Album dostupné na CD ve 2 vydáních. Lisa Stansfield "Biography (The Greatest Hits)" vyšlo v roce 2003. Album obsahuje singly "All Around the World", "Never, Never Gonna Give You Up", "The Real Thing" a "People Hold On". Album "Biogr... Více
Album dostupné na CD ve 2 vydáních. Lisa Stansfield "Biography (The Greatest Hits)" vyšlo v roce 2003. Album obsahuje singly "All Around the World", "Never, Never Gonna Give You Up", "The Real Thing" a "People Hold On". Album "Biography (The Greatest Hits)" se dostalo na první místo ve Velké Británii a získalo platinovou desku. Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Balada, Rhythm & Blues, Synth-pop a Neo Soul.
Dostupné ve 2 vydáních
CD Lisa Stansfield: Biography (The Greatest Hits)
297 Kč
Obrázky pochází z
BMG UK & Ireland | Arista
27. září 2004
Lisa Stansfield: Biography (The Greatest Hits) verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství BMG UK & Ireland ve spolupráci s Arista dne 27. září 2004.
Lisa Stansfield "Biography (The Greatest Hits)" vyšlo v roce 2003. Album obsahuje singly "All Around the World", "Never, Never Gonna Give You Up", "The Real Thing" a "People Hold On". Album "Biography (The Greatest Hits)" se dostalo na první místo ve Velké Británii a získalo platinovou desku.
Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Balada, Rhythm & Blues, Synth-pop a Neo Soul.
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Someday (I'm Coming Back)
4:56 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
This Is The Right Time
4:30 min
Producer Coldcut | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
The Real Thing
4:18 min
Co-producer Peter Mokran | Producer Ian Devaney | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
People Hold On
3:58 min
Featuring Coldcut | Producer Coldcut | Written-By Jonathan More, Lisa Stansfield, Matt Black
In All The Right Places
5:16 min
So Natural
5:05 min
Producer Ian Devaney | Producer [Associate] Bobby Boughton | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Time To Make You Mine
4:10 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Live Together
4:35 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Little Bit Of Heaven
4:27 min
Producer Ian Devaney | Producer [Associate] Bobby Boughton | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Set Your Loving Free
4:09 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Let's Just Call It Love
3:59 min
Producer Ian Devaney | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield, Richard Darbyshire
Never, Never Gonna Give You Up
3:51 min
Co-producer Peter Mokran | Producer Ian Devaney | Written-By Barry White
These Are The Days Of Our Lives
4:43 min
Featuring George Michael, Queen | Producer George Michael, Queen | Recorded By David Richards | Written-By Brian May, Freddie Mercury, John Deacon, Roger Taylor
Down In The Depths
4:27 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield | Written-By Cole Porter
All Woman
5:16 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
All Around The World
4:22 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
2CD Lisa Stansfield: Biography (The Greatest Hits) LTD
Limited Edition
829 Kč
Na objednávku
Obrázky pochází z
Limited Edition
BMG UK & Ireland | Arista
22. dubna 2003
Evropa a UK
Lisa Stansfield: Biography (The Greatest Hits) LTD verze na 2CD v limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství BMG UK & Ireland ve spolupráci s Arista dne 22. dubna 2003.
Lisa Stansfield "Biography (The Greatest Hits)" vyšlo v roce 2003. Album obsahuje singly "All Around the World", "Never, Never Gonna Give You Up", "The Real Thing" a "People Hold On". Album "Biography (The Greatest Hits)" se dostalo na první místo ve Velké Británii a získalo platinovou desku.
Album zasahuje do žánrů Pop, Elektronická hudba, Funk / Soul, Balada, Rhythm & Blues, Synth-pop a Neo Soul. Limited Edition.
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Someday (I'm Coming Back)
4:56 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
This Is The Right Time
4:30 min
Producer Coldcut | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
The Real Thing
4:18 min
Co-producer Peter Mokran | Producer Ian Devaney | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
People Hold On
3:58 min
Featuring Coldcut | Producer Coldcut | Written-By Jonathan More, Lisa Stansfield, Matt Black
In All The Right Places
5:16 min
Executive Producer John Barry | Lyrics By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield | Music By John Barry | Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney
So Natural
5:05 min
Producer Ian Devaney | Producer [Associate] Bobby Boughton | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Time To Make You Mine
4:10 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Live Together
4:35 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Little Bit Of Heaven
4:27 min
Producer Ian Devaney | Producer [Associate] Bobby Boughton | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Set Your Loving Free
4:09 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Let's Just Call It Love
3:59 min
Producer Ian Devaney | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield, Richard Darbyshire
Never, Never Gonna Give You Up
3:51 min
Co-producer Peter Mokran | Producer Ian Devaney | Written-By Barry White
These Are The Days Of Our Lives
4:43 min
Featuring George Michael, Queen | Producer George Michael, Queen | Recorded By David Richards | Written-By Brian May, Freddie Mercury, John Deacon, Roger Taylor
Down In The Depths
4:27 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield | Written-By Cole Porter
All Woman
5:16 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
All Around The World
4:22 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Bonus Disc
Change (Knuckles Mix)
6:25 min
Producer Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney | Producer [Additional] Frankie Knuckles | Remix Frankie Knuckles | Written-By Andy Morris (5), Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Never, Never Gonna Give You Up (Knuckles Mix)
8:41 min
Co-producer Peter Mokran | Producer Ian Devaney | Producer [Additional] Frankie Knuckles | Remix Frankie Knuckles | Written-By Barry White
People Hold On (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Mix)
6:11 min
Producer Coldcut | Producer [Additional] Dan Bewick, Matt Frost (4) | Remix Dirty Rotten Scoundrels | Remix [Credited To] Dan Bewick, Matt Frost (4) | Written-By Jonathan More, Lisa Stansfield, Matt Black
The Line (Black Science Orchestra Mix)
5:58 min
Co-producer Peter Mokran | Producer Ian Devaney | Producer [Additional] Black Science Orchestra | Remix Black Science Orchestra | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield, Terry Gamwells
8-3-1 (David Morales Club Mix Long Intro)
8:28 min
Producer Ian Devaney | Producer [Additional] David Morales | Remix David Morales | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield, Richard Darbyshire
Never Gonna Fall (Junior Vasquez Mix)
8:24 min
Co-producer Peter Mokran | Producer Ian Devaney | Remix Junior Vasquez | Written-By Ian Devaney, Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield je britská zpěvačka, skladatelka a herečka, která se proslavila na přelomu 80. a 90. let 20. století svým soulovým hlasem a vytříbeným popem. Poprvé na sebe upozornila písní "All Around the World", která se stala obrovským mezinárodním hitem. Kariéra Stansfieldové ...
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