geese 18:09 min
2 In Ireland 8:09 min
An Irish Symphony 30:59 min
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Sir Hamilton Harty

Sir Hamilton Harty
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