Good Girl Gone Bad - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 3 vydáních. Rihanna Album Good Girl Gone Bad, které vyšlo v roce 2007, bylo komerčně úspěšné. Z alba vzešly hity "Umbrella", "Don't Stop the Music", "Take a Bow" a "Disturbia". Album Good Girl ...  Více

Dostupné ve 3 vydáních


2LP Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad 180g Vinyl

877 Kč Skladem
2LP Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad
2LP Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad
2LP Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad
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180g Vinyl

Def Jam Recordings | SRP Records | Universal Music Group International 21. dubna 2017 Evropa

Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Def Jam Recordings ve spolupráci s SRP Records a Universal Music Group International dne 21. dubna 2017.

Good Girl Gone Bad (2007) je třetí studiové album Rihanny. Rihanna na tomto albu spolupracovala s různými producenty, mezi něž patří Christopher "Tricky" Stewart, Terius "Dream" Nash, Neo da Matrix, Timbaland, Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers a StarGate. Album Good Girl Gone Bad, inspirované čtvrtým studiovým albem Brandy Norwood Afrodisiac (2004), je popové, tanečně-popové a R&B album s vlivy 80. let. Je označováno za zlom v Rihannině kariéře a představuje odklon od karibského zvuku jejích dřívějších alb.

Album bylo nominováno na sedm cen Grammy a na slavnostním ceremoniálu v roce 2008 zvítězilo v kategorii "Nejlepší rapová/zpívaná spolupráce" za skladbu "Umbrella". Album debutovalo na druhém místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200 a během prvního týdne se ho prodalo 162 000 kopií. Americká asociace nahrávacího průmyslu (RIAA) mu udělila pětinásobnou platinovou desku a ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo více než 2,8 milionu kopií. Album se dostalo na první místo v Kanadě, Švýcarsku a Velké Británii. Do listopadu 2011 se alba Good Girl Gone Bad celosvětově prodalo 7 milionů kopií.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Hip Hop, Balada, Pop Rock, Dance-pop, Contemporary R&B a Europop. 180g Vinyl.

ID: 14445 EAN: 0602517337916 Discogs ID: 10089043
A1 Umbrella
Featuring Jay-Z | Lyrics By, Composed By [Melody] Terius Nash | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Music By Kuk Harrell, Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocal Production], Recorded By Kuk Harrell | Producer, Drum Programming, Keyboards Tricky Stewart
A2 Push Up On Me
Engineer [Assistant] Jeff Pelletier | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Producer, Performer [All Instruments], Arranged By Jonathan "J.R." Rotem | Recorded By George Seara, Greg Ogan
A3 Don't Stop The Music
Engineer [Assistant] Phillip Ramos, Tim Sturges | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Performer [All Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Producer, Producer [Vocal Production] StarGate (2) | Recorded By Al Hemberger, Mikkel S. Eriksen
B1 Breakin' Dishes
Lyrics By Terius Nash | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocal Production] Kuk Harrell | Recorded By Kuk Harrell, Michael Tocci
B2 Shut Up And Drive
B3 Hate That I Love You
Engineer [Assistant] Deepu Panjwani, Phillip Ramos, Ricardo "Slick" Hinkson | Featuring Ne-Yo | Guitar Espen Lind | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Performer [All Other Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Producer StarGate (2) | Producer [Vocal Production] Ne-Yo, StarGate (2) | Recorded By Al Hemberger, Michael Tocci, Mikkel S. Eriksen
C1 Say It
Mixed By Kevin Davis | Producer Neo Da Matrix | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Michael Tocci
C2 Sell Me Candy
Backing Vocals Terius Nash | Engineer [Assistant] Dusty Robbennolt, Grayson Taylor, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Mixed By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Producer Timbaland | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick, Terius Nash | Recorded By Chris Steinmetz, Demacio "Demo" Castellon, Mathieu LeJeune, Rico Gonzales
C3 Lemme Get That
Backing Vocals Terius Nash | Engineer [Assistant] Marcos Tovar, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Other [Horns Contractor], Conductor, Orchestrated By Ed Calle | Producer [Vocal Production] Terius Nash | Recorded By Anthony Kilhoffer, Demacio "Demo" Castellon, William Durst | Trombone Dana Teboe, John Kricker | Trumpet Augie Haas, Doug Michels, Matt White (18), Rodrigo Gallardo | Tuba Dan Satterwhite
D1 Rehab
Backing Vocals Justin Timberlake | Co-producer Hannon Lane | Engineer [Assistant] Marcos Tovar, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Keyboards Hannon Lane | Mixed By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Producer Timbaland | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Timberlake | Recorded By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Violin, Cello Stevie Blacke
D2 Question Existing
Co-producer Ne-Yo | Engineer [Assistant] Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Mixed By Kevin Davis | Producer Shea Taylor | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Michael Tocci | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Daniel Laporte
D3 Good Girl Gone Bad
Engineer [Supervising] Marcos Tovar | Mixed By Phil Tan | Producer StarGate (2) | Producer [Additional Vocal Production] Terius Nash | Producer [Vocal Production] Ne-Yo | Recorded By Michael Tocci, Mikkel S. Eriksen
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CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad Super Jewel Box

269 Kč Skladem
CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad
CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad
CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad
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Super Jewel Box

Def Jam Recordings | SRP Records | Mercury Music Group 16. srpna 2019 Velká Británie

Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Def Jam Recordings ve spolupráci s SRP Records a Mercury Music Group dne 16. srpna 2019.

Good Girl Gone Bad (2007) je třetí studiové album Rihanny. Rihanna na tomto albu spolupracovala s různými producenty, mezi něž patří Christopher "Tricky" Stewart, Terius "Dream" Nash, Neo da Matrix, Timbaland, Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers a StarGate. Album Good Girl Gone Bad, inspirované čtvrtým studiovým albem Brandy Norwood Afrodisiac (2004), je popové, tanečně-popové a R&B album s vlivy 80. let. Je označováno za zlom v Rihannině kariéře a představuje odklon od karibského zvuku jejích dřívějších alb.

Album bylo nominováno na sedm cen Grammy a na slavnostním ceremoniálu v roce 2008 zvítězilo v kategorii "Nejlepší rapová/zpívaná spolupráce" za skladbu "Umbrella". Album debutovalo na druhém místě amerického žebříčku Billboard 200 a během prvního týdne se ho prodalo 162 000 kopií. Americká asociace nahrávacího průmyslu (RIAA) mu udělila pětinásobnou platinovou desku a ve Spojených státech se ho prodalo více než 2,8 milionu kopií. Album se dostalo na první místo v Kanadě, Švýcarsku a Velké Británii. Do listopadu 2011 se alba Good Girl Gone Bad celosvětově prodalo 7 milionů kopií.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Hip Hop, Balada, Pop Rock, Dance-pop, Contemporary R&B a Europop. Super Jewel Box.

Album Reissue
ID: 151854 EAN: 0602517717282 Discogs ID: 1478873
1 Rihanna: Umbrella 4:35 min
Backing Vocals Rihanna | Featuring Jay-Z | Lyrics By, Composed By [Melody] Terius Nash | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Music By Kuk Harrell, Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocal Production], Recorded By Kuk Harrell | Producer, Drum Programming, Keyboards Tricky Stewart
2 Rihanna: Push Up On Me 3:15 min
Engineer [Assistant] Jeff Pelletier | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Producer, Performer [All Instruments], Arranged By Jonathan "J.R." Rotem | Recorded By George Seara, Greg Ogan | Written-By Jonathan "J.R." Rotem, Lionel Richie, Makeba Riddick
3 Rihanna: Don't Stop The Music 4:27 min
Engineer [Assistant] Phillip Ramos, Tim Sturges | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Performer [All Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Producer, Producer [Vocal Production] StarGate (2) | Recorded By Al Hemberger, Mikkel S. Eriksen | Written-By Michael Jackson, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tawanna Dabney, Tor Erik Hermansen
4 Rihanna: Breakin' Dishes 3:20 min
Lyrics By Terius Nash | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Music By Tricky Stewart | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocal Production] Kuk Harrell | Recorded By Kuk Harrell, Michael Tocci
5 Rihanna: Shut Up And Drive 3:33 min
Backing Vocals Evan Rogers, Rihanna | Mixed By [Assisted] Roy Matthews | Performer [All Instruments] Carl Sturken | Producer Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers | Recorded By [Assisted] Terence Franklyn | Recorded By, Mixed By Al Hemberger | Written-By Bernard Sumner, Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers, Gillian Gilbert, Peter Hook
6 Rihanna: Hate That I Love You 3:39 min
Engineer [Assistant] Deepu Panjwani, Phillip Ramos, Ricardo "Slick" Hinkson | Featuring Ne-Yo | Guitar Espen Lind | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Performer [All Other Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Producer StarGate (2) | Producer [Vocal Production] Ne-Yo, StarGate (2) | Recorded By Al Hemberger, Michael Tocci, Mikkel S. Eriksen | Written-By Mikkel S. Eriksen, Shaffer Smith, Tor Erik Hermansen
7 Rihanna: Say It 4:10 min
Mixed By Kevin Davis | Producer Neo Da Matrix | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Michael Tocci | Written-By Brian Thompson (2), Clifton Dillon, Ewart Brown, Makeba Riddick, Qaadir Atkinson, Sly Dunbar
8 Rihanna: Sell Me Candy 2:45 min
Backing Vocals Terius Nash | Engineer [Assistant] Dusty Robbennolt, Grayson Taylor, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Mixed By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Producer Timbaland | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick, Terius Nash | Recorded By Chris Steinmetz, Demacio "Demo" Castellon, Mathieu LeJeune, Rico Gonzales | Written-By Makeba Riddick, Terius Nash, Timothy Mosley
9 Rihanna: Lemme Get That 3:41 min
Backing Vocals Terius Nash | Contractor [Horns], Conductor, Orchestrated By Ed Calle | Engineer [Assistant] Marcos Tovar, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Producer [Vocal Production] Terius Nash | Recorded By Anthony Kilhoffer, Demacio "Demo" Castellon, William Durst | Trombone Dana Teboe, John Kricker | Trumpet Augie Haas, Doug Michels, Matt White (18), Rodrigo Gallardo | Tuba Dan Satterwhite | Written-By Shawn Carter, Terius Nash, Timothy Mosley
10 Rihanna: Rehab 4:54 min
Backing Vocals Justin Timberlake | Co-producer Hannon Lane | Engineer [Assistant] Marcos Tovar, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Keyboards Hannon Lane | Mixed By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Producer Timbaland | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Timberlake | Recorded By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Violin, Cello Stevie Blacke | Written-By Hannon Lane, Justin Timberlake, Timothy Mosley
11 Rihanna: Question Existing 4:08 min
Co-producer Ne-Yo | Engineer [Assistant] Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Mixed By Kevin Davis | Producer Shea Taylor | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Michael Tocci | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Daniel Laporte | Written-By Shaffer Smith, Shawn Carter, Shea Taylor
12 Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad 3:39 min
Engineer [Supervising] Marcos Tovar | Guitar Bernt Rune Stray | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Performer [All Other Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Producer StarGate (2) | Producer [Additional Vocal Production] Terius Nash | Producer [Vocal Production] Ne-Yo | Recorded By Michael Tocci, Mikkel S. Eriksen | Recorded By [Guitar] Amund Bjørklund, Jon Marius Aareskjold | Written-By Lene Marlin, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Shaffer Smith, Tor Erik Hermansen
13 Rihanna: Cry (UK Bonus Track) 3:55 min
Engineer [Assistant] Phillip Ramos, Tim Sturges | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Josh Houghkirk | Performer [All Other Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Performer [Grand Piano] Mikkel S. Eriksen | Producer StarGate (2) | Recorded By Al Hemberger, Mikkel S. Eriksen | Written-By Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tawanna Dabney, Tor Erik Hermansen
14 Rihanna: Disturbia 3:58 min
Backing Vocals Andre Merritt, Chris Brown (4) | Engineer [Additional] Josh Houghkirk | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted] Carlos Oyanedel | Producer Brian Kennedy (4) | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By [Vocals] Andrew Vastola | Written-By Andre Merritt, Brian Seals, Chris Brown (4), Robert Allen (4)
15 Rihanna: Take A Bow 3:49 min
Co-producer Ne-Yo | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assistant] Josh Houghkirk | Performer [All Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Producer StarGate (2) | Recorded By Mikkel S. Eriksen | Vocals [All] Rihanna | Written-By Mikkel S. Eriksen, Shaffer Smith, Tor Erik Hermansen
16 Maroon 5: If I Never See Your Face Again 3:18 min
Featuring Rihanna | Mixed By Mark Endert | Mixed By [Assisted] Doug Johnson (5) | Producer Mark Endert, Mark Stent, Maroon 5, Mike Elizondo, Tricky Stewart | Recorded By Mark Endert, Mark Stent | Written-By Adam Levine, James Valentine (2)
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CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded Reloaded Super Jewel Case

257 Kč 2 týdny
CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded
CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded
CD Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded
Obrázky pochází z

Reloaded Super Jewel Case

Def Jam Recordings | SRP Records 17. června 2008 Evropa

Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Def Jam Recordings ve spolupráci s SRP Records dne 17. června 2008.

Multiplatinové album (celosvětově i v Čechách a na Slovensku) vychází v reedici obohacené o tři nové skladby - nový singl „Take A Bow”, který již slaví své úspěchy v rádiích, duet s Maroon 5 „If I Never See Your Face Again” a nová skladba Disturbia, pravděpodobný další singl.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Hip Hop, Balada, Pop Rock, Dance-pop, Contemporary R&B a Europop. Reloaded Super Jewel Case.

ID: 14444 EAN: 0602517721425 Discogs ID: 1680852
1 Umbrella 4:36 min
Drum Programming, Keyboards Tricky Stewart | Featuring Jay-Z | Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Rihanna | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody] Terius Nash | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Music By Kuk Harrell, Tricky Stewart | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocal Production], Recorded By Kuk Harrell | Written-By Shawn Carter, Terius Nash, Thaddis Harrell, Tricky Stewart
2 Push Up On Me 3:15 min
Engineer [Assistant] Jeff Pelletier | Instrumentation By [All Instruments By], Arranged By Jonathan "J.R." Rotem | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted By] Josh Houghkirk | Producer Jonathan "J.R." Rotem | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By George Seara, Greg Ogan | Written-By Cynthia Weil, Jonathan "J.R." Rotem, Lionel Richie, Makeba Riddick
3 Don't Stop The Music 4:27 min
Engineer [Assistant] Phillip Ramos, Tim Sturges | Instrumentation By Mikkel S. Eriksen | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted By] Josh Houghkirk | Producer, Producer [Vocal Production] StarGate (2) | Recorded By Mikkel S. Eriksen | Written-By Michael Jackson, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tawanna Dabney, Tor Erik Hermansen
4 Breakin' Dishes 3:21 min
Lyrics By Terius Nash | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted By] Josh Houghkirk | Music By Tricky Stewart | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocal Production] Kuk Harrell | Recorded By Kuk Harrell, Michael Tocci | Written-By Terius Nash, Tricky Stewart
5 Shut Up And Drive 3:33 min
Backing Vocals Evan Rogers, Rihanna | Instrumentation By [All Instruments] Carl Sturken | Producer Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers | Recorded By [Assisted By] Roy Matthews | Recorded By, Mixed By Al Hemberger | Written-By Bernard Sumner, Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers, Gillian Gilbert, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris
6 Hate That I Love You 3:39 min
Engineer [Assistant] Deepu Panjwani, Phillip Ramos, Ricardo "Slick" Hinkson | Featuring Ne-Yo | Guitar Espen Lind | Instrumentation By [All Other Instruments By] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted By] Josh Houghkirk | Producer StarGate (2) | Producer [Vocal Production] Ne-Yo | Recorded By Michael Tocci, Mikkel S. Eriksen | Written-By Mikkel S. Eriksen, Shaffer Smith, Tor Erik Hermansen
7 Say It 4:11 min
Mixed By Kevin Davis | Producer Neo Da Matrix | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Michael Tocci | Written-By Brian Thompson (2), Clifton Dillon, Ewart Brown, Makeba Riddick, Qaadir Atkinson, Sly Dunbar
8 Sell Me Candy 2:46 min
Backing Vocals Terius Nash | Engineer [Assistant] Dusty Robbennolt, Grayson Taylor, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Mixed By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Producer Timbaland | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick, Terius Nash | Recorded By Chris Steinmetz, Demacio "Demo" Castellon, Mathieu LeJeune, Rico Gonzales | Written-By Makeba Riddick, Terius Nash, Timothy Mosley
9 Lemme Get That 3:41 min
Backing Vocals Terius Nash | Engineer [Assistant] Marcos Tovar, Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Mixed By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Other [Horn Contractor], Conductor, Orchestrated By Ed Calle | Producer Timbaland | Producer [Vocal Production] Terius Nash | Recorded By Anthony Kilhoffer, Demacio "Demo" Castellon, William Durst | Trombone Dana Teboe, John Kricker | Trumpet Augie Haas, Doug Michels, Matt White (18), Rodrigo Gallardo | Tuba Dan Satterwhite | Written-By Shawn Carter, Terius Nash, Timothy Mosley
10 Rehab 4:55 min
Backing Vocals Justin Timberlake | Keyboards Hannon Lane | Producer Timbaland | Producer [Co-produced By] Hannon Lane | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Timberlake | Recorded By Demacio "Demo" Castellon | Violin, Cello Stevie Blacke | Written-By Hannon Lane, Justin Timberlake, Timothy Mosley
11 Question Existing 4:07 min
Engineer [Assistant] Shane "Bermuda" Woodley | Mixed By Kevin Davis | Producer Shea Taylor | Producer [Co-produced By] Ne-Yo | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By Michael Tocci | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Daniel Laporte | Written-By Shaffer Smith, Shawn Carter, Shea Taylor
12 Good Girl Gone Bad 3:33 min
Engineer [Assistant] Deepu Panjwani, Ricardo "Slick" Hinkson | Guitar Bernt Rune Stray | Instrumentation By [All Other Instruments] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted By] Josh Houghkirk | Producer StarGate (2) | Producer [Additional Vocal Production] Terius Nash | Producer [Vocal Production] Ne-Yo | Recorded By Michael Tocci, Mikkel S. Eriksen | Recorded By [Additional Vocals Recorded By] Terius Nash | Recorded By [Guitar Recorded By] Amund Bjørklund, Jon Marius Aareskjold | Written-By Lene Marlin, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Shaffer Smith, Tor Erik Hermansen
13 Disturbia 3:59 min
Backing Vocals Andre Merritt, Chris Brown (4) | Engineer [Additional Engineering Assisted By] Carlos Oyanedel | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Josh Houghkirk | Mixed By Phil Tan | Producer Brian Kennedy (4) | Producer [Vocal Production] Makeba Riddick | Recorded By [Vocals Recorded By] Andrew Vastola | Written-By Andre Merritt, Brian Seals, Chris Brown (4), Robert Allen (4)
14 Take A Bow 3:49 min
Instrumentation By [All Instruments By] Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Mixed By Phil Tan | Mixed By [Assisted By] Josh Houghkirk | Producer StarGate (2) | Producer [Co-produced By] Ne-Yo | Recorded By Mikkel S. Eriksen | Recorded By [Vocals Recorded By] Mikkel S. Eriksen | Vocals [All Vocals] Rihanna | Written-By Mikkel S. Eriksen, Shaffer Smith, Tor Erik Hermansen
15 If I Never See Your Face Again 3:18 min
Featuring Maroon 5 | Producer Mark Endert, Mark Stent, Maroon 5, Mike Elizondo, Tricky Stewart | Recorded By Mark Endert, Mark Stent | Recorded By [Assisted By] Doug Johnson (5) | Written-By Adam Levine, James Valentine (2)
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Rihanna je barbadoská zpěvačka, herečka a podnikatelka, která se stala jednou z nejvlivnějších a nejúspěšnějších umělkyň současné hudby. Narodila se jako Robyn Rihanna Fenty 20. února 1988 v Saint Michael na Barbadosu a objevil ji americký hudební producent Evan Rogers, který ji p...

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