My Life II...The Journey Continues (Act 1) - CD

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CD Mary J. Blige: My Life II... The Journey Continues (Act 1) Act 1

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CD Mary J. Blige: My Life II... The Journey Continues (Act 1)
CD Mary J. Blige: My Life II... The Journey Continues (Act 1)
CD Mary J. Blige: My Life II... The Journey Continues (Act 1)
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Act 1

Geffen Records | Matriarch Records 21. listopadu 2011 Evropa

Mary J. Blige: My Life II... The Journey Continues (Act 1) verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Geffen Records ve spolupráci s Matriarch Records dne 21. listopadu 2011.

Několikanásobná držitelka ceny Grammy, zpěvačka, skladatelka, producentka a herečka Mary J. Blige vydává své desáté studiové album „Můj život II ... Cesta pokračuje (akt 1 )” Album bylo nahráno v Los Angeles a New York s producenty jako Danja, Kanye West, Stargate, Swizz Beatz a Underdogs a opět ukazuje talent Mary J Blige udělat nadčasové hity. Novinka navazuje na sedmnáct let staré dílo „My Life”. Mary J. Blige kontinuitu okomentovala takto: „Je to dárek ode mě pro vás. Naše cesta pokračuje a já chci touto cestou obdarovat své fanoušky, bez ohledu na to, jak čas letí.”

Album zasahuje do žánrů Funk / Soul a Contemporary R&B. Act 1.

ID: 24535 EAN: 0602527897769 Discogs ID: 3613862
1 Intro 1:16 min
Co-producer Arden Altino | Keyboards [Additional] Akene Dunkley, Olivier Castelli | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Jerry Duplessis, Kendu Isaacs | Recorded By Serge Tsai | Recorded By [Assistant] Koby Hass | Written-By Arden Altino, Jerry Duplessis, Kendu Isaacs, Mary J. Blige, Sean Combs
2 Feel Inside 5:08 min
Co-producer Arden Altino | Engineer Chris "Tek" O'Ryan | Engineer [2nd] Kevin Matela | Engineer [Assistant] Clint Nelson, Kevin Schinstock, Koby Hass | Featuring [Rap] Nas | Guitar Paul Pesco | Keyboards Borham Lee | Producer Jerry Duplessis | Recorded By Serge Tsai | Recorded By [Nas Vox, Assistant] Dan Tobiason | Recorded By [Nas Vox] Stuart White | Written-By Andrea Martin, Arden Altino, Clifford Smith (2), Corey Woods, Darryl Hill, Dennis Coles, Elgin Turner, Gary Grice, Jason Hunter (2), Jerry Wonder, Lamont Hawkins, Mary J. Blige, Robert Diggs, Russel Jones
3 Midnight Drive 4:12 min
Backing Vocals Rico Love | Featuring [Rap] Brook | Keyboards, Programmed By, Recorded By Pierre Medor | Producer Pierre Medor, Rico Love | Recorded By [Assistant] Diego Avendano | Written-By Pierre Medor, Rico Love
4 Next Level 4:13 min
Featuring [Rap], Written-By Busta Rhymes | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Danja | Recorded By Pierre Medor | Recorded By [Additional] Stuart White | Vocals [Additional] Rico Love | Written-By Mary J. Blige, Nate Hills, Rico Love
5 Ain't Nobody 4:03 min
Backing Vocals Mary J. Blige | Engineer [Assistant] Brandon N. Caddell | Mixed By, Recorded By Matt Champlin | Producer Rodney Jerkins | Producer [Vocals] Rodney Jerkins | Sound Designer Greg Morgan (4) | Written-By David "Hawk" Wolinski
6 25/8 3:56 min
Instruments [Additional] Ron Fair | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Additional] Kendu Isaacs, Peter Mokran | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Eric Hudson, Mary J. Blige | Recorded By Dan Cheung | Recorded By [Assistant] Jon Nettlesbey | Written-By Crystal Johnson, Eric Hudson, Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff, Mary J. Blige
7 Don't Mind 3:57 min
Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Jerry Wonder | Recorded By Serge Tsai | Recorded By [Assistant] Kevin Matela, Koby Hass | Written-By Jerry Wonder, Mary J. Blige, Priscilla Renea
8 No Condition 4:27 min
Engineer Chris "Tek" O'Ryan | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Danja | Recorded By Marcella Araica, Serge Tsai | Vocals [Additional] Kevin Cossom | Written-By Kevin Cossom, Marcella Araica, Mary J. Blige, Nate Hills
9 Mr. Wrong 4:02 min
Featuring [Rap] Drake | Keyboards Danny Morris, Jim Jonsin | Mixed By Gennaro Schiano, Rob Marks | Producer Jim Jonsin, Rico Love | Programmed By Jim Jonsin | Recorded By Nikolas Marzouca, Pierre Medor | Recorded By [Assistant] Diego Avendano, Matt Huber | Vocals [Additional] Rico Love | Written-By Cary Gilbert, Danny Morris, James Scheffer, Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff, Rico Love
10 Why 4:22 min
Featuring [Rap] Rick Ross | Producer Eric Hudson | Recorded By Serge Tsai | Recorded By [Assistant] Clint Nelson, Kevin Schinstock, Koby Hass | Written-By Dave Young (4), Eric Hudson, Mary J. Blige
11 Love A Woman 4:33 min
Co-producer Meneradini “Bridge” Timothee | Engineer Mike Miller (9) | Engineer [Assistant] Pete Wolford | Featuring [Voclas] Beyoncé | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Additional] Harvey Mason Jr. | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Sean Garrett | Written-By Beyoncé Knowles, Mary J. Blige, Meneradini “Bridge” Timothee, Sean Garrett
12 Empty Prayers 3:15 min
Backing Vocals Crystal Johnson | Engineer Andrew Wuepper, Brian "B-Luv" Thomas, Chris "Tek" O'Ryan, Josh Gudwin | Engineer [Assistant] Luis Navarro (2) | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Tricky Stewart | Written-By Crystal Johnson, Kenneth Charles Coby, Mary J. Blige, Tricky Stewart
13 Need Someone 3:55 min
Arranged By [Strings] David Davidson | Bass, Guitar Martin Terefe | Cello Dan Keane | Drums Per Lindvall | Mixed By Peter Mokran | Mixed By [Assistant] Eric Weaver | Music By, Words By Matt Morris (3) | Piano Glen Scott | Producer Martin Terefe | Recorded By Dyre Gormsen | Recorded By [Assistant] Sam Keyte | Viola Max Baillie | Violin David Davidson, Emma Smith
14 The Living Proof 5:56 min
Producer The Underdogs | Written-By Damon Thomas, Harvey Mason Jr., Mary J. Blige, Thomas Newman
15 You Want This 4:14 min
Arranged By [Horns] Jerry Hey | Bass Damien Farmer | Co-producer, Keyboards Kevin Randolph | Coordinator [Production Coordinator] Trina Bowman | Guitar, Recorded By Andrew Hey | Horns Bill Reichenbach (2), Dan Fornero, Dan Higgins, Gary Grant | Mixed By Harvey Mason Jr. | Mixed By [Assistant] Dan Cheung, Jon Nettlesbey | Music By [All], Producer The Underdogs | Written-By Adonis Shropshire, Damon Thomas, Dewain Whitmore, Jr., Eric Dawkins, Harvey Mason Jr., Joi Campbell, Kevin Randolph, Mary J. Blige
16 This Love Is For You 3:47 min
Engineer Andrew Wuepper, Brian "B-Luv" Thomas, Chris "Tek" O'Ryan, Josh Gudwin | Mixed By Jaycen Joshua | Mixed By [Assistant] Jesus Garnica | Producer Tricky Stewart | Producer [Vocals] Kuk Harrell | Written-By Ester Dean, Mary J. Blige, Tricky Stewart
17 One Life 3:44 min
Engineer [Additional/Assistant] Damien Lewis | Executive-Producer, Management Dancin' Danny D, Tim Blacksmith (3) | Instruments [All] Calvin Harris, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen | Mixed By Phil Tan | Producer Calvin Harris, StarGate (2) | Recorded By Calvin Harris, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Miles Walker | Written-By Calvin Harris, Ester Dean, Mary J. Blige, Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen
18 Someone To Love Me (Naked) 3:32 min
Co-producer Arden Altino | Engineer [2nd] Henri-David "HD" Magloire, Kevin Matela, Mario Velazquez, Tai Tsosie | Featuring [Rap] Lil Wayne, P. Diddy | Guitar Ben Defusco | Mixed By [Assistant], Recorded By [Assistant] Kevin Schinstock, Kevin Wilson, Koby Hass, William Villane | Mixed By, Recorded By Serge Tsai | Producer Jerry Duplessis | Scratches [Cut] Leon Higgins | Written-By Bettye Crutcher, David Porter, Dwayne Carter, Jerry Duplessis, Leroy Watson, Mary J. Blige, Ronnie Williams, Sean Combs
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Mary J. Blige

Mary J. Blige
Mary J. Blige je uznávaná zpěvačka, skladatelka, herečka a filantropka, často označovaná jako "královna hip-hopu". Svou kariéru zahájila na počátku 90. let a rychle se proslavila jedinečnou směsí R&B, soulu, hip-hopu a gospelu. Blige během své kariéry vydala řadu úspěšných alb, vč...

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