The Naxos Quartets - CD

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5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets 2009

842 Kč 2 týdny
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
5CD Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets
Obrázky pochází z

Naxos 12. října 2009 Evropa

Peter Maxwell Davies: The Naxos Quartets verze na 5CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Naxos dne 12. října 2009. Album zasahuje do žánrů Klasická hudba a Současná klasická hudba.

Compilation Reissue
ID: 116521 EAN: 0747313522538 Discogs ID: 18862990
Naxos Quartet No. 1
Naxos Quartet No. 2
Naxos Quartet No. 3
Naxos Quartet No. 4: Children's Games
Naxos Quartet No. 5: Lighthouses Of Orkney And Shetland
Naxos Quartet No. 6
Naxos Quartet No. 7: Metafore Sul Borromini (2005, For Archie Bevan On His 80th Birthday) 53:44 min
4-8 Naxos Quartet No. 8 (2005, Dedicated To Her Majesty The Queen On Her 80th Birthday) 18:51 min
String Quartet No. 9 36:56 min
Naxos Quartet No. 10 26:58 min
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Peter Maxwell Davies

Peter Maxwell Davies
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