Joseph & His Brethren - CD

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CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Joseph & His Brethren 2019

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CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Joseph & His Brethren
CD Georg Friedrich Händel: Joseph & His Brethren
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Philharmonia Baroque Productions 30. srpna 2019 USA

Georg Friedrich Händel: Joseph & His Brethren verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Philharmonia Baroque Productions dne 30. srpna 2019. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba a Opera.

ID: 279600 EAN: 0852188003157 Discogs ID: 15182660
- George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759): Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1:
1 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Ouverture
2 - 2joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Be Firm, My Soul
3 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Joseph, Thy Fame Has Reach'd Great Pharaoh's Ear
4 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Come, Divine Inspirer, Come
5 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Pardon, That I So Long Forgot Thee, Joseph
6 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Ingratitude's The Queen Of Crimes
7 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Thus Stranger, I Have Laid My Troubled Thoughts00
8 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: O God Of Joseph02
9 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Pharaoh, Thy Dreams Are One
10 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Divine Interpreter!00
11 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: O Lovely Youth, With Wisdom Crown'd
12 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Wear, Worthy Man, This Royal Signet Wear
13 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Joyful Sounds, Melodious Strains
14 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Whence This Unwonted Ardour In My Breast
15 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: I Feel A Spreading Flame
16 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Fair Asenath, I've Asked Thee Of Thy Father
17 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Celestial Virgin! Godlike Youth!
18 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Now, Potiphera, Instant To The Temple
19 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: A Grand March During The Procession
20 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: 'Tis Done, The Sacred Knot Is Tied
21 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Immortal Pleasures Crown This Pair
22 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Glorious And Happy Is Thy Lot
23 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Since The Race Of Time Begun
24 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 1: Swift Our Numbers, Swiftly Roll
- Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2:
25 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Hail, Thou Youth, By Heav'n Belov'd
26 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: How Vast A Theme Has Egypt For Applause!
27 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Our Fruits, Whilst Yet In Blossom, Die
28 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: He's Egypt's Common Parent
29 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Blest Be The Man
30 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Phanor, We Mention Not His Highest Glory
31 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Together, Lovely Innocents, Grow Up
32 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: He Then Is Silent
33 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Where Are These Brethren?
34 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Remorse, Confusion, Horror, Fear
35 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: This Hebrew Prisoner
36 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Ye Departed Hours
37 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: The Peasant Tastes The Sweets Of Life
38 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: But Simeon Comes
39 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Impostor
40 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Whence, Asenath, This Grief That Hangs Upon Thee?
41 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: The Silver Stream
42 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Tell Me, Oh Tell Me Thy Heart's Malady
43 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: To Keep Afar From All Offence
44 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Thus Once, With Ev'ry Virtue Crown'd
45 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Once More, O Pious Zaphnath
46 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Our Rev'rend Sire Intreats Thee
47 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: This Kiss, My Gracious Lord
48 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Thou Deign'st To Call Thy Servant Son
49 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: Sweet Innocence, Divine Simplicity!
50 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 2: O God, Who In Thy Heav'nly Hand
- Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3:
51 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Sinfonia
52 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: What Say'st Thou, Phanor?
53 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: The Wanton Favours Of The Great
54 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Whence So Disturb'd, My Lord
55 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Ah Jealousy, Thou Pelican
56 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Oh, Wrong Me Not!
57 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: The People's Favour, And The Smiles Of Pow'r
58 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Art Thou Not Zaphnath?
59 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Prophetic Raptures Swell My Breast
60 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: They Come, And Indignation In Their Looks
61 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: What, Without Me?
62 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Oh, Pity!
63 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: To Prison With Him!
64 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: What Counsel Can We Take?
65 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: O Gracious God
66 - Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 3: Eternal Monarch of the Sky
67 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: But Peace, Zaphnath Returns
68 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Thou Hadst, My Lord, A Father Once
69 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Give, Give Him Up The Lad
70 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: I Can No Longer
71 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: Whilst The Nile And Memphis
72 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: What's Sweeter Than The New-Blown Rose
73 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: With Songs Of Ardent Gratitude And Praise
74 - Joseph And His Brethren, Hwv 59, Pt. 3: We Will Rejoice In Thy Salvation
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