Supernatural - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 3 vydáních. Supernatural je album skupiny Santana vydané v roce 1999. Album mělo velký komerční úspěch, debutovalo na prvním místě žebříčku Billboard 200 a ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo př...  Více

Dostupné ve 3 vydáních


2LP Santana: Supernatural CLR Blue Coloured Vinyl

687 Kč Skladem
2LP Santana: Supernatural  CLR
2LP Santana: Supernatural  CLR
2LP Santana: Supernatural  CLR
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Blue Coloured Vinyl

Arista | Legacy | Sony Music 27. září 2024 Celosvětově

Santana: Supernatural CLR verze na vinylu 2LP v kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Worldwide ve vydavatelství Arista ve spolupráci s Legacy a Sony Music dne 27. září 2024.

Supernatural je album skupiny Santana vydané v roce 1999. Album mělo velký komerční úspěch, debutovalo na prvním místě žebříčku Billboard 200 a ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo přes 10 milionů kopií. Získalo devět cen Grammy, včetně ocenění Album roku a Nahrávka roku za singl "Smooth".

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Latinská hudba, Blues Rock a Classic Rock. Blue Coloured Vinyl.

Coloured Vinyl Album Reissue Stereo
ID: 626261 EAN: 0198028292313 Discogs ID: 31782332
A1 Carlos Santana: (Da Le) Yaleo 5:51 min
A2 Carlos Santana: Love Of My Life 5:48 min
A3 Carlos Santana: Put Your Lights On 4:47 min
A4 Carlos Santana: Africa Bamba 4:40 min
B1 Carlos Santana, Rob Thomas: Smooth 4:56 min
B2 Carlos Santana: Do You Like The Way 5:52 min
B3 Carlos Santana, Wyclef Jean, Jerry Duplessis: Maria Maria 4:21 min
B4 Carlos Santana: Migra 5:24 min
C1 Carlos Santana, Maná: Corazón Espiando 4:32 min
C2 Carlos Santana: Wishing It Was 4:59 min
C3 Carlos Santana: El Farol 4:49 min
D1 Carlos Santana: Primavera 6:18 min
D2 Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton: The Calling 7:48 min
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2LP Santana: Supernatural 2019

od 508 Kč Skladem
2LP Santana: Supernatural
2LP Santana: Supernatural
2LP Santana: Supernatural
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Arista | Legacy | Sony Music 2. srpna 2019 Evropa

Santana: Supernatural verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Arista ve spolupráci s Legacy a Sony Music dne 2. srpna 2019.

Kultovní album na vinylu Nejenže v roce 2019 vyjde zbrusu nové Santanovo album "Africa Speaks", ale milovníci desek se mohou v červnu těšit i na speciální reedici: "Supernatural" opět vyjde jako dvojalbum. "Supernatural" je devatenácté studiové album této latinsko-americké rockové ikony. Původně vyšla 14. června 1999 a hostují na ní Dave Matthews, Lauryn Hill, Everlast, Cee-Lo Green, Eagle-Eye Cherry a Eric Clapton. V roce 2000 získala na cenách Grammy celých osm trofejí a stala se tak jednou z nejúspěšnějších Santanových desek. Nyní je toto kultovní album konečně opět k dispozici na vinylu: zde je "Supernatural".

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Latinská hudba, Blues Rock a Classic Rock.

Album Reissue Stereo
ID: 35160 EAN: 0190758900018 Discogs ID: 13964485
A1 (Da Le) Yaleo 5:51 min
A2 Love Of My Life 5:48 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas, Percussion Karl Perazzo | Engineer Jim Gaines, John Seymour, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Andy Salas, Dave Dar | Featuring Dave Matthews | Featuring, Drums Carter Beauford | Guitar, Producer Carlos Santana | Keyboards George Whitty | Lead Vocals Dave Matthews | Mixed By Jim Gaines | Mixed By [Assistant] Steve Fontano | Producer Stephen Harris | Written-By Carlos Santana, Dave Matthews
A3 Put Your Lights On 4:47 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Engineer John Gamble, Steve Ferrone, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Mike Anderson (11) | Featuring Everlast | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar, Congas, Percussion Carlos Santana | Mixed By Tom Lord-Alge | Mixed By [Assistant] Femio Hernandez | Producer, Programmed By Dante Ross, John Gamble | Rhythm Guitar, Lead Vocals Everlast | Written-By Erik Schrody
A4 Africa Bamba 4:40 min
Backing Vocals Tony Lindsay | Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez | Engineer Mike Couzzi | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Mixed By Jim Gaines | Mixed By [Assistant] Ben Conrad, Steve Fontano | Percussion, Vocals [Vamp Out Vocal], Backing Vocals Karl Perazzo | Producer, Guitar, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Carlos Santana | Trombone Jose Abel Figueroa | Trombone, Trumpet Mic Gillette | Trumpet Marvin McFadden | Written-By Carlos Santana, Hamidou Touré, Ismaila Touré, Karl Perazzo, Ousmane Touré, Sixu Tidiane Touré
B1 Smooth 4:56 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Rodney Holmes | Featuring Rob Thomas | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals Rob Thomas | Mixed By [Assistant] Andy Haller | Percussion Karl Perazzo | Producer Matt Serletic | Programmed By, Edited By [Digital Editing] Mark Dobson (2) | Recorded By [Assistant] Steve Fontano | Recorded By, Mixed By David Thoener | Trombone Jeff Cressman, Jose Abel Figueroa | Trumpet Bill Ortiz, Julius Melendez | Written-By Itaal Shur, Rob Thomas
B2 Do You Like The Way 5:52 min
Backing Vocals Lenesha Randolph | Bass Tom Barney | Engineer Commissioner Gordon, Tony Prendatt | Engineer [Additional] Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Jamie Siegel | Featuring Cee-Lo | Featuring, Producer, Arranged By, Backing Vocals Lauryn Hill | Keyboards Loris Holland | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals Cee-Lo, Lauryn Hill | Mixed By Warren Riker | Programmed By Che Pope, Kobie Brown | Rhythm Guitar Al Anderson, Francis Dunnery | Saxophone, Flute Danny Wilensky | Trombone Steve Turre | Trumpet, Flugelhorn Earl Gardner | Tuba Joe Daley | Written-By Lauryn Hill
B3 Maria Maria 4:21 min
Cello Joseph Hébert | Engineer Chris Theis, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Chuck Bailey, Jason Gorucott | Engineer, Mixed By Andy Grassi | Featuring The Product G&B | Guitar, Vocals [Additional] Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals The Product G&B | Mixed By [Assistant] Michael McCoy | Percussion Carol Steele | Producer Jerry Duplessis, Wyclef Jean | Viola Danny Seidenberg, David Balakrishnan | Violin Jeremy Cohen | Written-By Carlos Santana, David McRae, Jerry Duplessis, Karl Perazzo, Marvin Moore-Hough, Raul Rekow, Wyclef Jean
B4 Migra 5:24 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Rodney Holmes | Engineer Jim Gaines, John Karpowich, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Mike Anderson (11) | Engineer, Mixed By Jeff Poe | Guitar, Bells [Sleigh] Carlos Santana | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Percussion, Vocals Karl Perazzo | Producer Carlos Santana, KC Porter | Programmed By, Accordion KC Porter | Trombone Ramon Flores | Trombone, Trumpet Mic Gillette | Trumpet Jose Abel Figueroa, Marvin McFadden | Vocals KC Porter, Tony Lindsay | Written-By Carlos Santana, Rachid Taha, Tony Lindsay
C1 Corazon Espinado 4:32 min
Backing Vocals Gonzalo Chomat | Bass Juan Calleros | Co-producer, Drums, Backing Vocals Alex González | Congas Raul Rekow | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant], Mixed By [Assistant] Adam Olmstead, Andy Haller, Claudio Leiva, Tony Flores | Engineer, Mixed By Benny Faccone | Featuring Maná | Keyboards Alberto Salas, Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals Fher Olvera | Producer Fher Olvera, KC Porter | Rhythm Guitar Sergio Vallín | Timbales, Percussion Karl Perazzo | Vocals [Vocal Directions] José Quintana | Written-By Fher Olvera
C2 Wishing It Was 4:59 min
Backing Vocals Chad & Earl | Bass Benny Rietveld | Co-producer Art Hodge, Charles Goodan | Congas, Percussion Raul Rekow | Drums Rodney Holmes | Engineer Anton Pukshansky, David Frazer, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Bill Kinsley, Billy Konkel, Tracey Brown | Featuring, Written-By Eagle-Eye Cherry | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals Eagle-Eye Cherry | Percussion [Additional] Humberto "Nengue" Hernandez | Producer The Dust Brothers | Producer [Additional Production], Mixed By T-Ray | Timbales, Percussion Karl Perazzo | Written-By John King, Mark Ramos-Nishita, Mike Simpson
C3 El Farol 4:49 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Gregg Bissonette | Engineer Jim Gaines, John Karpowich, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Manning | Engineer, Mixed By Jeff Poe | Keyboards, Programmed By Chester Thompson (2), KC Porter | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Producer [Associate] JB Eckl | Rhythm Guitar, Percussion Raul Pacheco | Timbales Karl Perazzo | Written-By Carlos Santana | Written-By, Producer KC Porter
D1 Primavera 6:18 min
Backing Vocals Fher Olvera | Bass Mike Porcaro | Congas, Percussion Luis Conte | Drums Jimmy Keegan | Engineer Alvaro Villagra, Glen Kolotkin, Jim Gaines, Jim Scott, John Karpowich, Matthew Spindel, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Adrian Rodriguez (7), Alejandro Cassini, Chris Manning | Engineer, Mixed By Jeff Poe | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Keyboards, Programmed By KC Porter | Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals Carlos Santana | Rhythm Guitar JB Eckl | Timbales, Percussion, Backing Vocals Karl Perazzo | Written-By Chein Garcia | Written-By, Producer [Associate] JB Eckl | Written-By, Producer, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals KC Porter
D2 The Calling 7:48 min
Edited By [Pro Tools Editing] Andre For Screaming Lizard | Engineer [Assistant] Chris Manning, Frank Rinella | Engineer [Assistant], Mixed By [Assistant] Ben Conrad | Engineer, Mixed By Steve Fontano | Featuring Eric Clapton | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar Eric Clapton | Percussion Carlos Santana | Producer Carlos Santana | Programmed By Mike Mani | Vocals Jeanie Tracy, Tony Lindsay | Written-By Carlos Santana, Chester Thompson (2), Freddie Stone, Larry Graham
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CD Santana: Supernatural 2008

307 Kč Skladem
CD Santana: Supernatural
CD Santana: Supernatural
CD Santana: Supernatural
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Arista | BMG 2. června 2008 Evropa

Santana: Supernatural verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Arista ve spolupráci s BMG dne 2. června 2008.

Když 23. února 2000 obdržel Carlos Santana celkem osm cen Grammy za své album "Supernatural", bylo to pozdní uznání pro jednoho z nejinovativnějších a nejkonzistentnějších rockových hudebníků posledních 30 let a zároveň překonání rekordu Michaela Jacksona v počtu získaných Grammy, který nebyl překonán od roku 1983. Santana má na svém kontě ocenění Billboard Century Award, Bay Area Music Award a celkem devět cen Grammy (první získal v roce 1988). Byl také uveden do Rock'n'rollové síně slávy.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Latinská hudba, Blues Rock a Classic Rock.

ID: 35158 EAN: 0078221908023 Discogs ID: 5737277
1 Santana: (Da Le) Yaleo 5:51 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Billy Johnson | Engineer Glen Kolotkin, Mike Couzzi | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Mixed By Jim Gaines | Mixed By [Assistant] Ben Conrad, Steve Fontano | Percussion, Vocals Karl Perazzo | Producer, Guitar, Vocals Carlos Santana | Trombone Jose Abel Figueroa | Trombone, Trumpet Mic Gillette | Trumpet Marvin McFadden | Vocals Tony Lindsay | Written-By Carlos Santana, Christian Polloni, Shakara Mutela
2 Santana, Dave Matthews: Love Of My Life 5:48 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas, Percussion Karl Perazzo | Drums Carter Beauford | Engineer Jim Gaines, John Seymour | Engineer [Assistant] Andy Salas, Dave Dar | Engineer, Engineer [Assistant] Steve Fontano | Keyboards George Whitty | Lead Vocals [Featuring] Dave Matthews | Producer Stephen Harris | Producer, Guitar Carlos Santana | Written-By Carlos Santana, Dave Matthews
3 Santana, Everlast: Put Your Lights On 4:47 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Engineer Steve Farrone, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Michael Anderson (3) | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar, Congas, Percussion Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals [Featuring], Rhythm Guitar [Featuring] Everlast | Mixed By Tom Lord-Alge | Mixed By [Assistant] Femio Hernandez | Producer, Programmed By Dante Ross | Programmed By, Engineer John Gamble | Written-By Erik Schrody
4 Santana: Africa Bamba 4:40 min
Backing Vocals [Background vocals] Tony Lindsay | Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez | Engineer Mike Couzzi | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Mixed By Jim Gaines | Mixed By [Assistant] Ben Conrad, Steve Fontano | Percussion, Vocals [Vamp Out Vocal], Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Karl Perazzo | Producer, Guitar, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Carlos Santana | Written-By Carlos Santana, Ismaila Touré, Karl Perazzo, Sixu Tidiane Touré
5 Santana, Rob Thomas: Smooth 4:56 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Rodney Holmes | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Mixed By [Assistant] Andy Haller | Music By Itaal Shur | Music By, Lyrics By, Lead Vocals [Featuring] Rob Thomas | Percussion Karl Perazzo | Producer Matt Serletic | Programmed By, Edited By [Digital Editing] Mark Dobson (2) | Recorded By [Assistant] Steve Fontano | Recorded By, Mixed By David Thoener | Trombone Jeff Cressman, Jose Abel Figueroa | Trumpet Bill Ortiz, Julius Melendez
6 Cee-Lo, Santana, Lauryn Hill: Do You Like The Way 5:52 min
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Lauryn Hill, Lenesha Randolph | Bass Tom Barney | Editor [Pro Tools] Mario De Arce | Engineer Commissioner Gordon, Tony Prendatt | Engineer [Additional] Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Jamie Siegel | Keyboards Loris Holland | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals [Featuring] Cee-Lo, Lauryn Hill | Mixed By Warren Riker | Producer, Arranged By Lauryn Hill | Programmed By Che Pope, Kobie Brown | Rhythm Guitar Al Anderson, Francis Dunnery | Saxophone, Flute Danny Wilensky | Trombone Steve Turre | Trumpet, Flugelhorn Earl Gardner | Tuba Joe Daley | Written-By Lauryn Hill
7 Santana: Maria Maria 4:21 min
Cello Joseph Hébert | Engineer Andy Grassi, Chris Theis, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Chuck Bailey, Jason Groucott | Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals The Product G&B | Mixed By Andy Grassi | Mixed By [Assistant] Michael McCoy | Producer Jerry Duplessis, Jerry Duplessis, Wyclef Jean, Wyclef Jean | Viola Danny Seidenberg, David Balakrishnan | Violin Jeremy Cohen | Vocals The Product G&B | Vocals [Additional] Carlos Santana | Written-By Carlos Santana, Jerry Duplessis, Karl Perazzo, Raul Rekow, Wyclef Jean
8 Santana: Migra 5:24 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Paul Rekow | Drums Rodney Holmes | Engineer Jeff Poe, Jim Gaines, John Karpowich, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Michael Anderson (3) | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Mixed By Jeff Poe | Percussion, Vocals Karl Perazzo | Producer, Guitar, Bells [Sleigh] Carlos Santana | Producer, Programmed By, Accordion, Vocals KC Porter | Trombone Mic Gillette, Ramon Flores | Trumpet Jose Abel Figueroa, Marvin McFadden, Mic Gillette | Vocals Tony Lindsay | Written-By Carlos Santana, Rachid Taha, Tony Lindsay
9 Santana, Maná: Corazon Espinado 4:32 min
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Alex González, Gonzalo Chomat | Bass Juan Calleros | Co-producer Alex González | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Alex González | Engineer [Additional] Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant], Mixed By [Assistant] Adam Olmstead, Andy Haller, Claudio Leiva, Tony Flores | Engineer, Mixed By Benny Faccone | Keyboards Alberto Salas, Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals Fher Olvera | Music Director [Vocals] Jose Quintana | Producer Fher Olvera, KC Porter | Rhythm Guitar Sergio Vallín | Timbales, Percussion Karl Perazzo | Written-By Fher Olvera
10 Santana, Eagle-Eye Cherry: Wishing It Was 4:59 min
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Chad & Earl | Band [The Dust Brothers] John King, Mike Simpson | Bass Benny Rietveld | Co-producer Art Hodge, Charles Goodan | Congas, Percussion Raul Rekow | Drums Rodney Holmes | Engineer Anton Pukshansky, David Frazer, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Assistant] Bill Kinsley, Billy Konkel, Tracey Brown | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar Carlos Santana | Lead Vocals [Featuring] Eagle-Eye Cherry | Mixed By T-Ray | Percussion [Additional] Humberto Hernandez | Producer The Dust Brothers | Producer [Additional], Mixed By [Additional] T-Ray | Timbales, Percussion Karl Perazzo | Written-By Eagle-Eye Cherry, John King, Mark Ramos-Nishita, Mike Simpson
11 Santana: El Farol 4:49 min
Bass Benny Rietveld | Congas Raul Rekow | Drums Gregg Bissonette | Engineer Glen Kolotkin, Jeff Poe, Jim Gaines, John Karpowich, Steve Fontano | Keyboards, Programmed By Chester Thompson (2), KC Porter | Lead Guitar Carlos Santana | Mixed By Jeff Poe | Producer KC Porter | Rhythm Guitar, Percussion Raul Pacheco | Timbales Karl Perazzo | Written-By Carlos Santana, KC Porter
12 Santana: Primavera 5:17 min
Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Fher Olvera, Tony Lindsay | Bass Mike Porcaro | Congas, Percussion Luis Conte | Drums Jimmy Keegan | Engineer Alvaro Villagra, Glen Kolotkin, Jeff Poe, Jim Gaines, Jim Scott, John Karpowich, Matthew Spindel, Steve Fontano | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Keyboards, Programmed By, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] KC Porter | Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Carlos Santana | Mixed By Jeff Poe | Producer KC Porter | Rhythm Guitar JB Eckl | Timbales, Percussion, Backing Vocals [Background Vocals] Karl Perazzo | Translated By [Spanish translation] Chein Garcia | Written-By JB Eckl, KC Porter
13 Santana, Eric Clapton: The Calling 7:48 min
Editor [Pro tools] Andre Zweers | Engineer [Assistant] Frank Rinella | Engineer [Assistant], Mixed By [Assistant] Ben Conrad | Engineer, Mixed By Steve Fontano | Keyboards Chester Thompson (2) | Lead Guitar [Featuring], Rhythm Guitar [Featuring] Eric Clapton | Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Percussion Carlos Santana | Producer Carlos Santana | Programmed By Mike Mani | Vocals Jeanie Tracy, Tony Lindsay | Written-By Carlos Santana, Chester Thompson (2)
14 Carlos Santana: Day Of Celebration (Hidden Track) 4:58 min
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Santana je známá rocková skupina, kterou v roce 1966 v San Franciscu založil mexicko-americký kytarista Carlos Santana . Skupina se proslavila svou ranou tvorbou, která spojovala rock a latinskoamerickou hudbu s jazzovými improvizacemi. Jejich druhé album "Abraxas" vydané v roce 1...

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