The Singles Collection 1950-62 - CD

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2CD Lefty Frizzell: The Singles Collection 1950-62 2017

329 Kč Týden

Acrobat Music 3. listopadu 2017 Velká Británie

Lefty Frizzell: The Singles Collection 1950-62 verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Acrobat Music dne 3. listopadu 2017. Album zasahuje do žánrů Folk, World, & Country a Country.

ID: 482381 EAN: 0824046322427 Discogs ID: 13656132
1-1 Lefty Frizzell: I Love You A Thousand Ways
1-2 Lefty Frizzell: If You've Got The Money, I've Got The Time
1-3 Lefty Frizzell: Shine, Shave, Shower
1-4 Lefty Frizzell: Look What Thoughts Will Do
1-5 Lefty Frizzell: I Want To Be With You Always
1-6 Lefty Frizzell: Always Late (With Your Kisses)
1-7 Lefty Frizzell: Mom And Dad's Waltz
1-8 Lefty Frizzell: Treasure Untold
1-9 Lefty Frizzell: My Old Pal
1-10 Lefty Frizzell: Blue Yodel #6
1-11 Lefty Frizzell: Travelin' Blues
1-12 Lefty Frizzell: Lullaby Yodel
1-13 Lefty Frizzell: Give Me More, More, More
1-14 Lefty Frizzell: How Long Will It Take
1-15 Lefty Frizzell: Don't Stay Away
1-16 Lefty Frizzell: You're Here, So Everything's All Right
1-17 Lefty Frizzell: It's Just You
1-18 Lefty Frizzell: Forever And Always
1-19 Lefty Frizzell: I Know You're Lonesome While Waiting For Me
1-20 Lefty Frizzell: Bring Your Sweet Self Back To Me
1-21 Lefty Frizzell: You're Not Mine
1-22 Bring Your Sweet Self Back To Me
1-23 Lefty Frizzell: Never No More Blues
1-24 Lefty Frizzell: California Blues
1-25 Lefty Frizzell: We Crucified Our Jesus
1-26 Lefty Frizzell: Before You Go Make Sure You Know
2-1 Lefty Frizzell: Hopeless Love
2-2 Lefty Frizzell: Run 'Em Off
2-3 Lefty Frizzell: Darkest Moment
2-4 Lefty Frizzell: My Little Her And Him
2-5 Lefty Frizzell: A King Without A Queen
2-6 Lefty Frizzell: You're Too Late
2-7 Lefty Frizzell: I Love You Mostly
2-8 Lefty Frizzell: Making Believe
2-9 Lefty Frizzell: I'll Sit Alone And Cry
2-10 Lefty Frizzell: Sweet Lies
2-11 Lefty Frizzell: Your Tomorrows Will Never Come
2-12 Lefty Frizzell: First To Have A Second Chance
2-13 Lefty Frizzell: Promises, Promises
2-14 Lefty Frizzell: Just Can't Live That Fast
2-15 Lefty Frizzell: Heart's Highway
2-16 Lefty Frizzell: Lullaby Waltz
2-17 Lefty Frizzell: Now That You Are Gone
2-18 Lefty Frizzell, Johnny Bond: Sick Sober And Sorry
2-19 Lefty Frizzell, Shirley Caddell: No One To Talk To But The Blues
2-20 Lefty Frizzell: Time Out For The Blues
2-21 Lefty Frizzell: Silence Blues
2-22 Lefty Frizzell: Cigarettes And Coffee Blues
2-23 Lefty Frizzell: Long Black Veil
2-24 Lefty Frizzell: Farther Than My Eyes Can See
2-25 Lefty Frizzell: She's Gone
2-26 Lefty Frizzell: What You Gonna Do, Leroy?
2-27 Lefty Frizzell: Heaven's Plan
2-28 Lefty Frizzell: Stranger
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Lefty Frizzell

Lefty Frizzell
Americký countryový zpěvák a skladatel, narozen 31. března 1928 v Corsicaně, Texas, USA, zemřel 19. července 1975 v Nashvillu, Tennessee, USA. Jeho mladší bratr David Frizzell je rovněž country a westernový zpěvák, který je aktivní i v roce 2018, věnuje se nahrávání, turné a koncer...

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