Honeymoon - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 3 vydáních. Lana Del Rey Album "Honeymoon", které vyšlo v září 2015, je krásné a podmanivé. Titulní skladba "Honeymoon" svým éterickým a zasněným zvukem udávala tón zbytku alba. Album bylo odkl...  Více

Dostupné ve 3 vydáních


2LP Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon Black Vinyl

od 807 Kč Skladem
2LP Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
2LP Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
2LP Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Black Vinyl

Polydor | Interscope Records 25. září 2015 Evropa

Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Polydor ve spolupráci s Interscope Records dne 25. září 2015.

Třicetiletá americká zpěvačka Lana Del Rey se po vydání loňské desky Ultraviolence lehce stáhla do ústraní. Okamžitě se ale začla věnovat přípravám na natáčení nové studiovky. Tu hodlá představit již 18. září 2015, a jak slibuje, bude po hudební stránce úplně jiné než její předchozí Aktuálně tuto desku předznamenává singl High By The Beach. Na něm zpěvačka mírně ustupuje od poloh, kterými si nás omotala kolem prstu v hitech West Coast, Summertime Sadness, Blue Jeans nebo Born To Die a fanouškům servíruje píseň s hiphopovým beatem, ke které natočila i hodně povedené video...Pokud bude celá deska znít jako aktuální singl, máme se v září rozhodně na co těšit!https://youtu.be/QnxpHIl5Ynwhttps://youtu.be/emDU4QvdwVk

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Downtempo, Indie Pop, Soft Rock, Dream Pop a Trip Hop. Black Vinyl.

Album Stereo
ID: 16421 EAN: 0602547507686 Discogs ID: 7532352
A1 Honeymoon
Bass, Piano, Guitar, Organ, Mellotron, Synth [Synth Pad] Rick Nowels | Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Drums, Effects Kieron Menzies | Strings, Synth [Effects] Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey
A2 Music To Watch Boys To
Bass, Omnichord Roger Joseph Manning Jr. | Congas [Conga] Brian Griffin (4) | Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Drums, Percussion, Sampler [Samples] Kieron Menzies | Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Flute Leon Michels | Piano, Synth, Synth [Pads], Electric Guitar Rick Nowels | Strings, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon [Basson] Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey
A3 Terrence Loves You
Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Effects Kieron Menzies | Electric Guitar David Levita | Piano, Synth Rick Nowels | Saxophone, Synth [Synth Pad] Leon Michels | Strings, Kantele Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey
B1 God Knows I Tried
Drums, Bass, Sampler [Samples] Kieron Menzies | Electric Guitar, Organ, Synth [Pads], Electric Piano, Mellotron Rick Nowels | Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Kieron Menzies, Trevor Yasuda | Mastered By Adam Ayan | Mixed By Kieron Menzies | Producer Kieron Menzies, Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey
B2 High By The Beach
Drums, Bass, Sampler [Samples], Synth, Effects Kieron Menzies | Harmonium, Piano Patrick Warren | Organ, Synth, Keyboards Rick Nowels | Synth [Synth Pad], Performer [Juno Lead], Flute Leon Michels | Vocals Lana Del Rey
B3 Freak
Drums, Percussion, Bass [808 Bass] Kieron Menzies | Engineer [Assistant] Iris Sofia, Phil Joly | Guitar [Effects] Rusty Anderson | Mellotron [Effects] Lana Del Rey | Saxophone, Synth Leon Michels | Synth [Pads], Electric Guitar, Bass Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey
C1 Art Deco
Drums, Percussion, Synth Kieron Menzies | Percussion Derek Allen (3) | Saxophone, Synth [Juno Pad] Leon Michels | Strings, Piano, Synth Patrick Warren | Synth [Pads], Mellotron, Bass Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey
C2 Burnt Norton (Interlude)
Music By Keefus Ciancia | Narrator Lana Del Rey
C3 Religion
Acoustic Guitar David Levita | Drums, Loops Kieron Menzies | Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Guitar [Mellotron Guitar], Synth, Synth [Pads], Bass Rick Nowels | Strings, Electric Piano Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey
C4 Salvatore
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Engineer [Assistant] Iris Sofia, Phil Joly | Percussion Kieron Menzies | Synth [Pads], Mellotron, Strings, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Bass, Percussion Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey
D1 The Blackest Day
Drums, Bass, Synth, Sampler [Samples] Kieron Menzies | Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Electric Guitar David Levita | Organ, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Producer Kieron Menzies, Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels | Strings Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey
D2 24
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Electric Guitar Rusty Anderson | Electric Piano [Rhodes], Mellotron, Piano, Synth, Synth [Pads], Bass Rick Nowels | Engineer [Assistant] Emerson Day | Strings, Horns, Percussion Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey
D3 Swan Song
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Electric Guitar, Dulcimer David Levita | Engineer [Assistant] Josh Tyrrell | Loops [Drum Loops] Kieron Menzies | Percussion Derek Allen (3) | Strings, Effects Patrick Warren | Synth [Pads], Organ, Horns, Bass Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey
D4 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Mellotron, Celesta [Celeste], Organ [Vox Organ], Electric Guitar, Bass Rick Nowels | Strings, Synth, Effects Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey
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CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon 2023

257 Kč Skladem
CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Polydor | Interscope Records 14. dubna 2023 Evropa

Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Polydor ve spolupráci s Interscope Records dne 14. dubna 2023.

Třicetiletá americká zpěvačka Lana Del Rey se po vydání loňské desky Ultraviolence lehce stáhla do ústraní. Okamžitě se ale začla věnovat přípravám na natáčení nové studiovky. Tu hodlá představit již 18. září 2015, a jak slibuje, bude po hudební stránce úplně jiné než její předchozí Aktuálně tuto desku předznamenává singl High By The Beach. Na něm zpěvačka mírně ustupuje od poloh, kterými si nás omotala kolem prstu v hitech West Coast, Summertime Sadness, Blue Jeans nebo Born To Die a fanouškům servíruje píseň s hiphopovým beatem, ke které natočila i hodně povedené video...Pokud bude celá deska znít jako aktuální singl, máme se v září rozhodně na co těšit!https://youtu.be/QnxpHIl5Ynwhttps://youtu.be/emDU4QvdwVk

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Downtempo, Indie Pop, Soft Rock, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.

ID: 16420 EAN: 0602547488305 Discogs ID: 7488017
1 Honeymoon 5:51 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Mellotron, Organ, Piano, Synth [Pad] Rick Nowels | Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Effects [Synths], Strings Patrick Warren | Effects, Drums Kieron Menzies | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
2 Music To Watch Boys To 4:51 min
Bass, Omnichord Roger Joseph Manning Jr. | Bassoon, Clarinet, Oboe, Strings Patrick Warren | Congas Brian Griffin (4) | Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Drums, Percussion, Sampler Kieron Menzies | Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Electric Guitar, Piano, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Flute Leon Michels, Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
3 Terrence Loves You 4:51 min
Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Effects Kieron Menzies | Electric Guitar David Levita | Kantele, Strings Patrick Warren | Piano, Synth Rick Nowels | Saxophone, Synth [Pad] Leon Michels | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
4 God Knows I Tried 4:41 min
Bass, Drums, Sampler Kieron Menzies | Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Mellotron, Organ, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
5 High By The Beach 4:18 min
Bass, Drums, Effects, Sampler Kieron Menzies | Flute, Synth [Pads], Synthesizer [Juno Lead] Leon Michels | Harmonium, Piano Patrick Warren | Keyboards, Organ Rick Nowels | Synth Kieron Menzies, Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Kieron Menzies, Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
6 Freak 4:55 min
Bass [808], Drums, Percussion Kieron Menzies | Bass, Electric Guitar, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Effects [Guitar] Rusty Anderson | Effects [Mellotron], Vocals Lana Del Rey | Engineer [Assistant] Iris Sofia, Phil Joly | Saxophone, Synth Leon Michels | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
7 Art Deco 4:55 min
Bass, Mellotron, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Drums Kieron Menzies | Percussion Derek Allen (3), Kieron Menzies | Piano, Strings Patrick Warren | Saxophone, Synth [Juno Pad] Leon Michels | Synth Kieron Menzies, Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
8 Burnt Norton (Interlude) 1:22 min
Music By Keefus Ciancia | Narrator Lana Del Rey | Written-By T. S. Eliot
9 Religion 5:23 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar David Levita | Bass, Guitar, Mellotron, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Drums, Loops Kieron Menzies | Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Electric Piano, Strings Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
10 Salvatore 4:41 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Electric Guitar, Mellotron, Piano, Strings, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Drums [Live] Brian Griffin (4) | Engineer [Assistant] Iris Sofia, Phil Joly | Percussion Brian Griffin (4), Kieron Menzies, Rick Nowels | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
11 The Blackest Day 6:06 min
Bass, Drums, Sampler, Synth Kieron Menzies | Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Electric Guitar David Levita | Organ, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Strings Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
12 24 4:56 min
Bass, Electric Piano [Rhodes], Mellotron, Piano, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Drums [Live] Brian Griffin (4) | Electric Guitar Rusty Anderson | Engineer Nicolas Essig | Engineer [Assistant] Emerson Day | Horns, Strings Patrick Warren | Percussion Brian Griffin (4), Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
13 Swan Song 5:23 min
Bass, Horns, Organ, Synth [Pads] Rick Nowels | Drums [Live] Brian Griffin (4) | Dulcimer, Electric Guitar David Levita | Effects, Strings Patrick Warren | Engineer Phil Joly | Engineer [Assistant] Josh Tyrrell | Loops [Drum] Kieron Menzies | Percussion Brian Griffin (4), Derek Allen (3) | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
14 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 3:04 min
Bass, Celesta, Electric Guitar, Mellotron, Organ [Vox] Rick Nowels | Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Effects [Synth], Strings Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Bennie Benjamin, Gloria Caldwell, Sol Marcus
Zobrazit seznam skladeb

CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon 2015

476 Kč Skladem
CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
CD Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon
Obrázky pochází z Discogs.com

Vertigo | Universal Music Group 18. září 2015 Evropa

Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Vertigo ve spolupráci s Universal Music Group dne 18. září 2015.

Lana Del Rey, která již získala kultovní status s albem "Honeymoon", se v roce 2015 vrací s novým albem. Ve skutečnosti zpěvačka plánovala znovu vydat své úspěšné album "Ultraviolence" z roku 2014 s několika novými písněmi. Protože však tyto písně směřovaly spíše k albu Born To Die z roku 2012 a do hudebního konceptu jejího třetího alba příliš nezapadaly, rozhodla se zpěvačka natočit zcela novou desku. "Honeymoon" nabízí celkem 14 nových písní. A znovu ukazují široké spektrum newyorské hudby, která se pohybuje mezi popem šedesátých let, soulem a jazzem, mezi pochmurnou melancholií a zasněnou touhou. První ukázkou byla titulní skladba vydaná 14. července 2015. "Honeymoon" je dojemná, melancholická balada s výrazným hlasem Del Rey, který je jasně v popředí. O měsíc později, 10. srpna, následoval singl "High By The Beach". Třetí předzvěstí alba byla 20. srpna skladba "Terrence Loves You". Kromě 13 původních písní obsahuje album "Honeymoon" také jednu coververzi. "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" je píseň jazzové a bluesové zpěvačky Niny Simone. Lana Del Rey si své nové album produkovala sama. Podpořili ji producenti Rick Nowels a Kieron Menzies. Nowels zpěvačce pomáhal už při nahrávání jejích posledních dvou alb. Lana Del Rey je kult. Zpěvačka jako žádná jiná kombinuje moderní popovou hudbu s nostalgickým zvukem 60. let. Důkazem toho je její nové album "Honeymoon". Recenze: "Temné americké šansony od mistra inscenace." (Rolling Stone, listopad 2015)

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Downtempo, Indie Pop, Soft Rock, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.

ID: 116592 EAN: 0602547525710 Discogs ID: 7503792
1 Honeymoon 5:50 min
Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Trevor Yasuda | Engineer, Drums, Effects Kieron Menzies | Strings, Synth [Effects] Patrick Warren | Written-By, Bass, Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Organ, Mellotron, Synth [Pad] Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
2 Music To Watch Boys To 4:50 min
Bass, Omnichord Roger Joseph Manning Jr. | Congas Brian Griffin (4) | Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Engineer Chris Garcia (5) | Engineer, Drums, Percussion, Sampler [Samples] Kieron Menzies | Engineer, Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Flute Leon Michels | Strings, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon Patrick Warren | Written-By, Piano, Synth, Synthesizer [Pads], Electric Guitar Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
3 Terrence Loves You 4:50 min
Drums [Live] Curt Bisquera | Electric Guitar David Levita | Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Trevor Yasuda | Engineer, Effects Kieron Menzies | Saxophone, Synth [Pad] Leon Michels | Strings, Kantele Patrick Warren | Written-By, Piano, Synth Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
4 God Knows I Tried 4:40 min
Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Trevor Yasuda | Engineer, Producer, Mixed By, Drums, Bass, Sampler [Samples] Kieron Menzies | Mastered By Adam Ayan | Written-By, Producer, Electric Guitar, Organ, Synthesizer [Pads], Electric Piano, Mellotron Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals, Producer Lana Del Rey
5 High By The Beach 4:17 min
Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Trevor Yasuda | Engineer, Drums, Bass, Sampler [Samples], Synth, Effects Kieron Menzies | Harmonium, Piano Patrick Warren | Synth [Pad], Instruments [Juno Lead], Flute Leon Michels | Written-By Kieron Menzies | Written-By, Organ, Synth, Keyboards Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
6 Freak 4:55 min
Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Trevor Yasuda | Engineer [Assistant] Iris Sofia, Phil Joly | Engineer, Drums, Percussion, Bass Drum [808 Bass] Kieron Menzies | Guitar [Effects] Rusty Anderson | Saxophone, Synth Leon Michels | Written-By, Synthesizer [Pads], Electric Guitar, Bass Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals, Mellotron [Effects] Lana Del Rey
7 Art Deco 4:55 min
Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Trevor Yasuda | Engineer, Drums, Percussion, Synth Kieron Menzies | Percussion Derek Allen (3) | Saxophone, Instruments [Juno Pad] Leon Michels | Strings, Piano, Synth Patrick Warren | Written-By, Synthesizer [Pads], Mellotron, Bass Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
8 Burnt Norton (Interlude) 1:21 min
Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Kieron Menzies, Trevor Yasuda | Music By Keefus Ciancia | Narrator Lana Del Rey | Written-By T. S. Eliot
9 Religion 5:23 min
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar David Levita | Engineer Chris Garcia (5) | Engineer, Drums, Loops Kieron Menzies | Engineer, Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Strings, Electric Piano Patrick Warren | Written-By, Mellotron, Guitar, Synth, Synthesizer [Pads], Bass Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
10 Salvatore 4:41 min
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Trevor Yasuda | Engineer [Assistant] Iris Sofia, Phil Joly | Engineer, Percussion Kieron Menzies | Synthesizer [Pads], Mellotron, Strings, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, Bass, Percussion Rick Nowels | Written-By Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
11 The Blackest Day 6:05 min
Electric Guitar David Levita | Engineer Chris Garcia (5) | Engineer, Effects [Additional] Trevor Yasuda | Engineer, Producer, Drums, Bass, Synth, Sampler [Samples] Kieron Menzies | Strings Patrick Warren | Written-By, Producer, Organ, Synthesizer [Pads] Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals, Producer Lana Del Rey
12 24 4:55 min
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Electric Guitar Rusty Anderson | Engineer Nicolas Essig | Engineer [Assistant] Emerson Day | Strings, Horns, Percussion Patrick Warren | Written-By, Electric Piano [Rhodes], Mellotron, Piano, Synth, Synthesizer [Pads], Bass Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
13 Swan Song 5:23 min
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Electric Guitar, Dulcimer David Levita | Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Phil Joly | Engineer [Assistant] Josh Tyrrell | Engineer, Loops [Drum Loops] Kieron Menzies | Percussion Derek Allen (3) | Strings, Effects Patrick Warren | Written-By, Synthesizer [Pads], Organ, Horns, Bass Rick Nowels | Written-By, Vocals Lana Del Rey
14 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 3:04 min
Drums [Live], Percussion Brian Griffin (4) | Engineer Chris Garcia (5), Kieron Menzies, Trevor Yasuda | Mellotron, Celesta, Organ [Vox Organ], Electric Guitar, Bass Rick Nowels | Strings, Synth [Effects] Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Bennie Benjamin, Gloria Caldwell, Sol Marcus
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Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey je americká zpěvačka a skladatelka, známá svým filmovým stylem a melancholickými tématy, v nichž často zkoumá temné stránky půvabu, slávy a romantiky. Narodila se jako Elizabeth Woolridge Grant 21. června 1985 v New Yorku a na hudební dráhu se vydala v roce 2005, ale ...

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