Hallelujah! (Gospel 1931-1941) - CD

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CD Louis Armstrong: Hallelujah! (Gospel 1931-1941) 2015

507 Kč Na objednávku
CD Louis Armstrong: Hallelujah! (Gospel 1931-1941)
CD Louis Armstrong: Hallelujah! (Gospel 1931-1941)
CD Louis Armstrong: Hallelujah! (Gospel 1931-1941)
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Frémeaux & Associés 1. dubna 2015 Francie

Louis Armstrong: Hallelujah! (Gospel 1931-1941) verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Francii ve vydavatelství Frémeaux & Associés dne 1. dubna 2015. Album zasahuje do žánrů Jazz, Funk / Soul, Gospel a Ragtime.

ID: 490490 EAN: 3448960200127 Discogs ID: 1162859
1 Louis Armstrong, Lyn Murray Chorus: Shadrack 2:31 min
2 Louis Armstrong, Lyn Murray Chorus: Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen 3:12 min
3 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: When The Saints Go Marchin' In 2:44 min
4 Louis Armstrong: Dear Old Southland 3:10 min
Piano Buck Washington
5 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Old Man Mose 2:29 min
6 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Lawd, You Made The Night Too Long 3:18 min
Bass John Lindsay | Guitar Mike McKendrick | Piano Charlie Alexander | Reeds Albert Washington (2), George James (2), Lester Boone | Trumpet Zilner Randolph
7 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: I'll Get Mine Bye And Bye 2:57 min
8 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: As Long As You Live 2:11 min
9 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Now You Call That A Buddy 3:13 min
10 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: I Hope Gabriel Likes My Music 3:11 min
11 Louis Armstrong, The Decca Mixed Chorus: Going To Shout All Over God's Heaven 2:43 min
12 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Cain And Abel 2:55 min
13 Louis Armstrong, The Decca Mixed Chorus: Jonah And The Whale 2:43 min
14 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Bye And Bye 2:28 min
15 Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: When It's Sleepy Time Down South 3:12 min
Bass Hayes Alvis | Reeds Carl Frye | Trombone Henderson Chambers, Norman Greene | Trumpet Frank Galbraith, Gene Prince
16 Shadrack 2:46 min
17 Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen 3:40 min
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Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong , důvěrně známý jako "Satchmo" nebo "Pops", byl výraznou osobností světového jazzu a jedním z nejvlivnějších umělců v historii této hudby. Armstrong se narodil 4. srpna 1901 v New Orleans v Louisianě a jeho kariéra trvala pět desetiletí, od 20. do 60. let 20. stole...

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