Good Gracious! Bad People. - Vinyl, CD

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LP Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People. CLR | DLX Coloured Translucent Tan + Black Galaxy Vinyl Deluxe Edition

1 029 Kč 2 týdny
LP Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People. CLR | DLX
LP Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People. CLR | DLX
LP Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People. CLR | DLX
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Coloured Translucent Tan + Black Galaxy Vinyl Deluxe Edition

Take This To Heart Records 12. července 2024 USA

Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People. CLR | DLX verze na vinylu LP v kolorované deluxe edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Take This To Heart Records dne 12. července 2024. Album lze řadit do žánru Rock.

Coloured Vinyl Album Deluxe Edition
ID: 596658 EAN: 0605491110056 Discogs ID: 30953794
1 Welcome To Winterwood
2 You're All Scotch, No Soda
3 The Last Great Sweetheart of the Grand Electric Rodeo
4 A Celebration - With A Vengeance?!
5 Sick On Seventh Street
6 When Oscar Fische Comes To Town
7 Something Is Afoot On Old Man McGrady's River
8 Bottom Of A Bender
9 The Miscommunication
10 Disobedient
Featuring Gerard D'Lor
11 The Bonnie Dell House
12 Disobedient (2023 Mix)
13 Something Is Afoot On Old Man McGrady's River (Swampwater Version)
14 The Bonnie Dell House (Live From Quarantine At The Masquerade Atlanta)
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CD Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People. 2021

259 Kč Na objednávku
CD Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People.
CD Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People.
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Take This To Heart Records 15. října 2021 USA

Sarah And The Safe Word: Good Gracious! Bad People. verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Take This To Heart Records dne 15. října 2021. Album lze řadit do žánru Rock.

ID: 264469 EAN: 0605491105724 Discogs ID: 16547127
1 Welcome To Winterwood
2 You're All Scotch, No Soda
3 The Last Great Sweetheart of the Grand Electric Rodeo
4 A Celebration - With A Vengeance?!
5 Sick On Seventh Street
6 When Oscar Fische Comes To Town
7 Something Is Afoot On Old Man McGrady's River
8 Bottom Of A Bender
9 The Miscommunication
10 Disobedient
Featuring Gerard D'Lor
11 The Bonnie Dell House
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Sarah And The Safe Word

Sarah And The Safe Word
Sarah and the Safe Word je šestičlenná queer kabaretní rocková kapela z Atlanty, kterou tvoří Sarah Rose , Kienan Dietrich , Susy Reyes , Beth Ballinger , Maddox Reksten a Carlos Gonzalez . Od svého založení v roce 2015 mají stále co dělat - zakladatel Kevin Lyman si je osobně vyžá...

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