The Memphis Jug Band Collection 1927-34 - CD

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3CD Memphis Jug Band: The Memphis Jug Band Collection 1927-34 2021

369 Kč Na objednávku
3CD Memphis Jug Band: The Memphis Jug Band Collection 1927-34
3CD Memphis Jug Band: The Memphis Jug Band Collection 1927-34
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Acrobat 5. února 2021 Velká Británie

Memphis Jug Band: The Memphis Jug Band Collection 1927-34 verze na 3CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Acrobat dne 5. února 2021. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country, Blues, Blues Rock, Country Blues a Jug Band.

ID: 557539 EAN: 0824046910426 Discogs ID: 26966243
1-1 Memphis Jug Band: Stingy Woman Blues
1-2 Memphis Jug Band: Sun Brimmers Blues
1-3 Memphis Jug Band: Memphis Jug Blues
1-4 Memphis Jug Band: Newport News Blues
1-5 Memphis Jug Band: Sunshine Blues
1-6 Memphis Jug Band: Looking For The Bully Of The Town
1-7 Memphis Jug Band: Sometimes I Think I Love You
1-8 Memphis Jug Band: Memphis Bou
1-9 Memphis Jug Band: Beale Street Mess Around
1-10 Memphis Jug Band: I'll See You In The Spring, When The Birds Begin To Sing
1-11 Will Weldon: Turpentine Blues
1-12 Will Weldon: Hitch Me To Your Buggy And Drive Me Like A Mule
1-13 Memphis Jug Band: Kansas City Blues
1-14 Memphis Jug Band: State Of Tennessee Blues
1-15 Memphis Jug Band: Coal Oil Blues
1-16 Memphis Jug Band: Papa Long Blues
1-17 Memphis Jug Band: Bob Lee Junior Blues
1-18 Memphis Jug Band: I Packed My Suitcase, Started To The Train
1-19 Memphis Jug Band: Snitchin' Gambler Blues
1-20 Memphis Jug Band: She Stays Out All Night Long
1-21 Memphis Jug Band: Peaches In The Springtime
1-22 Memphis Jug Band: Evergreen Money Blues
1-23 Memphis Jug Band: Lindberg Hop
2-1 Memphis Jug Band: Sugar Pudding
2-2 Memphis Jug Band: A Black Woman Is Like A Black Snake
2-3 Memphis Jug Band: On The Road Again
2-4 Memphis Jug Band: Whitewash Station Blues
2-5 Memphis Jug Band: Stealin'. Stealin
2-6 Memphis Jug Band: Mississippi River Waltz
2-7 Memphis Jug Band: Jug Band Waltz
2-8 Memphis Jug Band: I Can't Stand It
2-9 Memphis Jug Band: What's The Matter
2-10 Memphis Jug Band: K.C. Moan
2-11 Memphis Jug Band: Memphis Yo Yo Blues
2-12 Memphis Jug Band: I Whipped My Woman With A Single-Tree
2-13 Memphis Jug Band: Feed Your Friend With A Long Handled Spoon
2-14 Memphis Jug Band: I Can Beat You Plenty
2-15 Memphis Jug Band: Tired Of You Driving Me
2-16 Memphis Jug Band: Bumble Bee Blues
2-17 Memphis Jug Band: Everybody's Talking About
2-18 Memphis Jug Band: Cave Man Blues
2-19 Memphis Jug Band: Oh Ambulance Man
2-20 Memphis Jug Band: Cocaine Habit Blues
2-21 Memphis Jug Band: It Won't Act Right
2-22 Memphis Jug Band: Papa's Got Your Bath Water On
2-23 Memphis Jug Band: Fourth Street Mess Around
2-24 Memphis Sheiks: He's In The Jail House Now
2-25 Memphis Sheiks: Round And Round
3-1 Carolina Peanut Boys: Move That Thing
3-2 Carolina Peanut Boys: You Got Me Rollin'
3-3 Memphis Jug Band, Charlie Nickerson: Going Back To Memphis
3-4 Carolina Peanut Boys: Spider's Nest Blues
3-5 Memphis Jug Band: Taking Your Place
3-6 Memphis Jug Band: Aunt Caroline Dyer Blues
3-7 Memphis Jug Band: Jazz Strainer Blues
3-8 Memphis Jug Band: Meningitis Blues
3-9 Memphis Jug Band: Jazzbo Stomp
3-10 Memphis Jug Band: Rukus Juice And Chittlin'
3-11 Memphis Jug Band: Tear It Down, Bed Slats And All
3-12 Memphis Jug Band: Boodie Bum Bum
3-13 Memphis Jug Band: Gator Wobble
3-14 Memphis Jug Band: My Business Ain't Right
3-15 Memphis Jug Band, Charlie Burse: Bottle It Up And Go
3-16 Memphis Jug Band, Charlie Burse: Insane Crazy Blues
3-17 Memphis Jug Band: Memphis Shakedown
3-18 Memphis Jug Band: Mary Anna Cut Off
3-19 Memphis Jug Band: She Done Sold It Out
3-20 Memphis Jug Band: My Love Is Cold
3-21 Memphis Jug Band: Jug Band Quartette
3-22 Memphis Jug Band: Little Green Slippers
3-23 Memphis Jug Band: Take Your Finger Off It
3-24 Memphis Jug Band: Stonewall Blues
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Memphis Jug Band

Memphis Jug Band
Americká hudební skupina působící od poloviny 20. do konce 50. let 20. století. V kapele hrály harmonika, kazoo, housle a mandolína nebo banjolína, doprovázené kytarou, klavírem, washboardem, washtub bass a jugem. Hráli pomalé blues, popové písně, žertovné skladby a energická taneč...

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