Sweet Warrior - CD

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CD Richard Thompson: Sweet Warrior 2007

349 Kč Na objednávku
CD Richard Thompson: Sweet Warrior
CD Richard Thompson: Sweet Warrior
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Proper Records (2) 31. května 2007 Velká Británie

Richard Thompson: Sweet Warrior verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Proper Records (2) dne 31. května 2007. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Folk, World, & Country, Folk a Folk Rock.

ID: 103482 EAN: 0805520030328 Discogs ID: 2113793
1 Needle And Thread 4:44 min
Acoustic Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Backing Vocals Judith Owen, Michael Hays | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Bass Taras Prodaniuk | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Mandolin Richard Thompson | Vocals Richard Thompson
2 I'll Never Give It Up 3:22 min
Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Acoustic Guitar Richard Thompson | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Vocals Richard Thompson
3 Take Care The Road You Choose 6:45 min
Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Acoustic Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Vocals Richard Thompson
4 Mr. Stupid 3:54 min
Acoustic Guitar Richard Thompson | Backing Vocals Judith Owen | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Bass Danny Thompson | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Organ Richard Thompson | Vocals Richard Thompson
5 Dad's Gonna Kill Me 5:16 min
Acoustic Guitar Richard Thompson | Autoharp Richard Thompson | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Bass Taras Prodaniuk | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Fiddle Sara Watkins | Vocals Richard Thompson
6 Poppy-Red 4:38 min
Acoustic Guitar Richard Thompson | Backing Vocals Judith Owen, Michael Hays | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Bass Taras Prodaniuk | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Harmonium Richard Thompson | Vocals Richard Thompson
7 Bad Monkey 5:14 min
Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Backing Vocals Judith Owen, Michael Hays | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Tenor Saxophone Joe Sublett | Vocals Richard Thompson
8 Francesca 5:17 min
Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Backing Vocals Judith Owen, Michael Hays | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Organ Richard Thompson | Tenor Saxophone Joe Sublett | Vocals Richard Thompson
9 Too Late To Come Fishing 4:37 min
Acoustic Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Backing Vocals Judith Owen, Michael Hays | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Bass Taras Prodaniuk | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Mandolin Richard Thompson | Tin Whistle [Penny Whistle] Richard Thompson | Vocals Richard Thompson
10 Sneaky Boy 3:00 min
Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Backing Vocals Judith Owen | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Electric Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Handclaps Chris Kasych, Judith Owen, Richard Thompson, Simon Tassano | Vocals Richard Thompson
11 She Sang Angels To Rest 3:26 min
Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Acoustic Guitar Richard Thompson | Drums Michael Jerome | Viola Novi Ola | Violin Al Michaels, Joe Buck (3) | Vocals Richard Thompson
12 Johnny's Far Away 4:54 min
Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Acoustic Guitar Richard Thompson | Backing Vocals Judith Owen | Drums Michael Jerome | Fiddle Sara Watkins | Mandolin Richard Thompson | Vocals Richard Thompson
13 Guns Are The Tongues 7:28 min
Acoustic Guitar [Rhythm] Michael Hays | Backing Vocals Judith Owen, Michael Hays | Drums Michael Jerome | Electric Bass Taras Prodaniuk | Electric Guitar Richard Thompson | Fiddle Sara Watkins | Hurdy Gurdy Richard Thompson | Mandolin Richard Thompson | Vocals Richard Thompson
14 Sunset Song 5:39 min
Accordion Richard Thompson | Acoustic Bass Danny Thompson | Acoustic Guitar Richard Thompson | Drums Michael Jerome | Vocals Richard Thompson
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Richard Thompson

Richard Thompson
Richard Thompson je uznávaný britský zpěvák, skladatel a kytarista, známý svým osobitým stylem, který kombinuje prvky folku, rocku a tradiční hudby. Svou kariéru zahájil koncem 60. let jako zakládající člen folkrockové skupiny Fairport Convention, kde se významně podílel na prvníc...

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