Born To Die - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD v celkem 7 vydáních. Lana Del Rey Album Born to Die, které vyšlo v lednu 2013, bylo jedním z nejočekávanějších alb roku. Kritici i fanoušci byli zvědaví, jak se jedinečný styl mladé zpěvačky promítne do celovečerního alba. Výsledkem byla směs odtažitých balad a temperamentních skladeb, které představily charakteristický zvuk Del Rey: dusnou směs jazzu, blues a popu. hlavní singl alba, "Born to Die", se stal okamžitým hitem a v několika zemích obsadil přední příčky hitparád. Mezi další výrazné skladby patří "Summertime Sadness", "Blue Jeans" a "National Anthem". Album Born to Die bylo úspěšné u kritiků i komerčně a prodalo se ho více než pět milionů kopií po celém světě. Album bylo nominováno na cenu Grammy za nejlepší popové vokální album a Del Rey získala několik dalších cen, včetně ceny Brit Award za nejlepší mezinárodní sólovou umělkyni. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.

Dostupné v 7 vydáních


2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die 2012

997 Kč Skladem
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
2LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
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Polydor | Interscope Records 25. června 2012 Evropa a UK

Lana Del Rey: Born To Die verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství Polydor ve spolupráci s Interscope Records dne 25. června 2012.

Recenze: ,,Dokonalá popová hudba v podání nadané zpěvačky." (Rolling Stone, únor 2012) ,,Lana Del Rey si nejen dělá jméno, ale také nutí lidi, aby si jí všimli." (Rolling Stone, únor 2012) (Stereoplay, březen 2012) ,,Mainstreamový pop s poselstvím: Po úspěchu ,,Video Games" nyní Lana Del Rey překvapuje svým debutem." (Audio, březen 2012) "Její hluboký, někdy elegantní, jindy zase ospale rozverný hlas má jistou erotickou příchuť, která se projevuje v dubstepových a trip-hopových zvukových krajinách okořeněných smyčcovou omáčkou." (Stereo, duben 2012)

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.

ID: 5619 EAN: 0602527934242 Discogs ID: 3354383
A1 Born To Die
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Noises [Additional Vocal] Ken Lewis | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
A2 Off To The Races
Arranged By [Strings] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie, Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Fredrik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
A3 Blue Jeans
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Dan Heath | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Dan Heath, Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey
A4 Video Games
Producer, Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
B1 Diet Mountain Dew
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Co-producer Jeff Bhasker | Drums [Additional] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Keyboards, Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Mike Daly
B2 National Anthem
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Dan Heath, Larry Gold | Backing Vocals David Sneddon, Emilie Bauer-Mein, James Bauer-Mein | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocals Produced By] The Nexus | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey, The Nexus
B3 Dark Paradise
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Chamberlin [Strings] Patrick Warren | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Electronic Drums [Pads] Dean Reid | Guitar Rick Nowels | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synth [Additional Synths], Drums [Orchestral] Devrim Karaoğlu | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
B4 Radio
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
C1 Carmen
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Strings [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
C2 Million Dollar Man
Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Piano [Acoustic], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Chris Braide, Emile Haynie | Written-By Chris Braide, Lana Del Rey
C3 Summertime Sadness
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Electronic Drums [Additional Pads] Devrim Karaoğlu | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Additional] Rick Nowels | Strings [Additional], Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
C4 This Is What Makes Us Girls
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Shux | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie, Shux | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Shux | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Bonus Tracks
D1 Without You
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Engineer Lorenzo Cosi | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Omnichord Sacha Skarbek | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Sacha Skarbek | Strings [Additional] Dan Heath | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Sacha Skarbek
D2 Lolita
Backing Vocals Hannah Robinson | Co-producer Liam Howe | Keyboards [Additional], Programmed By Liam Howe | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Hannah Robinson, Lana Del Rey, Liam Howe
D3 Lucky Ones
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Engineer Kieron Menzies | Keyboards Rick Nowels | Keyboards, Drums, Guitar Emile Haynie | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Rick Nowels | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Strings [Secondary] Patrick Warren | Strings, Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
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CD Lana Del Rey: Born To Die 2012

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Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey je americká zpěvačka a skladatelka, známá svým filmovým stylem a melancholickými tématy, v nichž často zkoumá temné stránky půvabu, slávy a romantiky. Narodila se jako Elizabeth Woolridge Grant 21. června 1985 v New Yorku a na hudební dráhu se vydala v roce 2005, ale ...

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