Roll Your Leg Over: Bawdy Songs And Backroom Ballads, 1955-1958 - CD

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2CD Oscar Brand: Roll Your Leg Over: Bawdy Songs And Backroom Ballads, 1955-1958 2020

449 Kč Na objednávku
2CD Oscar Brand: Roll Your Leg Over: Bawdy Songs And Backroom Ballads, 1955-1958
2CD Oscar Brand: Roll Your Leg Over: Bawdy Songs And Backroom Ballads, 1955-1958
2CD Oscar Brand: Roll Your Leg Over: Bawdy Songs And Backroom Ballads, 1955-1958
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Jasmine Records 21. února 2020 Velká Británie

Oscar Brand: Roll Your Leg Over: Bawdy Songs And Backroom Ballads, 1955-1958 verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Jasmine Records dne 21. února 2020. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Contemporary Jazz.

Compilation Mono
ID: 557805 EAN: 0604988086829 Discogs ID: 20726890
1-1 Roll Your Leg Over (Version 1)
1-2 No Hips At All
1-3 One Eyed Reilly
1-4 Blow The Candle Out
1-5 Sam Hall
1-6 Limericks
1-7 The Chandler's Wife
1-8 Her Name Was Lil
1-9 Bell Bottom Trousers
1-10 The Sergeant
1-11 Old Joe Clark
1-12 Around Her Neck She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
1-13 Four Nights Drunk (a.k.a. Our Goodman)
1-14 The Fireship (a.k.a. The Rakish Kind)
1-15 Rollin Down The Mountain
1-16 Zulaika
1-17 The Winnipeg Whore
1-18 Chris Colombo
1-19 Ball O'Yarn
1-20 Squire Of Great Renown
1-21 A Gob Is A Slob
1-22 (More) Limericks
1-23 Erie Canal
1-24 Crusher Bailey
1-25 It's The Same The Whole World Over
1-26 The Hermit
1-27 The Foggy Foggy Dew
1-28 Derby Ram
1-29 Black Eyed Susie
2-1 Seven Old Ladies Locked In A Lavatory
2-2 We Go To College
2-3 The Jolly Tinker
2-4 Bella
2-5 Cats On The Rooftops
2-6 Humoresque
2-7 Ring Dang Doo
2-8 Roll Your Leg Over (Version 2)
2-9 Three Prominent Bastards
2-10 Red Wing
2-11 The Ball Of Ballynoor
2-12 She'll Do It Again
2-13 Kafoozalem
2-14 The Bastard King Of England
2-15 Cindy
2-16 Tom Bolynn
2-17 Plymouth Now
2-18 Two Maidens
2-19 Basket Of Oysters
2-20 Green Grow The Rushes
2-21 The Cuckoo's Nest
2-22 Sweet Violets
2-23 How The Money Rolls In
2-24 I Used To Work In Chicago
2-25 The Old Sea Chest
2-26 The Wayward Boy
2-27 Don't Call Me
2-28 Roll Me Over In The Clover
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Oscar Brand

Oscar Brand
Oscar Brand byl americký folkový zpěvák, kytarista, banjista, skladatel, rozhlasový moderátor a spisovatel kanadského původu. Od roku 1945 byl moderátorem pořadu Folksong Festival na rozhlasové stanici WNYC, který byl Guinnessovou knihou rekordů uznán jako rekordman v nejdéle vysí...

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