Medium Rarities - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 3 vydáních. Mastodon 's Medium Rarities je kompilační album vydané v roce 2020. Obsahuje raritní a dosud nevydané skladby z raných let existence kapely. Album musí mít fanoušci Mastodon , protože obsahuje raritní a dosud nevydané skladby, které nikdy předtím nebyly slyšet. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Progresivní rock, Sludge Metal, Groove Metal a Progressive Metal.

Dostupné ve 3 vydáních


2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR Coloured Pink Marble Vinyl Limited Edition

777 Kč Skladem
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR
Obrázky pochází z

Coloured Pink Marble Vinyl Limited Edition

Reprise Records 30. října 2020 Evropa, UK a USA

Mastodon: Medium Rarities LTD | CLR verze na vinylu 2LP v limitované kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě, UK a USA ve vydavatelství Reprise Records dne 30. října 2020.

Hardrocková legenda Mastodon, držitelka ceny Grammy, letos slaví 20 let! Na oslavu dvou desetiletí společného působení vydává skupina z Atlanty kolekci rarit Medium Rarities v různých formátech. Mezi mnoha raritami je i dosud nevydaná skladba "Fallen Torches", nahraná v roce 2019. Medium Rarities představuje poprvé v uceleném balení řadu coververzí, soundtracků, instrumentálek, b-stran a živých nahrávek. Mezitím pokračují oslavy výročí. V současné době Mastodon usilovně pracují na svém očekávaném devátém albu, které bude následovníkem Grammy oceněného alba Emperor Of Sand z roku 2017.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Progresivní rock, Sludge Metal, Groove Metal a Progressive Metal. Coloured Pink Marble Vinyl Limited Edition.

Compilation Limited Edition Coloured Vinyl
ID: 23172 EAN: 0093624892793 Discogs ID: 16122521
A1 Fallen Torches 4:23 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Paul Wagner (4) | Lyrics By [Additional], Vocals [Additional] Scott Kelly | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Alex Newport | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
A2 A Commotion 4:15 min
Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Ted Jensen | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Recorded By Mike Elizondo | Recorded By, Mixed By Adam Hawkins | Written-By Leslie Feist
A3 Asleep In The Deep (Instrumental) 6:13 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer] Tom Tapley | Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Tal Miller | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Synthesizer Isaiah Owens | Written-By Mastodon
A4 Capillarian Crest (Live) 4:21 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering], DAW [Pro Tools] Anthony Catalano | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Vlado Meller | Mixed By Guy Charbonneau | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Guy Charbonneau | Recorded By Ian Charbonneau | Written-By Mastodon
B1 A Spoonful Weighs A Ton 3:27 min
Keyboards Mike Elizondo | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Ted Jensen | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mike Elizondo | Recorded By, Mixed By Adam Hawkins | Written-By The Flaming Lips
B2 Toes To Toes (Instrumental) 4:28 min
Edited By [Editing By] Billy Bowers | Engineer [Second Engineer] Bryan Dimaio, TJ Elias | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Brendan O'Brien, Tom Syrowski | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Brendan O'Brien | Recorded By Tom Syrowski, Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
B3 Circle Of Cysquatch (Live) 3:16 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer], DAW [Pro Tools] Anthony Catalano | Mixed By Josh Abraham | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By Ian Charbonneau | Written-By Mastodon
B4 Atlanta 3:25 min
Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Featuring [Feat.] Gibby Haynes | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Tom Tapley | Written-By Gibby Haynes, Mastodon
C1 Jaguar God (Instrumental) 7:55 min
Engineer [Second Engineer] Bryan Dimaio, TJ Elias | Keyboards Mike Keneally | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By], Edited By [Original Release Edited By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Brendan O'Brien, Tom Syrowski | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Brendan O'Brien | Recorded By Tom Syrowski, Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
C2 Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife 1:50 min
Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Glenn Schick | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By, Mixed By Michael Kohler | Written-By Dave Willis, Matt Maiellaro
C3 Blood And Thunder (Live) 3:53 min
Mixed By Matt Bayles | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Written-By Mastodon
C4 White Walker 4:20 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering] John Rosser | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By, Mixed By Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
D1 Halloween (Instrumental) 4:38 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer] Troy Sanders | Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Tal Miller | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
D2 Crystal Skull (Live) 3:26 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Ben Verellen, Jim Keller, Mark Santangelo | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Vlado Meller | Mixed By Rich Costey | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Jim Keller, Pablo Arraya | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Pre-Production] Eric Seale, Michael Green (3) | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Recorded By Matt Bayles | Technician [Drum Technician] Chris Common | Written-By Mastodon
D3 Orion 8:15 min
Mastered By Alan Douches | Mixed By, Recorded By Matt Bayles | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Written-By Cliff Burton, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
D4 Iron Tusk (Live) 2:49 min
Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Josh Abraham | Recorded By, Engineer [Engineered By] Ryan Williams | Written-By Mastodon
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2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities Black Vinyl

777 Kč Skladem
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
2LP Mastodon: Medium Rarities
Obrázky pochází z

Black Vinyl

Reprise Records 30. dubna 2021 Evropa, UK a USA

Mastodon: Medium Rarities verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě, UK a USA ve vydavatelství Reprise Records dne 30. dubna 2021.

Hardrocková legenda Mastodon, držitelka ceny Grammy, letos slaví 20 let! Na oslavu dvou desetiletí společného působení vydává skupina z Atlanty kolekci rarit Medium Rarities v různých formátech. Mezi mnoha raritami je i dosud nevydaná skladba "Fallen Torches", nahraná v roce 2019. Medium Rarities představuje poprvé v uceleném balení řadu coververzí, soundtracků, instrumentálek, b-stran a živých nahrávek. Mezitím pokračují oslavy výročí. V současné době Mastodon usilovně pracují na svém očekávaném devátém albu, které bude následovníkem Grammy oceněného alba Emperor Of Sand z roku 2017.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Progresivní rock, Sludge Metal, Groove Metal a Progressive Metal. Black Vinyl.

Compilation Stereo
ID: 23171 EAN: 0093624889182 Discogs ID: 16560075
A1 Fallen Torches 4:23 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Paul Wagner (4) | Lyrics By [Additional], Vocals [Additional] Scott Kelly | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Alex Newport | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
A2 A Commotion 4:15 min
Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Ted Jensen | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Recorded By Mike Elizondo | Recorded By, Mixed By Adam Hawkins | Written-By Leslie Feist
A3 Asleep In The Deep (Instrumental) 6:13 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer] Tom Tapley | Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Tal Miller | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Synthesizer Isaiah Owens | Written-By Mastodon
A4 Capillarian Crest (Live) 4:21 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering], DAW [Pro Tools] Anthony Catalano | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Vlado Meller | Mixed By Guy Charbonneau | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Guy Charbonneau | Recorded By Ian Charbonneau | Written-By Mastodon
B1 A Spoonful Weighs A Ton 3:27 min
Keyboards Mike Elizondo | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Ted Jensen | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mike Elizondo | Recorded By, Mixed By Adam Hawkins | Written-By The Flaming Lips
B2 Toes To Toes (Instrumental) 4:28 min
Edited By [Editing By] Billy Bowers | Engineer [Second Engineer] Bryan Dimaio, TJ Elias | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Brendan O'Brien, Tom Syrowski | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Brendan O'Brien | Recorded By Tom Syrowski, Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
B3 Circle Of Cysquatch (Live) 3:16 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer], DAW [Pro Tools] Anthony Catalano | Mixed By Josh Abraham | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By Ian Charbonneau | Written-By Mastodon
B4 Atlanta 3:25 min
Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Featuring [Feat.] Gibby Haynes | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Tom Tapley | Written-By Gibby Haynes, Mastodon
C1 Jaguar God (Instrumental) 7:55 min
Engineer [Second Engineer] Bryan Dimaio, TJ Elias | Keyboards Mike Keneally | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By], Edited By [Original Release Edited By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Brendan O'Brien, Tom Syrowski | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Brendan O'Brien | Recorded By Tom Syrowski, Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
C2 Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife 1:50 min
Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Glenn Schick | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By, Mixed By Michael Kohler | Written-By Dave Willis, Matt Maiellaro
C3 Blood And Thunder (Live) 3:53 min
Mixed By Matt Bayles | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Written-By Mastodon
C4 White Walker 4:20 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering] John Rosser | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By, Mixed By Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
D1 Halloween (Instrumental) 4:38 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer] Troy Sanders | Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Tal Miller | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
D2 Crystal Skull (Live) 3:26 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Ben Verellen, Jim Keller, Mark Santangelo | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Vlado Meller | Mixed By Rich Costey | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Jim Keller, Pablo Arraya | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Pre-Production] Eric Seale, Michael Green (3) | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Recorded By Matt Bayles | Technician [Drum Technician] Chris Common | Written-By Mastodon
D3 Orion 8:15 min
Mastered By Alan Douches | Mixed By, Recorded By Matt Bayles | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Written-By Cliff Burton, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
D4 Iron Tusk (Live) 2:49 min
Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By], Mixed By Josh Abraham | Recorded By, Engineer [Engineered By] Ryan Williams | Written-By Mastodon
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CD Mastodon: Medium Rarities 2020

367 Kč 2 týdny
CD Mastodon: Medium Rarities
CD Mastodon: Medium Rarities
CD Mastodon: Medium Rarities
Obrázky pochází z

Reprise Records 11. září 2020 Evropa, UK a USA

Mastodon: Medium Rarities verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě, UK a USA ve vydavatelství Reprise Records dne 11. září 2020.

Hardrocková legenda Mastodon, držitelka ceny Grammy, letos slaví 20 let! Na oslavu dvou desetiletí společného působení vydává skupina z Atlanty kolekci rarit Medium Rarities v různých formátech. Mezi mnoha raritami je i dosud nevydaná skladba "Fallen Torches", nahraná v roce 2019. Medium Rarities představuje poprvé v uceleném balení řadu coververzí, soundtracků, instrumentálek, b-stran a živých nahrávek. Mezitím pokračují oslavy výročí. V současné době Mastodon usilovně pracují na svém očekávaném devátém albu, které bude následovníkem Grammy oceněného alba Emperor Of Sand z roku 2017.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Progresivní rock, Sludge Metal, Groove Metal a Progressive Metal.

Album Compilation
ID: 23169 EAN: 0093624892809 Discogs ID: 15898909
1 Fallen Torches 4:23 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Paul Wagner (4) | Lyrics By [Additional Lyrics], Vocals [Additional Vocals] Scott Kelly | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Alex Newport | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
2 A Commotion 4:15 min
Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Ted Jensen | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced], Recorded By Mike Elizondo | Recorded By, Mixed By Adam Hawkins | Written-By Leslie Feist
3 Asleep In The Deep (Instrumental) 6:13 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer] Tom Tapley | Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Tal Miller | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Synthesizer Isaiah Owens | Written-By Mastodon
4 Capillarian Crest (Live) 4:21 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering], DAW [Pro Tools] Anthony Catalano | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Vlado Meller | Mixed By Guy Charbonneau | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Guy Charbonneau | Recorded By Ian Charbonneau | Written-By Mastodon
5 A Spoonful Weighs A Ton 3:27 min
Keyboards Mike Elizondo | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Ted Jensen | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mike Elizondo | Recorded By, Mixed By Adam Hawkins | Written-By The Flaming Lips
6 Toes To Toes (Instrumental) 4:28 min
Edited By [Editing By] Billy Bowers | Engineer [Second Engineer] Bryan Dimaio, TJ Elias | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Brendan O'Brien, Tom Syrowski | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Brendan O'Brien | Recorded By Tom Syrowski, Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
7 Circle Of Cysquatch (Live) 3:16 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer], DAW [Pro Tools] Anthony Catalano | Mixed By Josh Abraham | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By Ian Charbonneau | Written-By Mastodon
8 Atlanta 3:25 min
Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Featuring [Feat.] Gibby Haynes | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Tom Tapley | Written-By Gibby Haynes, Mastodon
9 Jaguar God (Instrumental) 7:55 min
Engineer [Second Engineer] Bryan Dimaio, TJ Elias | Keyboards Mike Keneally | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered], Edited By [Original Release Edited By] Billy Bowers | Mixed By Brendan O'Brien, Tom Syrowski | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Brendan O'Brien | Recorded By Tom Syrowski, Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
10 Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife 1:50 min
Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Glenn Schick | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By, Mixed By Michael Kohler | Written-By Dave Willis, Matt Maiellaro
11 Blood And Thunder (Live) 3:53 min
Mixed By Matt Bayles | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Written-By Mastodon
12 White Walker 4:20 min
Engineer [Additional Engineering] John Rosser | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon | Recorded By, Mixed By Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
13 Halloween (Instrumental) 4:38 min
Engineer [Additional Engineer] Troy Sanders | Engineer [Second Engineer] John Albritton | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Tal Miller | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced], Mixed By Nick Raskulinecz | Recorded By Nathan Yarborough | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Tom Tapley | Written-By Mastodon
14 Crystal Skull (Live) 3:26 min
Engineer [Assistant Engineer] Ben Verellen | Engineer [Pre-Production Assistant Engineer] Jim Keller, Mark Santangelo | Mastered By [Original Release Mastered By] Vlado Meller | Mixed By Rich Costey | Mixed By [Pre-Production Assistant Mixer] Jim Keller, Pablo Arraya | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Pre-Production] Eric Seale, Michael Green (3) | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Recorded By Matt Bayles | Technician [Drum Technician] Chris Common | Written-By Mastodon
15 Orion 8:15 min
Mastered By Alan Douches | Mixed By, Recorded By Matt Bayles | Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced By] Mastodon, Matt Bayles | Written-By Cliff Burton, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
16 Iron Tusk (Live) 2:49 min
Performer [Performed By] Mastodon | Producer [Produced], Mixed By Josh Abraham | Recorded By, Engineer [Engineered By] Ryan Williams | Written-By Mastodon
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Mastodon je americká heavymetalová skupina, která vznikla v roce 2000 v Atlantě ve státě Georgia. Skupina je známá svou inovativní a složitou hudbou, která kombinuje prvky progresivního metalu, sludge metalu a alternativního metalu. Skupinu tvoří baskytarista/zpěvák Troy Sanders, ...

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