Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD v celkem 7 vydáních. Lana Del Rey Album Born to Die, které vyšlo v lednu 2013, bylo jedním z nejočekávanějších alb roku. Kritici i fanoušci byli zvědaví, jak se jedinečný styl mladé zpěvačky promítne do celovečerního alba. Výsledkem byla směs odtažitých balad a temperamentních skladeb, které představily charakteristický zvuk Del Rey: dusnou směs jazzu, blues a popu. hlavní singl alba, "Born to Die", se stal okamžitým hitem a v několika zemích obsadil přední příčky hitparád. Mezi další výrazné skladby patří "Summertime Sadness", "Blue Jeans" a "National Anthem". Album Born to Die bylo úspěšné u kritiků i komerčně a prodalo se ho více než pět milionů kopií po celém světě. Album bylo nominováno na cenu Grammy za nejlepší popové vokální album a Del Rey získala několik dalších cen, včetně ceny Brit Award za nejlepší mezinárodní sólovou umělkyni. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.
Polydor | Interscope Records
25. června 2012
Evropa a UK
Lana Del Rey: Born To Die verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství Polydor ve spolupráci s Interscope Records dne 25. června 2012.
Recenze: ,,Dokonalá popová hudba v podání nadané zpěvačky." (Rolling Stone, únor 2012) ,,Lana Del Rey si nejen dělá jméno, ale také nutí lidi, aby si jí všimli." (Rolling Stone, únor 2012) (Stereoplay, březen 2012) ,,Mainstreamový pop s poselstvím: Po úspěchu ,,Video Games" nyní Lana Del Rey překvapuje svým debutem." (Audio, březen 2012) "Její hluboký, někdy elegantní, jindy zase ospale rozverný hlas má jistou erotickou příchuť, která se projevuje v dubstepových a trip-hopových zvukových krajinách okořeněných smyčcovou omáčkou." (Stereo, duben 2012)
Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Noises [Additional Vocal] Ken Lewis | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Off To The Races
Arranged By [Strings] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie, Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Fredrik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Blue Jeans
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Dan Heath | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Dan Heath, Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey
Video Games
Producer, Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Co-producer Jeff Bhasker | Drums [Additional] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Keyboards, Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Mike Daly
National Anthem
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Dan Heath, Larry Gold | Backing Vocals David Sneddon, Emilie Bauer-Mein, James Bauer-Mein | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocals Produced By] The Nexus | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey, The Nexus
Dark Paradise
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Chamberlin [Strings] Patrick Warren | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Electronic Drums [Pads] Dean Reid | Guitar Rick Nowels | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synth [Additional Synths], Drums [Orchestral] Devrim Karaoğlu | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Strings [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Million Dollar Man
Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Piano [Acoustic], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Chris Braide, Emile Haynie | Written-By Chris Braide, Lana Del Rey
Summertime Sadness
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Electronic Drums [Additional Pads] Devrim Karaoğlu | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Additional] Rick Nowels | Strings [Additional], Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
This Is What Makes Us Girls
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Shux | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie, Shux | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Shux | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Bonus Tracks
Without You
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Engineer Lorenzo Cosi | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Omnichord Sacha Skarbek | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Sacha Skarbek | Strings [Additional] Dan Heath | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Sacha Skarbek
Backing Vocals Hannah Robinson | Co-producer Liam Howe | Keyboards [Additional], Programmed By Liam Howe | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Hannah Robinson, Lana Del Rey, Liam Howe
Lucky Ones
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Engineer Kieron Menzies | Keyboards Rick Nowels | Keyboards, Drums, Guitar Emile Haynie | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Rick Nowels | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Strings [Secondary] Patrick Warren | Strings, Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
Vertigo | Universal Music Group
27. ledna 2012
Lana Del Rey: Born To Die verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství Vertigo ve spolupráci s Universal Music Group dne 27. ledna 2012.
O Laně Del Rey už není moc co říct. Nechává za sebe mluvit hudbu a své umění, které už ocenily miliony fanoušků po celém světě a všechna média ji dokonce označují za POP fenomén roku 2012! Faktem je, že Lana Del Rey je výjimečná a již nyní mimořádně úspěšná umělkyně - po hitu "Video Games", který se stal hitem číslo 1, nyní přichází debutové album "Born To Die" s písněmi, které si napsala výhradně sama! Někdy se hvězdy vyvíjejí. Někdy jsou nám hvězdy prostě vnuceny. A pak jsou tu někdy hvězdy, které se prostě ponoří do atmosféry, jako by je poháněla nadpozemská síla. Lana Del Rey se svým úžasným charismatem, působivým hlasem, podmanivým vzhledem a jedinečným cítěním patří do této druhé kategorie.
Její jméno straší na internetu už několik měsíců, blogy jsou jím přeplněné. Také umělecký a hudební tisk předpovídal samozvané "gangsterce Nancy Sinatrové" skvělou budoucnost: Die Zeit přinesl titulek: "Lana Del Rey vrací popu jeho velkou pózu" a Rolling Stone to shrnul ve čtyřstránkovém článku: "Lana Del Rey je stále popovou hvězdou ve statusu štěněte. Ale pokud splní slib, který dala v písni "Video Games", rok 2012 by mohl být jejím rokem." Její písně v sobě spojují hudební i vizuální vlivy: David Lynch, soundtracky k černobílým filmům z 50. let, zvuk ruského kola na Coney Islandu, sláva sama. Nad vším se vznáší pocit, že nic z toho dnes neexistuje. Videoklipy Lany Del Rey k písním "Video Games" a "Blue Jeans", které sama produkovala, tyto obrazy a nálady dokonale vyjadřují.
Recenze ,,Popová hudba v dokonalém podání nadané zpěvačky." (Rolling Stone, únor 2012) ,,Lana Del Rey se nejen prosadila, ale také si jí lidé všímají." (Stereoplay, březen 2012) ,,Mainstreamový pop s poselstvím: Po úspěchu ,,Video Games" nyní Lana Del Rey překvapuje svým debutem." (Audio, březen 2012) "Její hluboký, někdy elegantní, jindy zase ospale rozverný hlas má jistou erotickou příchuť, která se projevuje v dubstepových a trip-hopových zvukových krajinách okořeněných smyčcovou omáčkou." (Stereo, duben 2012)
Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop. Gatefold Vinyl.
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [Additional Vocal Noises] Ken Lewis | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Off To The Races
5:01 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Drums, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie, Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Fredrik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Blue Jeans
3:29 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Dan Heath | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums, Producer Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Written-By Dan Heath, Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey
Video Games
4:42 min
Producer, Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew
3:43 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Drums [Additional Drums] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Drums, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Keyboards, Guitar, Co-producer Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Mike Daly
National Anthem
3:49 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Backing Vocals David Sneddon, Emilie Bauer-Mein, James Bauer-Mein | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards], Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocals Producer By] The Nexus | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey, The Nexus
Dark Paradise
4:04 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Chamberlin [Chamberlain Strings] Patrick Warren | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Electronic Drums [Pads] Dean Reid | Guitar, Co-producer Rick Nowels | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synth [Additional Synths], Drums [Orchestral Drums] Devrim Karaoğlu | Vocals [Additional Vocals] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
3:35 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
4:09 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards], Strings [Additional Strings] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French Vocals] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Million Dollar Man
3:50 min
Drums, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Piano [Acoustic Piano], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Chris Braide, Emile Haynie | Written-By Chris Braide, Lana Del Rey
Summertime Sadness
4:25 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Electronic Drums [Additional Pads] Devrim Karaoğlu | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Additional Strings] Rick Nowels | Strings [Additional Strings], Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
This Is What Makes Us Girls
4:00 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By], Conductor [Strings Conducted By] Larry Gold | Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Shux | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie, Shux | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Shux | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
LP Lana Del Rey: Born To Die
United Record Pressing Vinyl
939 Kč
Obrázky pochází z
United Record Pressing Vinyl
Interscope Records | Polydor
9. února 2022
Lana Del Rey: Born To Die verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Interscope Records ve spolupráci s Polydor dne 9. února 2022.
Lana Del Rey Album Born to Die, které vyšlo v lednu 2013, bylo jedním z nejočekávanějších alb roku. Kritici i fanoušci byli zvědaví, jak se jedinečný styl mladé zpěvačky promítne do celovečerního alba. Výsledkem byla směs odtažitých balad a temperamentních skladeb, které představily charakteristický zvuk Del Rey: dusnou směs jazzu, blues a popu. hlavní singl alba, "Born to Die", se stal okamžitým hitem a v několika zemích obsadil přední příčky hitparád. Mezi další výrazné skladby patří "Summertime Sadness", "Blue Jeans" a "National Anthem". Album Born to Die bylo úspěšné u kritiků i komerčně a prodalo se ho více než pět milionů kopií po celém světě. Album bylo nominováno na cenu Grammy za nejlepší popové vokální album a Del Rey získala několik dalších cen, včetně ceny Brit Award za nejlepší mezinárodní sólovou umělkyni.
Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop. United Record Pressing Vinyl.
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [Additional Vocal Noises] Ken Lewis | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Off To The Races
Arranged By [Strings] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Fredrik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Blue Jeans
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Written-By Dan Heath, Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey
Video Games
Producer, Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums [Additional] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Keyboards, Guitar, Co-producer Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Mike Daly
National Anthem
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath, Larry Gold | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Guitar [Additional], Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Vocals] David Sneddon, Emilie Bauer-Mein, James Bauer-Mein | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey, The Nexus
Dark Paradise
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Chamberlin [Chamberlain Strings] Patrick Warren | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synthesizer [Additional], Drums [Orchestral] Devrin Karaoglu | Synthesizer [Pads] Dean Reid | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Co-producer Rick Nowels
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer [Additional Production] Justin Parker
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Strings [Additional], Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker
Million Dollar Man
Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer, Guitar, Piano [Acoustic], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide
Summertime Sadness
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Strings [Additional], Guitar [Additional], Keyboards [Additional] Patrick Warren | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Co-producer, Strings [Additional] Rick Nowels
This Is What Makes Us Girls
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Shux | Producer [Vocals], Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By [Programming] Shux | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
2CD Lana Del Rey: Born To Die (The Paradise Edition)
214 Kč
Obrázky pochází z
Polydor | Interscope Records
12. listopadu 2012
Lana Del Rey: Born To Die (The Paradise Edition) verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Polydor ve spolupráci s Interscope Records dne 12. listopadu 2012.
Reedice megaúspěšné desky Born To Die s podtitulem The Paradise Edition. Na albu se objeví osm nových skladeb písniček včetně Blue Velvet, který Lana zpívá v reklamním spotu pro H&M.Řekli o Lane Del Rey:„Líbí se mi její písničky, líbí se mi, jak je zpívá. Ona umí zachytit náladu” - David Lynch„Kolektivně milujeme Lanu Del Rey” - Chris Martin (Coldplay)„Lana je pravděpodobně nejlepší textařka své generace a skvělá umělkyně” - Harvey Weinstein„Jsem posedlá skladbou Video Games, Lana zní jako Stevie Nicks” Jessica Alba„Skvělé, přirozené, ona má nádherný hlas” - Damon Albarn (Blur/Gorillaz)„Nová posedlost” - Chloe Moretz„Miluju Lanu Del Rey” - Joseph Altuzarra„Ona je jediná svého druhu. Nikdy předtím jsem s podobnou holkou nezpíval” - Bobby Womack„Krásná, opravdu talentovaná. Trefa do černého” - Shirley Manson (Garbage)„Bere si z Tupaca a Chrise Issaka současně, to je hustý” - Diplo„Jsem obrovský fanoušek Lany Del Rey. Do jejího hlasu jsem se zamiloval na první poslech” - A$AP Rocky„Je to hudba, kterou jsem byla v poslední době nejvíc posedlá” - Ingrid Michaelson
Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [Additional Vocal Noises] Ken Lewis | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Off To The Races
5:00 min
Arranged By [Strings] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie, Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Fredrik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Blue Jeans
3:29 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath | Drums [Additional] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Dan Heath, Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey
Video Games
4:42 min
Producer, Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew
3:43 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer Jeff Bhasker | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Keyboards, Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Mike Daly
National Anthem
3:51 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath, Larry Gold | Backing Vocals David Sneddon, Emile Haynie, James Bauer-Mein | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Guitar [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocals Produced By] David Sneddon, James Bauer-Mein | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey, The Nexus
Dark Paradise
4:03 min
Arranged By, Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Chamberlin [Chamberlain Strings] Patrick Warren | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Guitar Rick Nowels | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synthesizer [Additional Synths], Drums [Orchestral Drums] Devrim Karaoğlu | Synthesizer [Pads] Dean Reid | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
3:35 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
4:09 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Strings [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Million Dollar Man
3:52 min
Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Piano [Acoustic Piano], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Chris Braide, Emile Haynie | Written-By Chris Braide, Lana Del Rey
Summertime Sadness
4:25 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Additional] Rick Nowels | Strings [Additional], Guitar [Additional], Keyboards [Additional] Patrick Warren | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synthesizer [Additional Pads] Devrim Karaoğlu | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
This Is What Makes Us Girls
3:58 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Shux | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie, Shux | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Shux | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Without You
3:49 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Engineer Lorenzo Cosi | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Omnichord [Played By] Sacha Skarbek | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Sacha Skarbek | Strings [Additional] Dan Heath | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Sacha Skarbek
3:40 min
Backing Vocals Hannah Robinson | Co-producer Liam Howe | Keyboards [Additional], Programmed By Liam Howe | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Hannah Robinson, Lana Del Rey, Liam Howe
Lucky Ones
3:47 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Engineer Kieron Menzies | Keyboards Rick Nowels | Keyboards, Drums, Guitar Emile Haynie | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Rick Nowels | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Strings, Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
The Paradise Edition
4:50 min
Arranged By [Strings] Dan Heath | Bass Jason Lader | Drums James Gadson | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Andrew Scheps | Piano, Keyboards Zac Rae | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader | Recorded By [Assisted By] Eric Lynn, Sean Oakley | Recorded By [Strings] Tucker Robinson | Violin Kathleen Sloan, Songa Lee | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
4:09 min
Arranged By [Orchestral Arrangement] Dan Heath | Co-producer Emile Haynie | Drums Emile Haynie | Electric Guitar Tim Pierce | Electric Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer Patrick Warren | Keyboards, Synth [Matrix 1000] Rick Nowels | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Kieron Menzies | Producer Rick Nowels | Recorded By Kieron Menzies | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Chris Garcia (5), Jordan Stilwell | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
4:21 min
Co-producer Devrim Karaoğlu | Drum Programming Kieron Menzies | Drums Devrim Karaoğlu | Engineer [Recording] Kieron Menzies | Keyboards, Bass [Juno Bass], Acoustic Guitar, Drums Rick Nowels | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Kieron Menzies | Producer Rick Nowels | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Chris Garcia (5), Jordan Stilwell | Slide Guitar Tim Pierce | Strings, Glockenspiel, Brass, Organ, Electric Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
Body Electric
3:53 min
Guitar, Organ, Dulcitone, Synthesizer [Moog], Piano, Bells, Keyboards [Optigon], Mellotron Patrick Warren | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Kieron Menzies | Orchestra, Percussion Dan Heath | Piano, Mellotron, Strings Rick Nowels | Producer Dan Heath, Rick Nowels | Recorded By Chris Garcia (5), Dan Heath, Kieron Menzies | Slide Guitar [Slide Electronic Guitar] Tim Pierce | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
Blue Velvet
2:39 min
Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Engineer [Assistant Recording Engineer] Spencer Burgess Jr. | Mixed By Tom Elmhirst | Mixed By [Assisted By] Ben Baptie | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings The Larry Gold Orchestra | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Bernie Wayne, Lee Morris (3)
Gods And Monsters
3:57 min
Arranged By [String Arranger], Horns Dan Heath | Keyboards [Keys], Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Robert Orton | Producer Tim "Rolf" Larcombe | Producer [Additional Production] Emile Haynie | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
5:21 min
Engineer [Vocal] Graham Archer | Mixed By Jeremy Cochise Ball | Producer Dan Heath, Emile Haynie | Strings, Keyboards [Keys] Emile Haynie | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey
Bel Air
4:00 min
Engineer Dan Heath, Nikki Calvert, Tucker Robinson | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Peter Stanislaus | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Jeff Rothschild | Producer Dan Heath | Strings, Piano Dan Heath | Violin Kathleen Sloan, Songa Lee | Vocals, Backing Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Dan Heath, Lana Del Rey
Polydor | Interscope Records
22. ledna 2021
Velká Británie
Lana Del Rey: Born To Die verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Polydor ve spolupráci s Interscope Records dne 22. ledna 2021.
Rok 2012 bude ve znameni Lany Del Rey!Lana Del Rey patří k největším objevům posledních měsíců.Lásce k hudbě podlehla již jako malá, ale až v osmnácti se rozhodla splnit si svůj sen a odešla do New Yorku.„Již od malička jsem věděla, že tam zakotvím. Na tomhle městě miluju úplně vše. Každý den tam strávený mě těší. Pokaždé, když vyjdu ze dveří, si říkám, že to bude pěkný den. New York mě nepřetržitě odměňuje za moji lásku k němu,”uvádí na adresu této hudební meky sama zpěvačka.Obrovský průlom dosáhla již svým nedávným debutovým singlem „Video Games”.Ten se vyšplhal na nejvyšší příčku prodejní hitparády iTunes hned v deseti zemích, mezi kterými najdeme například Německo, Velkou Británii, Austrálii nebo Francii, ale i Českou RepublikuVelmi dobře si zmiňovaný song aktuálně vede i v oficiální české hitparádě IFPI...Produkce Lany Del Rey navíc sklízí i výtečné kritiky, proto se vydání její debutové desky očekává s velkou netrpělivostí.Její album dostalo název „Born To Die” a vychází již 30. ledna. Předcházet mu bude stejnojmenný singl, ke kterému Lana stihla natočit i nádherné video.Sama ke klipu napsala scénář a mimo jiné do klipu obsadila i dva živé tygry. Jak následně o natáčení uvedla, šlo o tu nejkrásnější věc, kterou doposud zažila.
Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [Mixed For] 365 Artists | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Recorded By [Additional Recording By] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [Additional Vocal Noises] Ken Lewis | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Off To The Races
5:01 min
Arranged By [Strings] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Drums, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [Mixed For] 365 Artists | Producer [Produced By] Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Fredrik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Blue Jeans
3:29 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [Mixed For] 365 Artists | Written-By Dan Heath, Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey
Video Games
4:46 min
Producer [Produced], Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew
3:43 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer [Co-produced By] Jeff Bhasker | Drums [Additional Drums] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Drums, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Keyboards, Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Mike Daly
National Anthem
3:51 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath, Larry Gold | Backing Vocals David Sneddon, Emilie Bauer-Mein, James Bauer-Mein | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards], Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocal Production] The Nexus | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey, The Nexus
Dark Paradise
4:03 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer [Co-produced By] Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Guitar Rick Nowels | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Sequenced By [Pads] Dean Reid | Strings [Chamberlain Strings] Patrick Warren | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synthesizer [Additional Synths], Drums [Orchestral Drums] Devrim Karaoğlu | Vocals [Additional Vocals] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
3:35 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [Mixed For] 365 Artists | Producer [Additional Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
4:09 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards], Strings [Additional Strings] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French Vocals] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Million Dollar Man
3:50 min
Drums, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Guitar [Guitars], Piano [Acoustic Piano], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [Mixed For] 365 Artists | Producer [Produced By] Chris Braide | Written-By Chris Braide, Lana Del Rey
Summertime Sadness
4:25 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer [Co-produced By] Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [Mixed For] 365 Artists | Sequenced By [Additional Pads By] Devrim Karaoğlu | Strings [Additional Stings], Guitar [Additional Guitar], Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Patrick Warren | Strings [Additional Strings] Rick Nowels | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
This Is What Makes Us Girls
3:58 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] Emile Haynie | Guitar [Guitars], Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By [Programming] Shux | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Produced By] Shux | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Shux | Strings [Strings Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Vertigo | Universal Music Group
27. ledna 2012
Lana Del Rey: Born To Die verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Vertigo ve spolupráci s Universal Music Group dne 27. ledna 2012.
O Laně Del Rey už není moc co říct. Nechává za sebe mluvit hudbu a své umění, které už ocenily miliony fanoušků po celém světě a všechna média ji dokonce označují za POP fenomén roku 2012! Faktem je, že Lana Del Rey je výjimečná a již nyní mimořádně úspěšná umělkyně - po hitu "Video Games", který se stal hitem číslo 1, nyní přichází debutové album "Born To Die" s písněmi, které si napsala výhradně sama! Někdy se hvězdy vyvíjejí. Někdy jsou nám hvězdy prostě vnuceny. A pak jsou tu někdy hvězdy, které se prostě ponoří do atmosféry, jako by je poháněla nadpozemská síla. Lana Del Rey se svým úžasným charismatem, působivým hlasem, podmanivým vzhledem a jedinečným cítěním patří do této druhé kategorie.
Její jméno straší na internetu už několik měsíců, blogy jsou jím přeplněné. Také umělecký a hudební tisk předpovídal samozvané "gangsterce Nancy Sinatrové" skvělou budoucnost: Die Zeit přinesl titulek: "Lana Del Rey vrací popu jeho velkou pózu" a Rolling Stone to shrnul ve čtyřstránkovém článku: "Lana Del Rey je stále popovou hvězdou ve statusu štěněte. Ale pokud splní slib, který dala v písni "Video Games", rok 2012 by mohl být jejím rokem." Její písně v sobě spojují hudební i vizuální vlivy: David Lynch, soundtracky k černobílým filmům z 50. let, zvuk ruského kola na Coney Islandu, sláva sama. Nad vším se vznáší pocit, že nic z toho dnes neexistuje. Videoklipy Lany Del Rey k písním "Video Games" a "Blue Jeans", které sama produkovala, tyto obrazy a nálady dokonale vyjadřují.
Recenze ,,Popová hudba v dokonalém podání nadané zpěvačky." (Rolling Stone, únor 2012) ,,Lana Del Rey se nejen prosadila, ale také si jí lidé všímají." (Stereoplay, březen 2012) ,,Mainstreamový pop s poselstvím: Po úspěchu ,,Video Games" nyní Lana Del Rey překvapuje svým debutem." (Audio, březen 2012) "Její hluboký, někdy elegantní, jindy zase ospale rozverný hlas má jistou erotickou příchuť, která se projevuje v dubstepových a trip-hopových zvukových krajinách okořeněných smyčcovou omáčkou." (Stereo, duben 2012)
Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop.
Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant] Duncan Fuller | Noises [Additional Vocal Noises] Ken Lewis | Producer, Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Recorded By [Additional] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker
Off To The Races
4:59 min
Arranged By [Strings] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant] Duncan Fuller | Producer, Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Producer, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Frederik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Blue Jeans
3:29 min
Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant] Duncan Fuller | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath | Written-By, Producer, Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie
Video Games
4:41 min
Producer, Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew
3:42 min
Co-producer, Keyboards, Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums [Additional] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer, Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly
National Anthem
3:50 min
Backing Vocals David Sneddon, Emilie Bauer-Mein, James Bauer-Mein | Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Dan Heath, Larry Gold | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Additional], Keyboards [Additional], Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Producer, Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer [Vocals] The Nexus
Dark Paradise
4:03 min
Chamberlin [Chamberlain Strings] Patrick Warren | Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer, Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Synth [Additional], Drums [Orchestral] Devrim Karaoğlu | Synthesizer [Pads] Dean Reid | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Co-producer, Guitar Rick Nowels
3:34 min
Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant] Duncan Fuller | Producer, Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer [Additional] Justin Parker
4:08 min
Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Keyboards [Additional], Strings [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Producer, Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French Vocals] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker
Million Dollar Man
3:51 min
Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant] Duncan Fuller | Producer, Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Producer, Guitar, Piano [Acoustic Piano], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide
Summertime Sadness
4:25 min
Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By Dan Grech-Marguerat | Mixed By [Assistant] Duncan Fuller | Producer, Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Strings [Additional], Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Synthesizer [Additional Pads] Devrim Karaoğlu | Written-By Lana Del Rey | Written-By, Co-producer, Strings [Additional] Rick Nowels
This Is What Makes Us Girls
4:00 min
Conductor [Strings], Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Shux | Producer, Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Strings [Assistant] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
2CD Lana Del Rey: Born To Die (The Paradise Edition)
Paradise Edition
399 Kč
Obrázky pochází z
Paradise Edition
16. listopadu 2012
Lana Del Rey: Born To Die (The Paradise Edition) verze na 2CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Německu ve vydavatelství Vertigo dne 16. listopadu 2012.
Málokdo v posledních 12 měsících zamotal hlavu světu tolik jako Lana Del Rey. Její album "Born To Die" a singly "Video Games", "Born To Die" a "Summertime Sadness" se prodávají po milionech a videoklipy ke každému z nich jsou samy o sobě uměleckým dílem. Kdyby se tedy někdo Lizzy Grantové zeptal: "Co jsi dělala v uplynulém roce?", odpověděla by. - odpověď by musela znít: "Byl jsem tvůrcem stylu". Přední místa v hitparádách po celém světě, nespočet recenzí, ocenění, televizní vystoupení, koncerty, festivaly a všechny ty krásné obálky a titulní strany: Lana Del Rey si již zaslouží titul "Umělec roku". Nová "Paradise Edition" alba Multipaltin "Born To Die" bude obsahovat 8 zbrusu nových skladeb, včetně nového singlu "Ride" a hitu z kampaně H&M "Blue Velvet".
Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop a Trip Hop. Paradise Edition.
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Keyboards, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Brent Kolatalo | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [Additional Vocal Noises] Ken Lewis | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Off To The Races
5:00 min
Arranged By [Strings] Carl Bagge | Cello Pelle Hansen | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Synthesizer, Sampler, Drum Programming Patrik Berger | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie, Patrik Berger | Viola Erik Holm (2) | Violin Fredrik Syberg | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Blue Jeans
3:29 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath | Drums [Additional] Brent Kolatalo, Ken Lewis | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Dan Heath, Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey
Video Games
4:42 min
Producer, Mixed By Robopop (4) | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew
3:43 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer Jeff Bhasker | Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Keyboards, Guitar Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Mike Daly | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Mike Daly
National Anthem
3:51 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Dan Heath, Larry Gold | Backing Vocals David Sneddon, Emile Haynie, James Bauer-Mein | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Guitar [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocals Produced By] David Sneddon, James Bauer-Mein | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey, The Nexus
Dark Paradise
4:03 min
Arranged By, Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Chamberlin [Chamberlain Strings] Patrick Warren | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Guitar Rick Nowels | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synthesizer [Additional Synths], Drums [Orchestral Drums] Devrim Karaoğlu | Synthesizer [Pads] Dean Reid | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
3:35 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
4:09 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Guitar, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Keyboards [Additional], Strings [Additional] Jeff Bhasker | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Additional Production] Jeff Bhasker | Producer [Vocal Production] Justin Parker | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Vocals [French] Lenha Labelle | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
Million Dollar Man
3:52 min
Drums, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Piano [Acoustic Piano], Strings, Drum Programming Chris Braide | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Chris Braide, Emile Haynie | Written-By Chris Braide, Lana Del Rey
Summertime Sadness
4:25 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Drums, Keyboards Emile Haynie | Flute Dan Heath | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings [Additional] Rick Nowels | Strings [Additional], Guitar [Additional], Keyboards [Additional] Patrick Warren | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Synthesizer [Additional Pads] Devrim Karaoğlu | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
This Is What Makes Us Girls
3:58 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Drums, Sounds, Keyboards [Additional] Emile Haynie | Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Programmed By Shux | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assistant Mixers] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie, Shux | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Shux | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Jim Irvin, Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
Without You
3:49 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Engineer Lorenzo Cosi | Keyboards, Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Mixed By [Assistant Mixer] Duncan Fuller | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Omnichord [Played By] Sacha Skarbek | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocals Produced By] Sacha Skarbek | Strings [Additional] Dan Heath | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Sacha Skarbek
3:40 min
Backing Vocals Hannah Robinson | Co-producer [For This Much Talent] Liam Howe | Keyboards [Additional], Programmed By Liam Howe | Mixed By [For 365 Artists] Dan Grech-Marguerat | Producer Emile Haynie | Written-By Hannah Robinson, Lana Del Rey, Liam Howe
Lucky Ones
3:47 min
Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] Larry Gold | Co-producer Rick Nowels | Engineer Kieron Menzies | Keyboards Rick Nowels | Keyboards, Drums, Guitar Emile Haynie | Mixed By Manny Marroquin | Mixed By [Assisted By] Chris Galland, Erik Madrid | Producer Emile Haynie | Producer [Vocal Production] Rick Nowels | Strings [Assisted By] Steve Tirpak | Strings, Guitar, Keyboards Patrick Warren | Vocals [Additional] Maria Vidal | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
The Paradise Edition
4:50 min
Arranged By [Strings] Dan Heath | Bass Jason Lader | Drums James Gadson | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Andrew Scheps | Piano, Keyboards Zac Rae | Producer Rick Rubin | Recorded By Jason Lader | Recorded By [Assisted By] Eric Lynn, Sean Oakley | Recorded By [Strings] Tucker Robinson | Violin Kathleen Sloan, Songa Lee | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Justin Parker, Lana Del Rey
4:09 min
Arranged By [Orchestral Arrangement] Dan Heath | Co-producer Emile Haynie | Drums Emile Haynie | Electric Guitar Tim Pierce | Electric Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer Patrick Warren | Keyboards, Synth [Matrix 1000] Rick Nowels | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Kieron Menzies | Producer Rick Nowels | Recorded By Kieron Menzies | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Chris Garcia (5), Jordan Stilwell | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Emile Haynie, Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
4:21 min
Co-producer Devrim Karaoğlu | Drum Programming Kieron Menzies | Drums Devrim Karaoğlu | Engineer [Recording] Kieron Menzies | Keyboards, Bass [Juno Bass], Acoustic Guitar, Drums Rick Nowels | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Kieron Menzies | Producer Rick Nowels | Recorded By [Additional Recording] Chris Garcia (5), Jordan Stilwell | Slide Guitar Tim Pierce | Strings, Glockenspiel, Brass, Organ, Electric Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer Patrick Warren | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
Body Electric
3:53 min
Guitar, Organ, Dulcitone, Synthesizer [Moog], Piano, Bells, Keyboards [Optigon], Mellotron Patrick Warren | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Kieron Menzies | Orchestra, Percussion Dan Heath | Piano, Mellotron, Strings Rick Nowels | Producer Dan Heath, Rick Nowels | Recorded By Chris Garcia (5), Dan Heath, Kieron Menzies | Slide Guitar [Slide Electronic Guitar] Tim Pierce | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Rick Nowels
Blue Velvet
2:39 min
Arranged By [Strings] Larry Gold | Engineer [Assistant Recording Engineer] Spencer Burgess Jr. | Mixed By Tom Elmhirst | Mixed By [Assisted By] Ben Baptie | Producer Emile Haynie | Strings The Larry Gold Orchestra | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Bernie Wayne, Lee Morris (3)
Gods And Monsters
3:57 min
Arranged By [String Arranger], Horns Dan Heath | Keyboards [Keys], Guitar, Drums Emile Haynie | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Robert Orton | Producer Tim "Rolf" Larcombe | Producer [Additional Production] Emile Haynie | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey, Tim "Rolf" Larcombe
5:21 min
Engineer [Vocal] Graham Archer | Mixed By Jeremy Cochise Ball | Producer Dan Heath, Emile Haynie | Strings, Keyboards [Keys] Emile Haynie | Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Lana Del Rey
Bel Air
4:00 min
Engineer Dan Heath, Nikki Calvert, Tucker Robinson | Engineer [Mix Engineer] Peter Stanislaus | Lyrics By, Music By [Melody Written By] Lana Del Rey | Mixed By Jeff Rothschild | Producer Dan Heath | Strings, Piano Dan Heath | Violin Kathleen Sloan, Songa Lee | Vocals, Backing Vocals Lana Del Rey | Written-By Dan Heath, Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey je americká zpěvačka a skladatelka, známá svým filmovým stylem a melancholickými tématy, v nichž často zkoumá temné stránky půvabu, slávy a romantiky. Narodila se jako Elizabeth Woolridge Grant 21. června 1985 v New Yorku a na hudební dráhu se vydala v roce 2005, ale ...
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