The Western Suite And Siesta Songs - Vinyl

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LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs 2016

699 Kč 2 týdny
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
LP Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs
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LM Dupli-Cation 4. listopadu 2016 USA

Naïm Amor: The Western Suite And Siesta Songs verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství LM Dupli-Cation dne 4. listopadu 2016. Album lze řadit do žánru Folk, World, & Country.

ID: 611224 EAN: 0613505500151 Discogs ID: 9411453
A1 Round Em Up
A2 Rye Grass Waltz
A3 Of Dust And Wind
A4 Jelly Roll Tango
A5 Señora Sonora
B1 Black Boot Shuffle
B2 Fortune Diggers
B3 XO Waltz
B4 Santa Cruz River
B5 Snow Falls On The Desert Plain
B6 Tucson, Paris
B7 Before We Go
Zobrazit seznam skladeb

Naïm Amor

John Convertino

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