Greatest Hits - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 2 vydáních. Album Neil Young 's Greatest Hits, které vyšlo v roce 2004, je kompilací největších hitů tohoto zpěváka a skladatele z posledních let. Album obsahuje oblíbené skladby fanoušků, jako jsou "Heart of Gold", "Comes a Time" a "Rockin' in the Free World", a také několik méně známých skladeb. Greatest Hits je skvělým úvodem do hudby Neil Young 'pro nové fanoušky a povinnou výbavou pro ty dlouholeté. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Country Rock.

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits 180g Vinyl

1 649 Kč Skladem
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
2LP Neil Young: Greatest Hits
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180g Vinyl

Reprise Records 22. prosince 2009 USA

Neil Young: Greatest Hits verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Reprise Records dne 22. prosince 2009.

Album Neil Young 's Greatest Hits, které vyšlo v roce 2004, je kompilací největších hitů tohoto zpěváka a skladatele z posledních let. Album obsahuje oblíbené skladby fanoušků, jako jsou "Heart of Gold", "Comes a Time" a "Rockin' in the Free World", a také několik méně známých skladeb. Greatest Hits je skvělým úvodem do hudby Neil Young 'pro nové fanoušky a povinnou výbavou pro ty dlouholeté.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Country Rock.

ID: 570324 EAN: 0093624972051 Discogs ID: 13540649
A1 Down By The River 9:13 min
Bass Billy Talbot | Drums, Vocals Ralph Molina | Electric Guitar, Vocals Danny Whitten, Neil Young | Performer Crazy Horse, Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young | Recorded By David Briggs | Written-By Neil Young
A2 Cowgirl In The Sand 10:05 min
Bass Billy Talbot | Drums, Vocals Ralph Molina | Electric Guitar, Vocals Danny Whitten, Neil Young | Performer Crazy Horse, Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young | Recorded By David Briggs | Written-By Neil Young
B1 Cinnamon Girl 2:59 min
Bass Billy Talbot | Drums, Vocals Ralph Molina | Electric Guitar, Vocals Danny Whitten, Neil Young | Performer Crazy Horse, Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young | Recorded By David Briggs | Written-By Neil Young
B2 Helpless 3:34 min
Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Graham Nash, Neil Young | Bass Greg Reeves | Drums Dallas Taylor | Electric Guitar, Piano, Vocals Stephen Stills | Performer Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Producer [Produced By] Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Recorded By Bill Halverson | Vocals David Crosby | Written-By Neil Young
B3 After The Gold Rush 3:45 min
Flugelhorn Bill Peterson | Performer Neil Young | Piano, Vocals Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young | Producer [Produced With] Kendall Pacios | Recorded By Henry Saskowski | Written-By Neil Young
B4 Only Love Can Break Your Heart 3:05 min
Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Bass Greg Reeves | Drums, Vocals Ralph Molina | Performer Neil Young | Piano Nils Lofgren | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young | Producer [Produced With] Kendall Pacios | Recorded By Henry Saskowski | Vocals Danny Whitten | Written-By Neil Young
B5 Southern Man 5:31 min
Bass Greg Reeves | Drums, Vocals Ralph Molina | Electric Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Performer Neil Young | Piano Nils Lofgren | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young | Producer [Produced With] Kendall Pacios | Recorded By Henry Saskowski | Vocals Danny Whitten | Written-By Neil Young
C1 Ohio 2:56 min
Bass Calvin "Fuzzy" Samuels | Drums John Barbata | Electric Guitar, Vocals David Crosby, Neil Young, Stephen Stills | Performer Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Producer [Produced By] Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Recorded By Bill Halverson | Vocals Graham Nash | Written-By Neil Young
C2 The Needle And The Damage Done 2:10 min
Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Performer Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] Henry Lewy, Neil Young | Recorded By Henry Lewy | Written-By Neil Young
C3 Old Man 3:22 min
Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Bass Tim Drummond | Drums Kenny Buttrey | Guitar Banjo [Banjo-Guitar], Vocals James Taylor (2) | Pedal Steel Guitar Ben Keith | Performer Neil Young, The Stray Gators | Piano Andy McMahon | Producer [Produced By] Elliot Mazer, Neil Young | Recorded By Elliot Mazer | Vocals Linda Ronstadt | Written-By Neil Young
C4 Heart Of Gold 3:05 min
Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Bass Tim Drummond | Drums Kenny Buttrey | Guitar Teddy Irwin | Pedal Steel Guitar Ben Keith | Performer Neil Young, The Stray Gators | Producer [Produced By] Elliot Mazer, Neil Young | Recorded By Elliot Mazer | Vocals James Taylor (2), Linda Ronstadt | Written-By Neil Young
C5 Like A Hurricane 8:21 min
Bass Billy Talbot | Drums Ralph Molina | Electric Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Performer Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young | Producer [Produced With] Tim Mulligan | Recorded By Tim Mulligan | Synth [Stringman] Frank Sampedro | Written-By Neil Young
D1 Comes A Time 3:05 min
Acoustic Guitar Bucky Barrett, Dale Sellers, Grant Boatwright, Jerry Shook, Johnny Christopher, Steve Gibson, Vic Jordan | Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Arranged By [Strings] Charles Cochran, Neil Young | Autoharp Rita Fey | Bass Joe Osborn | Drums Karl Himmel | Electric Guitar J.J. Cale | Fiddle Rufus Thibodeaux | Orchestra Gone With The Wind Orchestra | Percussion Farrell Morris | Performer Neil Young | Piano Spooner Oldham | Producer [Produced By] Ben Keith, Neil Young, Tim Mulligan | Recorded By David McKinley | Recorded By [Assisted By] Danny Hilley, Tim Mulligan | Steel Guitar Ben Keith | Strings Carl Gorodetzky, Carol Walker, Gary Vanosdale, George Binkley, George Kosmola, Larry Harvin, Larry Lasson, Martha McCrory, Marvin Chantry, Maryanna Harvin, Rebecca Lynch, Roy Christensen, Sheldon Kurland, Stephanie Woolf, Steven Smith (11), Virginia Christensen | Vocals Nicolette Larson | Written-By Neil Young
D2 Hey Hey My My (Into The Black) 5:14 min
Bass, Vocals Billy Talbot | Drums, Vocals Ralph Molina | Electric Guitar Frank Sampedro | Electric Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Performer Crazy Horse, Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] David Briggs, Neil Young, Tim Mulligan | Recorded By David Hewitt | Written-By Jeff Blackburn, Neil Young
D3 Rockin in the Free World 4:42 min
Bass Rick Rosas | Drums Chad Cromwell | Electric Guitar, Vocals Frank Sampedro, Neil Young | Keyboards Ben Keith | Performer Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] Neil Young, Niko Bolas, The Volume Dealers | Recorded By Niko Bolas | Written-By Neil Young
D4 Harvest Moon 5:03 min
Acoustic Guitar, Vocals Neil Young | Bass [Bass & Broom] Tim Drummond | Drums Kenny Buttrey | Harmony Vocals Linda Ronstadt | Organ Spooner Oldham | Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel] Ben Keith | Performer Neil Young | Producer [Produced By] Ben Keith, Neil Young | Recorded By John Nowland | Written-By Neil Young
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CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits 2016

175 Kč Na cestě
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
CD Neil Young: Greatest Hits
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Reprise Records 18. března 2016 Evropa

Neil Young: Greatest Hits verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Reprise Records dne 18. března 2016.

Po albech "Decade" a "Lucky Thirteen" je "Greatest Hits" třetí kompilací nejúspěšnějších písní Neila Younga. V německé hitparádě se dostala na 41. místo a jen v Německu se jí prodalo více než 100 000 kusů.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock a Country Rock.

ID: 14781 EAN: 0093624893523 Discogs ID: 744053
1 Neil Young, Crazy Horse: Down By The River 9:16 min
2 Neil Young, Crazy Horse: Cowgirl In The Sand 10:05 min
3 Neil Young, Crazy Horse: Cinnamon Girl 2:59 min
4 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: Helpless 3:37 min
5 Neil Young: After The Goldrush 3:46 min
6 Neil Young: Only Love Can Break Your Heart 3:09 min
7 Neil Young: Southern Man 5:31 min
8 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: Ohio 2:59 min
9 Neil Young: The Needle & The Damage Done 2:10 min
10 Neil Young: Old Man 3:22 min
11 Neil Young: Heart Of Gold 3:07 min
12 Neil Young, Crazy Horse: Like A Hurricane 8:20 min
13 Neil Young: Comes A Time 3:04 min
14 Neil Young, Crazy Horse: Hey, Hey, My, My (Into The Black) 4:59 min
15 Neil Young: Rockin' In The Free World 4:41 min
16 Neil Young: Harvest Moon 5:03 min
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Neil Young

Neil Young
Neil Young je velmi vlivný kanadský zpěvák, skladatel a hudebník, jehož kariéra trvá již více než pět desetiletí. Young se narodil 12. listopadu 1945 v Torontu v Ontariu, svou hudební kariéru zahájil v 60. letech 20. století a rychle se proslavil výrazným hlasem, hluboce osobními ...

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