Original Album Classics - CD

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5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics 2015

477 Kč Na objednávku
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
5CD Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics
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RCA 4. září 2015 Evropa

Michael Nesmith: Original Album Classics verze na 5CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství RCA dne 4. září 2015. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Folk Rock a Country Rock.

Album Compilation
ID: 26747 EAN: 0888750990327 Discogs ID: 8664839
Magnetic South
1-1 Calico Girlfriend
1-2 Nine Times Blue
1-3 Little Red Rider
1-4 The Crippled Lion
1-5 Joanne
1-6 First National Rag
1-7 Mama Nantucket
1-8 The Keys To The Car
1-9 Hollywood
1-10 Just One Rose (That's Left In My Heart)
1-11 Beyond The Blue Horizon
Loose Salute
2-1 Silver Moon
2-2 I Fall To Pieces
2-3 Thanx For The Ride
2-4 Dedicated Friends
2-5 Conversations
2-6 Tengo Amore
2-7 Listen To The Band
2-8 Bye, Bye, Bye
2-9 Lady Of The Valley
2-10 Hello Lady
2-11 1st National Dance (Instrumental)
Nevada Fighter
3-1 Grand Ennui
3-2 Propinquity (I've Just Begun To Care)
3-3 Here I Am
3-4 Only Bound
3-5 Nevada Fighter
3-6 Texas Morning
3-7 Tumbling Tumbleweeds
3-8 I Looked Away
3-9 Rainmaker
3-10 Rene
Tantamount To Treason Vol. 1
4-1 Mama Rocker
4-2 Lazy Lady
4-3 You Are My One
4-4 In The Afternoon
4-5 Highway 99 With Melange
4-6 Wax Minute
4-7 Bonaparte's Retreat
4-8 Talking To The Wall
4-9 She Things I Still Care
4-10 Cantata And Fugue In C & W
4-11 Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette
4-12 Rose City Chimes
And The Hits Just Keep On Comin'
5-1 Tomorrow & Me
5-2 The Upside Of Good Bye
5-3 Lady Love
5-4 Listening
5-5 Two Different Roads
5-6 The Candidate
5-7 Different Drum
5-8 Harmony Constant
5-9 Keep On
5-10 Roll With The Flow
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Michael Nesmith

Michael Nesmith
Michael Nesmith byl americký hudebník, skladatel a producent, který je známý jako člen poprockové skupiny The Monkees. Nesmith se narodil 30. prosince 1942 v texaském Houstonu a proslavil se v polovině 60. let, kdy byl obsazen jako člen skupiny The Monkees, která vznikla pro stejn...

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