The Night Before I Go - Vinyl

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LP Pete Murray: The Night Before I Go 2022

1 529 Kč Na objednávku
LP Pete Murray: The Night Before I Go
LP Pete Murray: The Night Before I Go
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Sony Music 28. října 2022 Austrálie

Pete Murray: The Night Before I Go verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Austrálii ve vydavatelství Sony Music dne 28. října 2022. Album lze řadit do žánru Rock.

ID: 499517 EAN: 0196587543013 Discogs ID: 25316632
The Night
A1 Found My Place
Bass Simon Fisenden | Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar, Dobro Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Dann Hume | Producer [Additional Production], Engineer [Additional Engineering], Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Keyboards, Backing Vocals Gavin Slate | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Written-By Joe Whelan (3) | Written-By, Acoustic Guitar Austin Jenckes
A2 If We Never Dance Again
Bass Simon Fisenden | Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Piano, Keyboards Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Dann Hume | Piano Alexia Nikitakis | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Strings [String Arranger], Programmed By [Co-Programmer] Rod Ennis | Written-By Mario Fanizzi | Written-By, Piano, Keyboards Morgan Dorr
A3 Because Of You
Bass Greg Lyon | Drums Grant Gerathy | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Keyboards Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Charlie Holmes (2) | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Written-By, Acoustic Guitar Colin Munroe
A4 We’ll Be The Fire
Bass Simon Fisenden | Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Keyboards Dustin McLean | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Charlie Holmes (2) | Producer [Additional Production], Engineer [Additional Engineering], Written-By, Keyboards Edd Holloway | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray
A5 The Fall Apart
Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Keyboards Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer, Mixed By, Synth [Synth Bass] Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Written-By Joseph Patton, Lalo Guzman
A6 Waiting For This Love
Backing Vocals Hannah Robinson (4), Lily Richardson | Engineer Garrett Kato | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Dustin McLean | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Eric J. Dubowsky | Producer Ben McCarthy | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Strings [String Arranger], Programmed By Rod Ennis
Before I Go
B1 Hold Me Steady
Bass Greg Lyon | Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Keyboards Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Matt Bartlem | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Written-By, Backing Vocals David Dunwell, Joe Dunwell
B2 You Give Me Something
Acoustic Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Bass Simon Fisenden | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Keyboards, Strings Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer, Backing Vocals Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Matt Bartlem | Producer [Vocal Production] DNA (40) | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Written-By, Producer, Acoustic Guitar David Musumeci | Written-By, Producer, Keyboards, Backing Vocals Anthony Egizii
B3 Burning Up
Bass Simon Fisenden | Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Matt Bartlem | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray | Producer, Written-By, Keyboards Nick Littlemore
B4 Colour
Bass Simon Fisenden | Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Keyboards Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Matt Bartlem | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray
B5 Kingdom
Bass Greg Lyon | Drums Grant Gerathy | Electric Guitar Brett Wood (3) | Engineer [Additional Engineering], Keyboards Dustin McLean | Engineer, Producer Garrett Kato | Mastered By Simon Francis | Mixed By Matt Bartlem | Producer, Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Pete Murray
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Pete Murray

Pete Murray
Pete Murray je australský zpěvák, skladatel a akustický kytarista, který si díky svému melodickému stylu a emotivním textům získal řadu oddaných fanoušků. Poprvé na sebe upozornil albem "Feeler" z roku 2003, které mu v Austrálii zajistilo úspěch, dosáhlo multiplatinového prodeje a...

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