The Hits / The B-Sides - CD

Album dostupné na CD v 1 vydání. Prince Album The Hits / The B-Sides z roku 1993 je kompilací jeho největších hitů a některých méně známých skladeb. Album obsahuje písně jako "When Doves Cry", "Let's Go Crazy" a "Purple Rain", stejn...  Více

Dostupné v jednom vydání


3CD Prince: The Hits / The B-Sides 2005

337 Kč Skladem
3CD Prince: The Hits / The B-Sides
3CD Prince: The Hits / The B-Sides
3CD Prince: The Hits / The B-Sides
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Warner Bros. Records | Paisley Park 24. března 2005 Evropa

Prince: The Hits / The B-Sides verze na 3CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Warner Bros. Records ve spolupráci s Paisley Park dne 24. března 2005.

Prince Album The Hits / The B-Sides z roku 1993 je kompilací jeho největších hitů a některých méně známých skladeb. Album obsahuje písně jako "When Doves Cry", "Let's Go Crazy" a "Purple Rain", stejně jako méně známé skladby jako "Pope", "Thunder" a "The Arms of Orion". Album The Hits / The B-Sides zaznamenalo obrovský úspěch, dostalo se na první místo žebříčku Billboard 200 a prodalo se ho přes čtyři miliony kopií.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Pop Rock, Synth-pop, Soul, Funk, Disco a Minneapolis Sound.

ID: 16216 EAN: 0093624544029 Discogs ID: 1360290
1-1 Prince: When Doves Cry 3:47 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By David Leonard, Peggy McCreary
1-2 Prince And The Revolution: Pop Life 3:41 min
Composed By [String Interlude] Lisa Coleman, Wendy Melvoin | Drums Sheila E. | Engineer David Leonard, David Tickle, Prince, Susan Rogers | Mixed By Prince | Mixed By [Assisted By] Susan Rogers | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution | Recorded By Peggy McCreary
1-3 Prince: Soft & Wet 3:02 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineers] David Roeder, Steve Fontano | Engineer [Engineered], Remix Tommy Vicari | Executive-Producer Tommy Vicari | Lyrics By Chris Moon (2), Prince | Music By Prince | Producer, Arranged By, Performer Prince
1-4 Prince: I Feel For You 3:24 min
Engineer Gary Brandt | Engineer [Assistant] Mark Ettel | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Remix Bob Mockler, Prince
1-5 Prince: Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? 3:48 min
Engineer Gary Brandt | Engineer [Assistant] Mark Ettel | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Remix Bob Mockler, Prince
1-6 Prince: When You Were Mine 3:43 min
Engineer Jamie Starr | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Remix Bob Mockler, Mick Guzauski, Prince | Remix [Assistant] Ron Garrett
1-7 Prince: Uptown 4:09 min
Engineer Jamie Starr | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Remix Bob Mockler, Mick Guzauski, Prince | Remix [Assistant] Ron Garrett
1-8 Prince And The Revolution: Let's Go Crazy 4:39 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution | Recorded By David Leonard, Susan Rogers
1-9 Prince: 1999 3:36 min
Engineer [2nd Engineer] Don Batts | Lead Vocals [Co-Lead Vocals] Dez Dickerson, Jill Jones, Lisa Coleman | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By, Mixed By Peggy McCreary
1-10 Prince: I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man 3:38 min
Engineer Coke Johnson, Prince, Susan Rogers | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
1-11 Prince, The New Power Generation: Nothing Compares 2 U 4:57 min
Featuring Rosie Gaines | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By Prince
1-12 Prince: Adore 4:39 min
Engineer Coke Johnson, Prince, Susan Rogers | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Trumpet Atlanta Bliss
1-13 Prince: Pink Cashmere 6:13 min
Mixed By Tom Garneau | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By Eddie Miller | Recorded By [Strings Recorded By] Arne Frager | Strings [Strings Orchestrated By], Orchestrated By [Strings Orchestrated By] Clare Fischer
1-14 Prince: Alphabet St. 5:38 min
Bass, Vocals Levi Seacer Jr. | Brass, Vocals Atlanta Bliss, Eric Leeds | Computer [Computer Keyboards], Keyboards [Computer Keyboards] Dr. Fink | Drums, Percussion, Vocals Sheila E. | Guitar, Vocals Mico Weaver | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By, Mixed By Eddie Miller, Joe Blaney, Prince | Vocals Cat Glover | Vocals, Electric Organ [Hammond Organ] Boni Boyer
1-15 Prince: Sign 'O' The Times 3:42 min
Engineer Coke Johnson, Prince, Susan Rogers | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
1-16 Prince: Thieves In The Temple 3:19 min
Mixed By Prince | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By Michael Koppelman, Tom Garneau
1-17 Prince, The New Power Generation: Diamonds And Pearls 4:19 min
Engineer [2nd Engineer] Timothy Penn | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince, The New Power Generation | Recorded By, Mixed By Michael Koppelman
1-18 Prince, The New Power Generation: 7 5:09 min
Composed By Prince | Mixed By Bob Rosa, Keith Cohen, Michael Koppelman, Steve Beltran, Tom Garneau | Performer [Contains A Sample Of "Tramp" as Performed By] Jimmy McCracklin, Lowell Fulson | Producer, Arranged By, Performer Prince, The New Power Generation | Recorded By Brian Poer, Dave Friedlander, Michael Koppelman, Ray Hahnfeldt, Steve Noonan | Written-By [Co-written By] Jimmy McCracklin, Lowell Fulson
2-1 Prince: Controversy 3:35 min
Backing Vocals Lisa Coleman | Engineer Bob Mockler, Mick Guzauski, Ross Pallone | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
2-2 Prince: Dirty Mind 3:49 min
Engineer Jamie Starr | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Remix Bob Mockler, Mick Guzauski, Prince | Remix [Assistant] Ron Garrett | Synthesizer Dr. Fink | Written-By Dr. Fink, Prince
2-3 Prince: I Wanna Be Your Lover 2:56 min
Engineer Gary Brandt | Engineer [Assistant] Mark Ettel | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Remix Bob Mockler, Prince
2-4 Prince: Head 4:43 min
Engineer Jamie Starr | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Remix Bob Mockler, Mick Guzauski, Prince | Remix [Assistant] Ron Garrett | Synthesizer Dr. Fink | Vocals Lisa Coleman
2-5 Prince: Do Me, Baby 3:55 min
Engineer Bob Mockler, Mick Guzauski, Ross Pallone | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
2-6 Prince: Delirious 2:38 min
Backing Vocals Lisa Coleman | Engineer [2nd Engineer] Don Batts | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By, Mixed By Peggy McCreary
2-7 Prince: Little Red Corvette 4:55 min
Engineer [2nd Engineer] Don Batts | Lead Vocals [Co-Lead Vocals] Dez Dickerson, Lisa Coleman | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By, Mixed By Peggy McCreary | Soloist [Guitar Solos], Guitar [Guitar Solos] Dez Dickerson
2-8 Prince And The Revolution: I Would Die 4 U 2:56 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution | Recorded By David Leonard, David Rivkin
2-9 Prince And The Revolution: Raspberry Beret 3:31 min
Engineer David Leonard, David Tickle, Prince, Susan Rogers | Mixed By Prince | Mixed By [Assisted By] Susan Rogers | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution | Recorded By Susan Rogers
2-10 Prince: If I Was Your Girlfriend 3:46 min
Engineer Coke Johnson, Prince, Susan Rogers | Lead Vocals Camille (3) | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
2-11 Prince And The Revolution: Kiss 3:45 min
Arranged By David Z. | Backing Vocals [Background Voice] Mazarati | Producer, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution | Recorded By Coke Johnson, David Leonard, David Tickle, David Z., Peggy McCreary, Susan Rogers
2-12 Prince: Peach 3:48 min
Engineer Airiq Anest, Rolly Ladd | Mixed By Keith Cohen | Recorded By Mark Forrester, Steve Noonan
2-13 Prince: U Got The Look 3:46 min
Drums, Percussion Sheila E. | Engineer [Engineered By] Coke Johnson, Prince, Susan Rogers | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Vocals Camille (3), Sheena Easton
2-14 Prince, The New Power Generation: Sexy M.F. 5:24 min
Composed By Levi Seacer Jr., Prince, Tony M. | Mixed By Bob Rosa, Keith Cohen, Michael Koppelman, Steve Beltran, Tom Garneau | Producer, Arranged By, Performer Prince, The New Power Generation | Recorded By Brian Poer, Dave Friedlander, Michael Koppelman, Ray Hahnfeldt, Steve Noonan
2-15 Prince, The New Power Generation: Gett Off 4:29 min
Engineer [2nd Engineers] Ray Hahnfeldt, Steve Noonan | Flute Eric Leeds | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince, The New Power Generation | Recorded By Michael Koppelman
2-16 Prince, The New Power Generation: Cream 4:12 min
Engineer [2nd Engineer] Timothy Penn | Mixed By Keith Cohen | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince, The New Power Generation | Recorded By Michael Koppelman
2-17 Prince: Pope 3:28 min
Lead Vocals [Co-Lead Vox] Mayte | Mixed By Dave Friedlander, Ray Hahnfeldt | Recorded By Ray Hahnfeldt | Voice Actor Bernie Mac
2-18 Prince And The Revolution: Purple Rain 8:40 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By] Lisa Coleman, Prince | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution | Recorded By [Recorded At The Record Plant By] David Leonard | Recorded By [Recorded Live At 1st Avenue By] David Rivkin
3-1 Prince And The Revolution: Hello 3:23 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution
3-2 Prince: 200 Balloons 5:05 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-3 Prince: Escape 3:30 min
Composed By, Performer Prince
3-4 Prince: Gotta Stop (Messin' About) 2:54 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-5 Prince: Horny Toad 2:12 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-6 Prince: Feel U Up 3:44 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-7 Prince And The Revolution: Girl 3:47 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution
3-8 Prince: I Love U In Me 4:12 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-9 Prince And The Revolution: Erotic City 3:55 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution
3-10 Prince: Shockadelica 3:30 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-11 Prince: Irresistible Bitch 4:11 min
Backing Vocals Lisa Coleman, Wendy Melvoin | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-12 Camille: Scarlet Pussy 4:18 min
Composed By, Performer Camille (3)
3-13 Prince: La, La, La, He, He, Hee 3:21 min
Lyrics By [Lyrics Co-written By] Sheena Easton | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-14 Prince And The Revolution: She's Always In My Hair 3:27 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution
3-15 Prince And The Revolution: 17 Days 3:54 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution
3-16 Prince: How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore 3:50 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince
3-17 Prince And The Revolution: Another Lonely Christmas 4:51 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution
3-18 Prince And The Revolution: God 4:02 min
Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince And The Revolution
3-19 Prince, Wendy Melvoin, Lisa Coleman: 4 The Tears In Your Eyes 3:23 min
Performer [Performed Live By] Lisa Coleman, Prince, Wendy Melvoin | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By Prince | Recorded By David Tickle, Susan Rogers
3-20 Prince And The Revolution: Power Fantastic 4:45 min
Flute Eric Leeds | Performer Prince And The Revolution | Producer, Arranged By, Composed By, Performer Prince | Recorded By [Live], Mixed By Susan Rogers | Trumpet Atlanta Bliss
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Prince byl kultovní americký hudebník známý svou eklektickou tvorbou, okázalým vystupováním na pódiu, extravagantním smyslem pro módu a širokým hlasovým rozsahem. Prince Jeho kariéra trvala více než čtyři desetiletí, během nichž vydal 39 studiových alb a získal sedm cen Grammy. By...

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