The Woman In Me - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD v celkem 6 vydáních. The Woman in Me je druhé studiové album kanadské zpěvačky a skladatelky, které vyšlo v roce 1995. Shania Twain . Album bylo komerčně úspěšné, ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo přes 12 milionů kopií a stalo se nejprodávanějším country albem všech dob. Z alba vzešlo šest singlů, včetně crossoverových hitů "Any Man of Mine" a "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!", a americká asociace nahrávacího průmyslu mu udělila diamantový certifikát. Album The Woman in Me je považováno za jedno z nejvlivnějších countryových alb všech dob a pomohlo Twainové prosadit se jako globální superstar. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock a Country Rock.

Dostupné v 6 vydáních


LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR 180gr Clear Vinyl Limited Edition

1 029 Kč Na objednávku
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR
Obrázky pochází z

180gr Clear Vinyl Limited Edition

Mercury | UMe 26. listopadu 2021 USA

Shania Twain: The Woman In Me LTD | CLR verze na vinylu LP v limitované remasterované kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Mercury ve spolupráci s UMe dne 26. listopadu 2021.

The Woman in Me je druhé studiové album kanadské zpěvačky a skladatelky, které vyšlo v roce 1995. Shania Twain . Album bylo komerčně úspěšné, ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo přes 12 milionů kopií a stalo se nejprodávanějším country albem všech dob. Z alba vzešlo šest singlů, včetně crossoverových hitů "Any Man of Mine" a "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!", a americká asociace nahrávacího průmyslu mu udělila diamantový certifikát. Album The Woman in Me je považováno za jedno z nejvlivnějších countryových alb všech dob a pomohlo Twainové prosadit se jako globální superstar.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock a Country Rock.

Album Limited Edition Reissue Remastered Coloured Vinyl
ID: 320183 EAN: 0602508900808 Discogs ID: 16008604
A1 Home Ain't Where His Heart Is (Anymore) 4:12 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A2 Any Man Of Mine 4:07 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A3 Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? 4:25 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A4 (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here! 4:30 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A5 The Woman In Me (Needs The Man In You) 4:50 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A6 Is There Life After Love? 4:39 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B1 If It Don't Take Two 3:40 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B2 You Win My Love 4:26 min
Written-By Robert John Lange
B3 Raining On Our Love 4:38 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B4 Leaving Is The Only Way Out 4:07 min
Written-By Shania Twain
B5 No One Needs To Know 3:04 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B6 God Bless The Child 1:30 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
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LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me 180g Remastered 25th Anniversary Diamond Edition 180gr Vinyl

1 029 Kč Na objednávku
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
Obrázky pochází z

180g Remastered 25th Anniversary Diamond Edition 180gr Vinyl

Mercury | Mercury Nashville | Universal Music Group 23. února 2024 Evropa

Shania Twain: The Woman In Me verze na vinylu LP v remasterované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Mercury ve spolupráci s Mercury Nashville a Universal Music Group dne 23. února 2024.

The Woman in Me je druhé studiové album kanadské zpěvačky a skladatelky, které vyšlo v roce 1995. Shania Twain . Album bylo komerčně úspěšné, ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo přes 12 milionů kopií a stalo se nejprodávanějším country albem všech dob. Z alba vzešlo šest singlů, včetně crossoverových hitů "Any Man of Mine" a "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!", a americká asociace nahrávacího průmyslu mu udělila diamantový certifikát. Album The Woman in Me je považováno za jedno z nejvlivnějších countryových alb všech dob a pomohlo Twainové prosadit se jako globální superstar.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock a Country Rock.

Album Reissue Remastered
ID: 542606 EAN: 0602557165746 Discogs ID: 16009826
A1 Home Ain't Where His Heart Is (Anymore) 4:12 min
6-String Bass Brent Mason | Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Arranged By [String Arrangement] Ronn Huff | Contractor Carl Gorodetzky | Copyist Jeff Lippencott | Drums, Shaker [Shakers] Paul Leim | Fretless Bass David Hungate | Guitar [Tic-tac, Guitar Textures And Slide Solo] Dann Huff | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] John Hughey | Piano [Acoustic] John Jarvis | Strings The Nashville String Machine | Vocals Shania Twain | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A2 Any Man Of Mine 4:07 min
Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Bass David Hungate | Drums Paul Leim | Electric Guitar Brent Rowan | Fiddle Rob Hajacos | Guitar [Electric Solo, Wa-wa Guitar, Lead Lix], Handclaps [Claps] Dann Huff | Handclaps [Claps] Nick Keca | Handclaps [Claps], Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] Paul Franklin | Piano [Acoustic] Matt Rollings | Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A3 Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? 4:25 min
Double Bass David Hungate | Drums Paul Leim | Electric Guitar [Electric Guitar Lix And Solo] Brent Mason | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Larry Byrom | Fiddle Joe Spivey | Guitar [Tic-tac] Dann Huff | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] John Hughey | Percussion [Boots] Terry McMillan | Piano [Acoustic] John Jarvis | Vocals Shania Twain | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A4 (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here! 4:30 min
Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Bass David Hungate | Drums, Percussion [Door] Paul Leim | Electric Guitar [Electric Rhythm And Jangles] Dann Huff | Fiddle Rob Hajacos | Handclaps [Claps] Nick Keca | Harmonica, Cowbell Terry McMillan | Harmony Vocals, Handclaps [Claps] Robert John Lange | Lead Guitar, Soloist Brent Rowan | Piano [Acoustic] Matt Rollings | Resonator Guitar [Pedal-Bro] Paul Franklin | Slide Guitar Billy Crain | Vocals [Harmonies], Handclaps [Claps], Percussion [Footsteps], Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A5 The Woman In Me (Needs The Man In You) 4:50 min
Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Arranged By [String Arrangement] Ronn Huff | Contractor Carl Gorodetzky | Copyist Jeff Lippencott | Drums, Percussion Paul Leim | Electric Guitar Brent Mason | Electric Guitar [Electric Guitar Textures And Lix] Brent Rowan | Fretless Bass David Hungate | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] John Hughey | Piano John Jarvis | Strings The Nashville String Machine | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Vocals [Harmonies], Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A6 Is There Life After Love? 4:39 min
6-String Bass Brent Mason | Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Arranged By [String Arrangement] Ronn Huff | Bass David Hungate | Contractor Carl Gorodetzky | Copyist Jeff Lippencott | Drums, Tambourine Paul Leim | Fiddle Rob Hajacos | Guitar [Tic-tac, Guitar Textures And Lix] Dann Huff | Mandolin Sam Bush | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] John Hughey | Piano [Acoustic] Hargus Robbins | Strings The Nashville String Machine | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Vocals [Harmonies], Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B1 If It Don't Take Two 3:40 min
Bass David Hungate | Drums Paul Leim | Electric Guitar Brent Rowan | Electric Guitar [Electric Guitar Rhythm and Wa-wa and Jangles] Dann Huff | Electric Guitar [Electric Rhythm] Larry Byrom | Fiddle [Fiddle Lix], Soloist Glen Duncan | Fiddle [Rhythm] Rob Hajacos | Guitar [Guitar Lix], Soloist Brent Mason | Harmonica Terry McMillan | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] Paul Franklin | Piano [Acoustic], Electric Piano Matt Rollings | Vocals Shania Twain | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B2 You Win My Love 4:26 min
Bass David Hungate | Drums Paul Leim | Electric Guitar [All Electric Rhythm] Dann Huff | Electric Guitar, Soloist Brent Mason | Fiddle Rob Hajacos | Guitar [Jangle Guitar And Lix] Brent Rowan | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] Paul Franklin | Piano [Acoustic] Matt Rollings | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Vocals [Harmonies], Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange
B3 Raining On Our Love 4:38 min
Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Textures], 6-String Bass Brent Rowan | Arranged By [String Arrangement] Ronn Huff | Bass David Hungate | Contractor Carl Gorodetzky | Copyist Jeff Lippencott | Drums Paul Leim | Guitar [Tic-tac], Electric Guitar [Lix] Dann Huff | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel], Resonator Guitar [Pedal-Bro] Paul Franklin | Percussion Terry McMillan | Piano [Acoustic] Hargus Robbins | Strings The Nashville String Machine | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Vocals [Harmonies], Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B4 Leaving Is The Only Way Out 4:07 min
Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Arranged By [String Arrangement] Ronn Huff | Bass David Hungate | Copyist Jeff Lippencott | Drums Paul Leim | Electric Guitar [Electric Textures] Brent Rowan | Guitar [Tic-tac], Electric Guitar, Guitar [Textures] Dann Huff | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] John Hughey | Piano [Acoustic] Hargus Robbins | Strings The Nashville String Machine | Vocals [Harmonies] Robert John Lange | Vocals [Harmonies], Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Shania Twain
B5 No One Needs To Know 3:04 min
Acoustic Guitar Larry Byrom | Bass David Hungate | Drums, Percussion Paul Leim | Electric Guitar [Electric Guitar Rhythm And Lix] Brent Mason | Electric Piano [Wurlitzer] John Jarvis | Fiddle [Fiddle Rhythm] Glen Duncan | Guitar [Tic-tac And Jangles] Dann Huff | Harmony Vocals Robert John Lange | Harp Terry McMillan | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] John Hughey | Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B6 God Bless The Child 1:30 min
Vocals Shania Twain | Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
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LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me 2024

979 Kč 2 týdny
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
LP Shania Twain: The Woman In Me
Obrázky pochází z

Mercury 29. března 2024 Evropa

Shania Twain: The Woman In Me verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Mercury dne 29. března 2024.

The Woman in Me je druhé studiové album kanadské zpěvačky a skladatelky, které vyšlo v roce 1995. Shania Twain . Album bylo komerčně úspěšné, ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo přes 12 milionů kopií a stalo se nejprodávanějším country albem všech dob. Z alba vzešlo šest singlů, včetně crossoverových hitů "Any Man of Mine" a "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!", a americká asociace nahrávacího průmyslu mu udělila diamantový certifikát. Album The Woman in Me je považováno za jedno z nejvlivnějších countryových alb všech dob a pomohlo Twainové prosadit se jako globální superstar.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Pop Rock a Country Rock.

Album Reissue
ID: 597302 EAN: 0602557010275 Discogs ID: 9437207
A1 Home Ain't Where His Heart Is (Anymore) 4:12 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A2 Any Man Of Mine 4:07 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A3 Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? 4:25 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A4 (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here! 4:30 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A5 The Woman In Me (Needs The Man In You) 4:50 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
A6 Is There Life After Love? 4:39 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B1 If It Don't Take Two 3:40 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B2 You Win My Love 4:26 min
Written-By Robert John Lange
B3 Raining On Our Love 4:38 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B4 Leaving Is The Only Way Out 4:07 min
Written-By Shania Twain
B5 No One Needs To Know 3:04 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
B6 God Bless The Child 1:30 min
Written-By Robert John Lange, Shania Twain
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2CD Shania Twain: The Woman In Me DLX 25th Anniversary Deluxe Diamond Edition

367 Kč Skladem

3CD Shania Twain: The Woman In Me DLX 25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Diamond Edition Box

559 Kč Skladem

CD Shania Twain: The Woman In Me 2015

239 Kč Skladem

Shania Twain

Shania Twain
Shania Twain je kanadský zpěvák a skladatel, který dosáhl obrovského úspěchu v žánru country a pop music. Narodila se jako Eilleen Regina Edwards 28. srpna 1965 ve Windsoru v Ontariu, přijala umělecké jméno Shania Twain a proslavila se v polovině 90. let. Její průlomové album "The...

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