Rock Bottom Rhapsody - Vinyl, CD

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LP Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody 2020

699 Kč Na objednávku

New West Records 10. dubna 2020 USA

Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství New West Records dne 10. dubna 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country, Blues a Jazz.

ID: 362537 EAN: 0607396537013 Discogs ID: 15070808
A1 Rock Bottom Rhapsody
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
A2 End Of My Rope
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
A3 Fuck Me Up
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
A4 Bluebird
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge | Written-By [Sample Of "Ojai" Written By] Joe Lutcher, Jules Bihari
A5 Rock Bottom Reprise
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
A6 Lucky Sometimes
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
B1 Carry On
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
B2 Just The Same
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
B3 Fallen Angel
Written-By Pokey LaFarge
B4 Storm-A-Comin'
Written-By Pokey LaFarge
B5 Ain't Comin' Home
Written-By Pokey LaFarge
B6 Lost In The Crowd
Written-By Addie Hamilton, Pokey LaFarge
B7 Rock Bottom Finale
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
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CD Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody 2020

379 Kč Na objednávku
CD Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody
CD Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody
CD Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody
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New West Records 10. dubna 2020 USA

Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství New West Records dne 10. dubna 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country, Blues a Jazz.

Album Stereo
ID: 121135 EAN: 0607396647828 Discogs ID: 15049591
1 Rock Bottom Rhapsody 1:18 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
2 End Of My Rope 2:58 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
3 Fuck Me Up 3:40 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
4 Bluebird 3:04 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge | Written-By [Sample Of "Ojai" Written By] Joe Lutcher, Jules Bihari
5 Rock Bottom Reprise 0:28 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
6 Lucky Sometimes 4:43 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
7 Carry On 3:05 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
8 Just The Same 3:29 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
9 Fallen Angel 3:08 min
Written-By Pokey LaFarge
10 Storm-A-Comin' 3:39 min
Written-By Pokey LaFarge
11 Ain't Comin' Home 2:58 min
Written-By Pokey LaFarge
12 Lost In The Crowd 3:45 min
Written-By Addie Hamilton, Pokey LaFarge
13 Rock Bottom Finale 0:54 min
Written-By Chris Seefried, Pokey LaFarge
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Pokey LaFarge

Pokey LaFarge
Pokey LaFarge je americký hudebník a skladatel známý svou inovativní směsí raného jazzu, smyčcového ragtimu, country blues a western swingu. Narodil se jako Andrew Heissler v roce 1983 v Bloomingtonu ve státě Illinois a přijal umělecké jméno Pokey LaFarge , protože odráží jeho záj...

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