To Pimp A Butterfly - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD ve 2 vydáních. Kendrick Lamar Třetí album To Pimp a Butterfly vyšlo v březnu 2015 a dočkalo se příznivého přijetí kritiky. Album je rozsáhlé, ambiciózní dílo, které se dotýká různých témat, od hnut...  Více

Dostupné ve 2 vydáních


2LP Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly 180g Gatefold Vinyl

987 Kč Skladem
2LP Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly
2LP Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly
2LP Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly
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180g Gatefold Vinyl

Top Dawg Entertainment | Aftermath Entertainment | Interscope Records 23. října 2015 USA

Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly verze na vinylu 2LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v USA ve vydavatelství Top Dawg Entertainment ve spolupráci s Aftermath Entertainment a Interscope Records dne 23. října 2015.

Fanoušci i kritici po celém světě se shodují: "To Pimp A Butterfly" je pravděpodobně nejdůležitější hiphopové album roku 2015. Nyní toto mistrovské dílo konečně vychází na dvojitém vinylu. Reakce tisku a médií: SPIEGEL ONLINE: "jemně plynoucí mistrovské dílo soulu, jazzu a politického poselství. Měla by elektrizovat mnoho posluchačů." INTRO: "Deska s květnatým názvem, který je pro hip hop tak netypický, je důležitá nejen pro něj, ale i pro nás, protože předznamenává obrat v čase." DIE ZEIT: "Od protestů ve Fergusonu se v popkultuře něco hýbe. Nyní rapper Kendrick Lamar oživuje protestní píseň působivým albem." DIE WELT: "Rapper Kendrick Lamar se jen těžko zachrání před úspěchem. Na svém novém albu To Pimp a Butterfly se snaží komerčně sabotovat sám sebe. Bezvýsledně. Je to jeho mistrovské dílo." Recenze: "Lamar (...) mistrovsky žongluje se styly, náladami a písničkovým vyprávěním, které nemá nejen v hip hopu obdoby." (MINT, leden 2016)

Album zasahuje do žánrů Funk / Soul, Hip Hop, Conscious Hip Hop, Pop Rap, G-Funk a Jazz Rap.

ID: 36785 EAN: 0602547311009 Discogs ID: 7557957
A1 Wesley's Theory
Backing Vocals Anna Wise, Ash Riser, Dr. Dre, Josef Leimberg, Whitney Alford | Featuring George Clinton, Thundercat | Horns, Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Producer Flying Lotus | Producer [Additional Production] Pop Wansel, Sounwave, Stephen Bruner | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Boris Gardiner, George Clinton, Kendrick Duckworth
A2 For Free? (Interlude)
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Anna Wise, Darlene Tibbs | Bass Brandon "Eugene" Owens | Drums Robert "Sput" Searight | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Organ Craig Brockman | Piano Robert Glasper | Producer Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
A3 King Kunta
Backing Vocals Whitney Alford | Bass Miles Mosley, Stephen Bruner | Cello Adrienne Woods, Ginger Murphy | Guitar [Additional Guitar] Marlon Williams (3), Matt Schaeffer | Producer Sounwave | Producer [Additional Production] Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Trombone Ryan Porter | Viola Andrea Whitt, Molly Rogers | Violin Jen Simone, Neel Hammond, Tylana Enomoto | Written-By Ahmad Lewis (2), David Blake, Gordy Stefan Kendal, Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Michael Jackson, T. Lane (2)
A4 Institutionalized
Backing Vocals Taz Arnold | Cello Gabriel Noel | Clarinet Pedro Castro (4) | Featuring Anna Wise, Bilal, Snoop Dogg | Keyboards Sam Barsh | Producer Fredrik "Tommy Black" Halldin, Rahki | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Violin Paul Cartwright | Written-By Columbus Smith, Fredrik "Tommy Black" Halldin, Kendrick Duckworth, Sam Barsh
A5 These Walls
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Bass [Additional Bass] Stephen Bruner | Cello Adrienne Woods, Ginger Murphy | Double Bass [Upright Bass] Miles Mosley | Featuring Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat | Guitar Greg Moore, Marlon Williams (3) | Keyboards Larrance Dopson, Robert Glasper, Terrace Martin | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer Larrance Dopson, Terrace Martin | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Trombone Ryan Porter | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Viola Andrea Whitt, Molly Rogers | Violin Jen Simone, Neel Hammond, Tylana Enomoto | Written-By Anna Wise, James Fauntleroy II, Kendrick Duckworth, Larrance Dopson, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
B1 U
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Bilal, Jessica Vielmas, SZA (2), Whoarei | Baritone Saxophone Adam Turchin | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Producer Taz Arnold, Whoarei | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, Matt Schaeffer | Tenor Saxophone Kamasi Washington | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Michael Brown (37), Taz Arnold
B2 Alright
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Candace Wakefield, Pharrell Williams, Stephen Bruner | Engineer [Additional Engineering] Andrew Coleman (3), Hart Gunther, Mike Larson (4) | Producer Pharrell Williams | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave | Recorded By James Hunt (7) | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Pharrell Williams
B3 For Sale? (Interlude)
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Bilal, Preston Harris, SZA (2), Taz Arnold | Producer Taz Arnold | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave, Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Taz Arnold
B4 Momma
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards, Vocoder Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Bilal, Lalah Hathaway, Taz Arnold | Producer Knxwledge, Taz Arnold | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Lalah Hathaway, Rahsaan Patterson, Rex Rideout, Sylvester Stewart, Taz Arnold
C1 Hood Politics
Backing Vocals Anna Wise, Bilal, Dion Friley, Preston Harris | Keyboards Robert "Sput" Searight, Terrace Martin | Producer Sounwave, Tae Beast, Thundercat | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Written-By Donte Perkins, Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Stephen Bruner, Sufjan Stevens
C2 How Much A Dollar Cost
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards Terrace Martin | Cello Adrienne Woods, Ginger Murphy | Double Bass [Upright Bass] Gabriel Noel, Miles Mosley | Featuring James Fauntleroy II, Ronald Isley | Flute Rickey Washington | French Horn Amy Sanchez | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer LoveDragon | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Recorded By [Ronald Isley Verse] Thomas Burns (3) | Trombone Ryan Porter | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Viola Andrea Whitt, Molly Rogers | Violin Jen Simone, Neel Hammond, Paul Cartwright, Tylana Enomoto | Written-By James Fauntleroy II, Josef Leimberg, Kendrick Duckworth, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
C3 Complexion (A Zulu Love)
Backing Vocals JaVonté, Lalah Hathaway, Pete Rock, Shava'sha Dickerson, Stephen Bruner, Talkbox Monte | Featuring Rapsody (2) | Keyboards Robert Glasper, Terrace Martin | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer Sounwave, Thundercat | Producer [Additional Production] Terrace Martin, The Antydote | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, Matt Schaeffer | Recorded By [Rapsody's Verse] 9th Wonder | Scratches Pete Rock | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Stephen Bruner
C4 The Blacker The Berry
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Lalah Hathaway, Wyann Vaughn | Bass Stephen Bruner | Drum Programming [Additional Drum Programming], Engineer [Additional Engineering] Katalyst (9) | Drums Ronald Bruner Jr. | Featuring Assassin, Lalah Hathaway | Keyboards Robert Glasper | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer Boi-1da, Stephen Kozmeniuk | Producer [Additional Production] Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Written-By Alexander Izquierdo, Brent Kolatalo, Jeffrey Campbell (2), Ken Lewis, Kendrick Duckworth, Matthew Jehu Samuels, Stephen Kozmeniuk, Zale Epstein
D1 You Ain't Gotta Lie (Momma Said)
Alto Saxophone, Vocoder Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals JaVonté, Preston Harris, Stephen Bruner, Wyann Vaughn | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Keyboards Sounwave, Terrace Martin | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer LoveDragon | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Josef Leimberg, Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
D2 I
Backing Vocals Candace Wakefield, Dave Free, Devon Downing, Dion Friley, Edwin Orellana, Taz Arnold, Z Most | Bass Chris Smith (42), Stephen Bruner | Drums Kendall Lewis | Guitar Keith Askey | Keyboards Sam Barsh | Percussion Rahki | Producer Rahki | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Recorded By [Ronald Isley] Thomas Burns (3) | Vocals [Additional Vocals] Ronald Isley | Written-By Chris Jasper, Columbus Smith, Ernie Isley, Kendrick Duckworth, Marvin Isley, O'Kelly Isley, Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley
D3 Mortal Man
Alto Saxophone, Horns Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals JaVonté, James Fauntleroy II, Wyann Vaughn | Bass Brandon "Eugene" Owens, Miles Mosley, Stephen Bruner | Cello Adrienne Woods, Ginger Murphy | Drums Trevor Lawrence Jr. | Flute Rickey Washington | French Horn Amy Sanchez | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Keyboards Junius Bervine, Robert Glasper | Producer Sounwave | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Trombone Ryan Porter | Trumpet Ambrose Akinmusire, Josef Leimberg | Viola Andrea Whitt, Molly Rogers | Violin Jen Simone, Neel Hammond, Paul Cartwright, Tylana Enomoto | Written-By Fela Kuti, Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Stephen Bruner
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CD Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly Explicit

257 Kč Skladem
CD Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly
CD Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly
CD Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly
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Top Dawg Entertainment | Aftermath Entertainment | Interscope Records 3. července 2015 Evropa

Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp A Butterfly verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Top Dawg Entertainment ve spolupráci s Aftermath Entertainment a Interscope Records dne 3. července 2015.

Americký hip hopový umělec Kendrick Lamar vydává novou studiovou desku.Sedmadvacetiletý rodák z Kalifornie se hudbě věnuje profesionálně již deset let, ale velký zlom přišel až v roce 2012, kdy podepsal smlouvu s velkým labelem. Do dnešního dne má na svém kontě dvě desky, jedno EP, několik povedených hitů a spolupracoval například s Drakem, Robinem Thickem, Adamem Levinem, Imagine Dragons nebo Alicii Keys...Kendrickovo poslední album Good Kid, M.A.A.D City bylo komerčně velmi úspěšné. Jen v Americe se ho prodalo na jeden a čtvrt miliónů kusů, což mělo za následek i několik nominací na prestižní ceny Grammy - včetně nominace v kategorii Album roku! Nyní se Kendrick konečně vrací s novým singlem, kterým ohlašuje dokončení další studiové desky...„Nejlepší rapper na světě ”- New Zealand Herald (NZ)„Jedno z opravdu skvělých hip-hopových alb současnosti”- Gigwise (UK)„tohle album je absolutně senzační”- GQ Magazine (UK)„masterpiece mixující Soul, Jazz & polititický názor” / „okamžitá klasika” -Spiegel (Germany)„Jediné, co můžeme dělat, je obdivovat Kendrickovu genialitu na tomhle mistrovském díle”- Noisey„Lamar nenechává nikoho pochybovat, že si, víc než kdokoli jiný, vydobil místoTupacova nástupce.”- The Washington Post (USA)„Kendrick Lamar dělá hudbu, jakou jste ještě neslyšeli ”- Aftonbladet (Sweden)„To Pimp A Butterfly” je fantastická deska„-SvD (Sweden)” Svěží zvuk. Nový mezník v žánru hip-hop„- Kurier (Austria)”... jedno z nejintenzivnějších hiphopových alb všech dob..." - Soundvenue (Denmark)

Album zasahuje do žánrů Funk / Soul, Hip Hop, Conscious Hip Hop, Pop Rap, G-Funk a Jazz Rap. Explicit.

ID: 36784 EAN: 0602547300683 Discogs ID: 7002691
1 Wesley's Theory 4:47 min
Backing Vocals Anna Wise, Ash Riser, Dr. Dre, Josef Leimberg, Whitney Alford | Featuring George Clinton, Thundercat | Horns, Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Producer Flying Lotus, Ronald "Flip" Colson | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave, Stephen Bruner | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Boris Gardiner, George Clinton, Kendrick Duckworth, Ronald "Flip" Colson, Stephen Bruner, Steven Ellison
2 For Free? (Interlude) 2:11 min
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Anna Wise, Darlene Tibbs | Bass Brandon "Eugene" Owens | Drums Robert "Sput" Searight | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Organ Craig Brockman | Piano Robert Glasper | Producer Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
3 King Kunta 3:55 min
Backing Vocals Whitney Alford | Bass Stephen Bruner | Guitar [Additional Guitar] Marlon Williams (3), Matt Schaeffer | Producer Sounwave | Producer [Additional Production] Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Written-By Ahmad Lewis (2), David Blake, Gordy Stefan Kendal, Johnny Burns (2), Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Michael Jackson
4 Institutionalized 4:32 min
Backing Vocals Taz Arnold | Cello Gabriel Noel | Clarinet Pedro Castro (4) | Featuring Anna Wise, Bilal, Snoop Dogg | Keyboards Sam Barsh | Producer Fredrik "Tommy Black" Halldin, Rahki | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Violin Paul Cartwright | Written-By Columbus Smith, Fredrik "Tommy Black" Halldin, Kendrick Duckworth
5 These Walls 5:01 min
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Bass [Additional Bass] Stephen Bruner | Featuring Anna Wise, Bilal, Thundercat | Guitar Greg Moore, Marlon Williams (3) | Keyboards Larrance Dopson, Robert Glasper, Terrace Martin | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer Larrance Dopson, Terrace Martin | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By James Fauntleroy II, Kendrick Duckworth, Larrance Dopson, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
6 U 4:28 min
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Bilal, Jessica Vielmas, SZA (2) | Baritone Saxophone Adam Turchin | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Producer Taz Arnold, Whoarei | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, Matt Schaeffer | Tenor Saxophone Kamasi Washington | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Michael Brown (37), Taz Arnold
7 Alright 3:39 min
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Candace Wakefield, Pharrell Williams, Stephen Bruner | Producer Pharrell Williams, Sounwave | Recorded By James Hunt (7) | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Pharrell Williams
8 For Sale? (Interlude) 4:52 min
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Bilal, Preston Harris, SZA (2), Taz Arnold | Producer Taz Arnold | Producer [Additional Production] Sounwave, Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Taz Arnold
9 Momma 4:43 min
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards, Vocoder Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Bilal, Lalah Hathaway | Producer Knxwledge, Taz Arnold | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Written-By Glen Boothe, Kendrick Duckworth, Lalah Hathaway, Rahsaan Patterson, Rex Rideout, Sylvester Stewart, Taz Arnold
10 Hood Politics 4:53 min
Backing Vocals Anna Wise, Bilal, Dion Friley, Preston Harris | Keyboards Robert "Sput" Searight, Terrace Martin | Producer Sounwave, Tae Beast, Thundercat | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7) | Written-By Donte Perkins, Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Stephen Bruner, Sufjan Stevens
11 How Much A Dollar Cost 4:22 min
Alto Saxophone, Keyboards Terrace Martin | Featuring James Fauntleroy II, Ronald Isley | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer LoveDragon | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Recorded By [Ronald Isley Verse] Thomas Burns (3) | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By James Fauntleroy II, Josef Leimberg, Kendrick Duckworth, Ronald Isley, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
12 Complexion (A Zulu Love) 4:23 min
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals JaVonté, Lalah Hathaway, Stephen Bruner, Talkbox Monte | Backing Vocals, Scratches Pete Rock | Featuring Rapsody (2) | Keyboards Robert Glasper, Terrace Martin | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer Sounwave, Thundercat | Producer [Additional Production] Terrace Martin, The Antydote | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, Matt Schaeffer | Recorded By [Rapsody's Verse] 9th Wonder | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Marlanna Evans, Stephen Bruner
13 The Blacker The Berry 5:29 min
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals Lalah Hathaway | Bass Stephen Bruner | Drum Programming [Additional Drum Programming], Engineer [Additional Engineering] Katalyst (9) | Drums Ronald Bruner Jr. | Keyboards Robert Glasper | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer Boi-1da, Stephen Kozmeniuk | Producer [Additional Production] Terrace Martin | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Written-By Alexander Izquierdo, Brent Kolatalo, Jeffrey Campbell (2), Ken Lewis, Kendrick Duckworth, Matthew Jehu Samuels, Stephen Kozmeniuk, Zale Epstein
14 You Ain't Gotta Lie (Momma Said) 4:02 min
Alto Saxophone, Vocoder Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals JaVonté, Preston Harris, Stephen Bruner, Wyann Vaughn | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Keyboards Sounwave, Terrace Martin | Percussion Larrance Dopson | Producer LoveDragon | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Trumpet Josef Leimberg | Written-By Josef Leimberg, Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Rose McKinney, Terrace Martin
15 I 5:36 min
Backing Vocals Candace Wakefield, Dave Free, Devon Downing, Dion Friley, Edwin Orellana, Taz Arnold, William Swept | Bass Chris Smith (42), Stephen Bruner | Drums Kendall Lewis | Guitar Keith Askey | Keyboards Sam Barsh | Percussion Rahki | Producer Rahki | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Recorded By [Ronald Isley] Thomas Burns (3) | Vocals [Additional Vocals] Ronald Isley | Written-By Chris Jasper, Columbus Smith, Ernie Isley, Kendrick Duckworth, Marvin Isley, O'Kelly Isley, Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley
16 Mortal Man 12:07 min
Alto Saxophone Terrace Martin | Backing Vocals JaVonté, James Fauntleroy II | Bass Stephen Bruner | Guitar Marlon Williams (3) | Keyboards Junius Bervine, Robert Glasper | Producer Sounwave | Recorded By Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, James Hunt (7), Matt Schaeffer | Trumpet Ambrose Akinmusire, Josef Leimberg | Written-By Fehintola Anikulapo Kuti, Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Stephen Bruner
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Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar
Kendrick Lamar je vlivný americký rapper a skladatel pocházející z Comptonu v Kalifornii. Poprvé na sebe výrazně upozornil vydáním nezávislého alba "Section.80" v roce 2011, ale teprve jeho druhé studiové album "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City" vydané v roce 2012 ho katapultovalo k úspěchu...

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